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The evening bulletin. [volume] (Maysville, Ky.) 1887-1905, May 07, 1904, Image 2

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Evening Bulletin.
I For the 21 hours eiidine at 6:30 a. m.t
StRte of w. ather Clear
HltrheM temperature , SO
Lowest temperature- 62
Mean temnerature 70.5
Wind direction Southerly
Precipitation (Inches) rain or snow .00
Previously reported lor May 00
Total for May to date T
May 7th. 0-10 h. m. Stunner to-nUjM and Sunday
Oookr Sunday
Of course the betf truet Is notsgoinR to
allow the duty taken oil' of bides as long
as there is a Republican administration.
If there is any part of an animal used by
the truBt that the latter does not pet the
benefit of, it has not yet been discovered.
As Mr. Dooloyputs it, "a cow goes lowin'
softly to Armour's an"' comes out glue,
beef, gelatine, fertyl'zer, celooloid, joolry,
sofy cushions, bair restorer, washin' sody,
soap, lithrachoor and bed springs so
quick that while aft she's still cow, for'
rard she may be anything fi'm buttons
to panyma hats." Tho hide goes with
the cow and the price of the cow is fixed
by the packers' combine. Therefore the
duty on imported hides is no protection
to the man who raised the cow. All that
it does is to enable the combine to charge
a larger price for hides, which is added
to the cost of shoes, and amounts to an
unnecessary tax on the people. And
the people have to foot the bill or go
The Republicans of the State of Now
York, amongst other planks in their plat
form, adopted the following on the tariff:
Wo reaffirm our belief that the greatest
national issue is the maintenance of
prosperity, and we stand squarely for tho
integrity of the principles of a protective
tariff. That principle is required to
maintain the highest scale of American
wages and the supremacy of the Ameri
can workshop.
On the day following the convention,
the press dispatches from Now York
City announced that "an enormous
crowd of men and women, estimated at
8,000, stood around a new department
Btore seeking work at very low wages ; so
great was the crowd that a force of extra
police was necessary to keep order."
"The efforts of these poor people," re
marks the Indianapolis Sentinel, "to get
a chance for employment 'did not verify
the Republican claim of prosperity, nor
did the small amount of wages offered
prove that protection had maintained
'the highest scale of American wages.'"
Until People Are Given Chance to Express
Their Wishes The Republican
Colonel F. C. Coles, of Ashland, Ky.,
President of the Ashland Coal and Iron
Company, is at the Emery.
'I was a delegate to the Louisville
convention," said he, "but I am out of
politics now until the people have a
chance to express their preference free
from the domination of Federal office
holders, who hold the whole thing in the
hollow of their hand. They could not
beat Bradley for delegate, he having
1,900 votea out of the 2.200 in the con
vention, but I thought the honors of the
convention ought, at least, to have been
divided with the old, tried and success
ful leader. He could not buck against
the Internal Revenue machine, but he
will second the nomination of Roosevelt
at the National convention. Bradley is
sincerely a Roosevelt man. Strange it
was that the name of our late candidate
for Governor, Colonel Morris B. Belk
nap, was not mentioned in the Louisville
convention dominated by the same forces
that nominated him last year. He oc
cupied a lonely seat in the gallery. So
soon are we forgotten in politics."
The Richie whose heirs are advertised
for was a nephew of the late Dr. James
Richie, a native of Washington, and a
distinguished citizen of New Orleans for
-many years, having been Chairman of
the first secession convention assembled
in that city.
i i
Poyntz Bros, are tho only Maysville
distillers selling pure liquors by the
quart, gallon or barrel, direct from dis
tillery to consumer. Seven-year-old
whisky $2 per gallon. Age and quality
guaranteed. Get tho best. Office 120
Market Btreot Watson'a old stand.
Top Carr is a funny man. The late
Bill Nye proclaimed him "A fountain of
wit." When Ezra Kendall left the min
strel field tho only person capabloof tak
ing hie place was Pop Carr. Ho more
than made good. Mr. Carr will appear
in the first part of tho Ted E. Faust Min.
Btrela at the opera house on Monday,
May 0th, as premier end man and also
in tho olio in his celebrated monologue.
His talk is finished, very artistic and his
songs are the talk of tho day. Seats now
on sale at Ray's.
IPlttsburg ihronlcle.1
Same old thing,
Comes . very sprltig.
li's laic this year,
Hut It's nere
Just the same.
Same weary frame, --
Ucaln fag, t ,
Lees that lag;
Don't want to walk,
Don't even want to talk, ,
Hate to work,
Would toouer shirk,
No aching bones,
No groans,
But just all-fired
Waut to loaf around
Where work can't be found,
Where there's nothing to do
Hut sit and view
The scenery.
The greenery.
And all (he things thatarespriug's.
Want to be out somewhere
In the open air,
And hear the birds sing
As they swing
Ou twigs that oscillate
Beneath their weight.
Often wish
For a chance to fish,
If a stream could be found
Without covering much ground,
For It Isn't hard to bait
A hook, and then Just wait
For the fish to bite;
Even if they don't It's all right,
Because there'd be nothing to lug
Back home but the pole and jug.
Dou't have to go
To a doctor in order to know
What has gone astray
When a fellow feels this way.
It's the spring fever sure,
And tho only cure
Is to loaf to-day,
And the coming day.
And every other day,
Till it goes away.
Results or Small Sums of Money.
The following shows how easy it is to
accumulate a fortune, provided proper
are taken. The table shows what would
be the result at the end of fifty years by
saving at certain amount each day at the
rate of G percent:
Dally Saitiifti. The JlctuU.
One cent S 050
Teu cents.., .'. 9,501
Twenty cents , 19,000
Thirty cents 23,512
Forty cents S3.015
Fifty cents -Jfi2Q
Sixty cents ., .57,021
Seventy cents GG.52S
Eighty cents 76,032
Ninety cents 85,537
One dollar 95,031
Five dollars 175,203
Nearly every person wastes enough in
twenty or thirty years, which, if saved
and carefully invested, would make a
family quite independent; but the prin
ciple of small savings has been lost Bight
of in the general desire to become wealthy.
Maysville's New School Superintendent.
West Union Defender.
Superintendent D. S. dinger of the
Manchester Public Schools, a position he
has filled for a number of years with
credit to himself and perfect satisfaction
to the patrons of the school, was em
ployed by the Board of Eiucation of the
Ma sville Public Schools upon the firet
ballot, notwithstanding the fact that
there were forty-five other applicants.
This flattering compliment to Superin
tendent dinger time will prove is not
misplaced confidence, as he will demon
strate to the people of Maysville, as he
has to tho citizens of southern Ohio, his
splendid ability as an educator as well as
gentlemanly bearing under whatever
The pastor Rev. H. Ti Musselman will
preach at the First Baptist Church at
usual hours to morrow. At night he will
deliver the second of his series of ser
mons on Christ in the business world,
subject "ChriBt and the Manufacturer."
The Ithaca Concert Company will eing
at the morning service.
A few of the Kentucky cardinals are to
be seen in the county th's season, and
they are very beautiful in their bright
and splendid plumage.
.i .i i i
The Mieses Longnecker were visitors
in the city Friday.
Prof. J. H. Rowland of Delaware, O.,
is in town visiting friends.
Col. W. B. Carpentor of Cincinnati
leaves next week for Michigan.
Miss Addio Dailoy is visiting her
cousin Miss Ora Douglass of Aberdeen.
Mrs. James Redmond is visiting
Mrs. W. F. Tamme in Bourbon Oounty.
Mrs. George Schatzmarfn and Mrs.
H. T. Ennis are visiting at RussellvilLo, O.
Mrs. Nannie Clary of Shannon was
tho guest of Mrs. J. H. Worthington near
the city Thursday.
Prof. R. F. Gaither and wife of
Ghent wore in town Thursday en route
to their old homo at Lewiaburg.
Miss Eliza Marshall returned to her
homojn Fleming County Friday after a
visit of several days, at Washington.
Prof. W. R. Chandler of Mayslick
was in town Friday visiting relatives and
attending to some business matters.
Mr. Samuel Riggs, Private Secretary
to Congressman Kohoe, arrived Friday
from Washington City, accompanied by
Mrs. RiggSi
Mrs. F. Hotz of Portsmouth is spend
ing a few days -with the family of her
son, Mr. Joseph Diener, of Plumvillo and
visiting iriemis nere.
Hundreds More in Maysville in
the Same Plight.
Tired all the time;
Weary and worn out night and day ;
Backaches; side aches,
All on account of the kidneys.
Must help them at their work.
A Maysville citizen Bhowa you how:
Mrs. J. A. Tliomas, of 311 East Second
street, says: "The result of my experi
ence with Doan's Kidney Pills was most
gratifying and their use brought speedy
relief to backache which had been a
source of much discomfort to me for
some time. It is a pleasure to indorse a
remedy of such proven value. I pro
cured Doan'a Kidney Pills at J. Jas.
Wood & Son'a drug store, corner of West
Second and Market streets."
For Bale by all dealers; price 50 cents
a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name DOAN'S and
take no substitute.
Novel Method of Curing Catarrh Sold on
Approval by J. James Wood
& Son.
The popularity and remarkable sales
of Hyomei have broken all records. In
nearly every city and town in the
country, this guaranteed cure for ca
tarrh has given most astonishing results.
The leading druggists are so enthusi
astic over the remarkable percentage of
cures following tho use of Hyomei, that
with hardly an exception, thoy advertise
to their customers that Hyomei will be
sold with the understanding that it costs
nothing unless it cures.
In Maysville Wood k Son are endors
ing it and guaranteeing to refund the
money unless Hyomei cures catarrh.
They have sold a great many Hyomei
outfits, and to-day no other treatment
,for the cure of catarrh has as many
I friends in Maysville and vicinity as Hy.
It is a scientific, yet common sense
method of treating and curing this too
common disease. It sends by direct in
halation to every cell of the air passages
in the head, throat and lungs, a balsamic
air that destroyes all catarrhal germs,
purifies the blood with additional ozone,
and makes a complete and lasting cure
of any catarrhal trouble.
The complete outfit costs but SI, and
includes an inhaler, medicine dropper
and sufficient Hyomei lor several wejks
You take no risk in buying Hyomei.
;J. J. Wood & Son positively guarantees
to retund your money unless it cures.
The dirt and dust that has accumulated
during the winter must be gotten rid of.
Every one dreads the thought of Spring
cleaning. To make your-work easy and to
get through sooner we suggest the use of the
articles in the list below :
AMMONIA, strong, per bottle, JOc.
SPONGES, JOc. to 50c.
SULPHUR CANDLES, to extinguish
moths, 10c.
BORAX in bulk, cheaper than packages,
20c. pound. ,
MOTH BALLS, good to lay away with
whiter clothing.
INSECT POWDER,Poshing and Clean
ing Powders, Soaps, Chamois and anything1
in the cleaning line.
Touch up the old woodwork and Furni
ture with a coat of Varnish or Paint.
LOST OR BTBAYKD-From tho farm of tho
late Charles Dlmmltt at Dimmltt's Station
eleven ewes, ono buck aud four lambs. One of
tho lambs is black, Reward of S3 for return of
same, or for Information learilug to their recov
ery. MRS. MARY L. DIMMITT, Rural Route No.
3, Maytvillo, Ky. 7-dl2t
River News.
Ben Hur and Stanley will pass down
The Charles Brown passed up Friday
with empties.
The warm weather haa improved pas
senger business on the packets.
Tho Queen City is to-nlght'a packet
for Pittsburg and the Bonanza for Pomo-roy.
of Beauty and Little Price!
The spring shirt waist suit, or Kown, demands a bit of new neckwear to top it -ofl.
Plenty of new fancies in neckwear here at the popular prices, Hoc. and 50c.
Stock collars of lace, fancy Madras, embroidered linen or faggoting. Turn
over Collar and Cuff Sete. Hemstitched linen starched collars.
Stock Collars in Bulgarian and Persian effects, silk in white ami colors, em
broidered scrim, faggoting, lace and linen.
When you start out to buv CarpetP, Mattings or Rugs it ia your aim to se
cure the best possible values. You want to see a stock of unquestioned quality,
and strictly in touch with the newest designs for there are fashion changes in car
pets as well as in dreas goods. ,,m
Note the style as well aa the quality and price ? Why sacrifice carpet fashion when
it is so easy to secure it here? It ia our constant aim to be in line with carpet
progreaa. It pays ub and it will pay you. Passe styles are strangers to us. We
want your carpet dollars and we'll make it worth your while to leave them here.
All prices from 25c. to SI J.
Every Size, All Kinds, Many Colors in
The largest selection in Maysville cf new every thread new, not rotten with o'd age.
Black, brown, aky blue, dark blue, pink, orange, white and natural. See our dollar
silk in blue and pink, a good number among many. We fit you right, we do not
give you" any old size, but give every man his correct measurement. hy not ?
We have the size aud the price 25c. a garment to SI 50.
"ITTANTED A cook for a small family. Ap
V ply at 227 Sutton street. C-d3t
WANTED-Used Piano: would purchase an
old Square if in good couditlon und quite
cheap. State lowest price In first offer, as mere
will be no dickering. Address Box 431, Maysville.
We are authorized to announce Congressman
JAMES N KEHOEasa caudldate for re-election
November, 1001, subject to the action of 'the
Democratic party.
Mosquitoes and .Malaria.
Editor Bulletin : The warm weather has come
and we shall soon 'have mosquitoes. Recent
experiments and observations have conclusively
settled the fact that malarial fever is the result
of mosquito poisoning. It will be well therefore
for the authorities and the Inhabitants take
such measures as the latest scientific research
suggest. All stagnant water should be covered
with a thin coating of oil. A few barrels would
suffice. There is no danger from the river or
rnnning water. The fish eat the eggs and larva.
When such a little cost of work and money will
savo human suffering and valuable lives such
work and cost ought not to be begrudged.
The inhabitants should look well tp their
premises. Water barrels, old tin cans and stand
ing water ot any sort are breeding places for
these pests. After the heavy spring and summer
showers all such water should be either covered
or cleared away. Care and attention will rid
the city of this danger to a considerable extent,
aud preserve the good health aud low rate of
mortality we now enjoy. Truly yours,
Dallas Humphreys.
This tribute of respect is due Dallas Humph
reys, colored, aged thirty-three years, who died
at the home of Mr.JJeu Longnecker near Mays
lick, 'April 5. The Humphreys have remained
In" this family since slave days, and have always
been Industrious and trustworthy, Dallas was
foud of books, a man of good habits, very oblig
ing and had many friends.
A new line cf wall paper at reduced
prices for this month at Hainline'e.
a baby who
Is the pride
of our home
and this is all
Cut) to your
AU druggists sell $1.00
Baron Star 2:28
Bay Stallion, 16 hands, by Baron Wilkes 2:18.
He is the sire of Col. Baldwlu 2:09. Alex 2:11K.
Georpre M. 2:15, New Star 2:lH, Hannah 2ia.
Mayflower 2:22, I.ucy M. 2:26, &c. Why do hia
colts trot fast and sell for high prices? Because
he Is the best bred stalllonlu the country, is su
perbly galtcd, a trotter himself aud possesses la
a marked degree the power of transmitting to
his get tho trotting Instinct of the best branch of
the Genrgo Wilkes family to which he belongs.
PRINCE McDONALD, one of the best bred Saddlo
Stallions in the State, black, 16 hands, good bone,
lofty carriage and the finest action.
Both these stallions located at the old Newdl-'
gate place 1 mile from Mavwllle on the Lexiuc
ton pike. Baron Star $20, Prince McDonald J 15,
living colt. A. W.THOMPSON.
Prohibiting Spitting on Strest Car Floors or
Sides or Seats and Fixing a Penalty For
Violation Thereof.
Be it Ordained by the Hoard of Council of the City
of Maysville: lhat It shall bo unlawful for any
person riding on or occupying any of the street
cars within the limits of the city of Maysville to
spit on tho floors or sides or seats of the cars, and
any person so offending shall be fined not less
than one nor more than ten dollars.
Sec. 2. lie it Further Ordained ty Said Board of
Council, That this ordinance shall take effect
from and alter its passage and publication.
Adopted by Council May 2, I90f
Attest: W.E.SrALLCUP,
Mayor City of Maysville.
J. L. Davltok, City Clerk.
This noted saddle and harness stallion will
make the season nt Daulton Bros, stable, a,t the
very low prlco of 816 to insure a living colt. He
is too well known to make any further remarks.
Call and see him before breeding your mares.
The maro sold by Jas. Brannon this week at MOO
was by Cluster. O. K. WINTER.
Undertakers and Embalmers?
Calls answered day or night.
Be A Real Woman.
No. 805 Pease Avenue,
Houston, Tuxas, May 11, 1S03.
I was barren during the six years of married life, suffering
with painful menstruation and a dozen other aches and pains.
i was a poor excuse tor a wire aa l was not ablo to ue up
more than about halt the time and daily grew weaker ana
, Wing of Cardui changed me into a different womau ia
five short months, made mo robust and strops.
I am very grateful to you for my good health aud am today
blessed with
Vick-Pbe3idet, Houston Moruusj' Club.
Wine of Cardui brings health to side
women. Wine of Cardui brings children to
barren homes.
How can any woman reftse the health
Mrs. Mason has? Any woman can secure ex
actly the same relief if she will take Wine of
Cardui. Wine of Cardui is a certain cure: for
menstrual irregularities. It will not do impos
sibilities but it does cure bearing-down pains,
makes motherhood possible for barren wives
and, relieves the pains at the monthly period,
Secure a bottle of Wine of Carrlm tnAnv.
bottles Wine of Cardui.

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