Newspaper Page Text
)'.; i ., ".fl'l,'' l.Hl,aCjftP" ' '"" (f CLEARANCE SALE OF Used Pianos Keep Outthe Flies AND OTHER INSECTS THAT WILL SOON BE UPON US IN SWARMS. PREPARE TO RESIST THE INVADERS WITH rj I ' f -f H tt .1 h 11 A i I 9 CREENSii We have the adjustable windows and plain or fancy doors substantially made and nicely finished, which we are selling this year at a low price. Wire Cloth, Hinges and other hardware for making your own Screens. vaw VILmM! 61 ! I The Frank Owens Hardware Co 1 lISmimMm Z PtHtiiII I Hill If ll -"-; T F -iV T TT 1W1HI .hll ONE SECOND HAND UPRIGHT, $50 ONE SECOND- CKft HAND SQUARE, Zp?U AltMr nSroe crnnrl fn three dars John I. Winter & Co.'s store. Yours tor a quicK trade, GAMES PLAYED FRIDAY. h?i ,1! National League. Cincinnati. 00200203 7 0 0 Bt. Loula. 00013000 04 6 1 Ewlng and Schlei; Nichols and By trSj Umpire O'Day. Pittsburg Q0Q00410 2 7 10 5 Phll'phia. 02096663 315 15 4 ' Miller, Camnitz and Smith, Phelps; praser and Dooin, Roth. Umpire Emslie. American League. Boston..., 10013000 S 8 0 New York 00101000 02 8 2 Tannehill nnd Farrell; Hughes and McGuire. Umpires Cwyer and Con nolly. Cleveland. 02001000 3 7 1 Petroit. .. 00000100 01 7 1 !. Donahue and Bemls; Stovall and Wood. Umpires King and Sheridan. Waeh'ton 23000000 1 6 10 2 Phll'phla 05001145 16 22 4 Patton, Mason and Drill; Henley and Rchreclc. Umpire Carpenter. Chicago. 300000000 03 3 3 B. Louis 000001020 25 9 3 Flaherty and Sullivan; Sievers and Sugden. Umpire O'Laughlin. American Association. , . St. Paul 9, Indianapolis 1. j ; Minneapolis 2, Toledo 4. ' Milwaukee 1, Louisville 7. i How They Stand. Clubs. Won. Lost. P.C. St. Paul 11 3 .786 Milwaukee 7 5 .583 Columbus 6 5 .545 Indiannpolis 7 6 .53S Minneapolis 6 8 .428 Toledo 6 7 .462 3xulsville 6 9 .400 Kansas City 3 9 .250 Restraining Order Issued. Chicago, May 7. Judge Tuley Is sued an Injunction restraining tho Woman's Catholic Order of Foresters from holding the biennial convention of the order at Minneapolis, May 30. Tire dato named, it was charged, would prevent The attendance of many w"ho wished to attend. Thibetans Repulsed With Heavy Loss. London, May 7. The Daily Mall's Simla correspondent says that eight hundred Thibetans coming from tho direction of Shigatsa, attacked the mission, at Cyangtso at dawn on April 5. The Thibetans were re pulsed with heavy loss and fled. The Moyer Habeas Corpus Case. Denver, Col., May 7. Arguments In the habeas corpus case of President Moyer, of tho Western Federation of Miners, who Is held bv the military at Tellurlde, were concluded in the su preme court Friday. A decision will be made in about ten days. Business Failures. New York, May 7. Business fail ures in the United States for the week ending with May 5 number 176, as against 188 last week, 175 in the like week In 1903, 179 in 1902. In Canada failures for the week number 18, as against 24 last week. Denied at the Vatican. Rome, May 7. Vatican authorities declare that no communication has been received from tho French govern ment rejecting the note of protest against President Loubet's visit to the qulrlnal sent by the Vatican to all the Catholic powers. A New World's Record. Omaha, Neb., May 7. lA now world's record for a five-men team, three games, was made on the Omaha bowl ing association alley Friday evening. The winning team scored 3,232 plni. The record was made on a regulation alley. Fire in uoston. Boston, May 7. A destructive blaze broke out at midnight on the water front. Central wharf, -occupied by the Philadelphia Steamship Co., the great er of the freight sheds, were burned Loss $100,000. Italian small coin no longer circu lates in France. Miner Burned to Death. Salida, Col., May 7. Raymon.I Zooks, a young miner, was burned to death and six other persons had a nar row escape from being cremated in a fire that destroyed tho Hotel Turret, a two-story wooden structure, at Turret a mining camp. Forest Fires Raging. Ashland, Wis., May 7. Homestead ers from near Mineral Lake, 30 miles southwest of Ashland, arrived here Friday and reported forest fires had swept away their homes. Minor fires are reported along the line of the Wis consin Central. Probably Perished In the Flames, Jamestown, N. Y., May 7. The A. C. Norqulst furniture factory was de stroyed by fire and it is believed that A. R. Nord, a member of the firm, was burned to death In the building. No trace of Mr. Nord has been found since. Death in a Tornado. Goldthwaite, Tex., May 7. A torna do accompanied by severe rainfall re sulted In the death of Mrs. Allen Den nis, Georgo W. Mason and a child of S. E. Harper, of this vicinity. Five persons were seriously injured. Speaker Cannon Welcomed Home. Danville, 111., May 7. Speaker Jo seph G. Cannon received an enthusias tic welcome home Friday evening. The majority of the business houses were closed. Business houses and res idences were beautifully decorated. Senator Reed 8 moot at Home. Salt Lake, Utah, May 7. Senator Reed Smoot returned from Washing ton and went at once to his home in Provo. In an interview Senator Smoot expressed entire confidence that he would be allowed to retain his seat in the senate. George HInes Gorman Dead. Washington, May 7. George' HInes Gorman, a special attorney for the United States in the dry dock cases at Brooklyn, Boston, San Francisco and other places, died here Friday, aged 42 years. Christians to Be Prdte'cted. London, May 7. A cablegram from Toklo states that PrUie Minister Kat sura has assured the missionaries that tho war will not bo permitted to create strife between Christians and non Christians In Japan. Cuban Authorities Called Down. Havana, May 7. Less stringency in tho treatment of sailors and marines arrested at Guantanamo for disorder liness and other petty offenses has been requested by tho United States government - THE MARKETS. Flour and Grain. Cincinnati, May 6. Flour Winter patent, ?5.105.30; fancy, ?4.754.90; family, $44.26; extra, $3.353.65; low grade, $2.90 3.20; spring patent, ?6.105.40; fancy, $4.354.60; family, ?44.25; Northwestern rye, $3.804. Wheatr-No. 2 red quotable at ?1.07(5 1.09 on track. Corn No. 8 mixed quotable at 52c on track. Sales: Nt. 2 yellow, track, 53" No. 2 mixed, track, 53c. Oats Sales: No. 2 mix ed, track, 42c. Chicago, May 6. Wheat No. 2 red, $1.021.06; No. 3 do, $15L04; No. 2 hard, 9093c; No. 3 do, 8390c; No. 1 Northern, 9396c; No. 2 do, 90 90c; No. 3 spring, 8692c. Corn No. 2, 4950-c; No. 3, 48349c, Oats No. 2, 40i41c; No. 3, 40040y4c. Live Stock. Cincinnati, May 6. Cattle Heavy steers, choice to extra, ?4.905.10; fair to good, $4.25 4. 86; butcher steers, extra, $4.905; good to choice, $4.25 34.85; heifers, good to choice, $4.15f3 4.75; cows, extra, $4 4.15; good to choice stockers and feeders, ?34.50. Calves Fair to good light, $3,250 4.25; choice to extra, $4.604.75; fancy, ?5. Hogs Good to choice pack ers and butchers, ?56.05; mixed packers, JM.804.95; light shippers, $4.454.80; pigs, $44.40. Sheep Extra, $4.154.25; good to choice, $3.75S4.10. Lambs Extra, $6; good to choice, $5.405.90; spring lambs, $68.50. the days are going by, your chance for bargains are also going Do you know that the. greatest Bargains in &noes tnai mays viile has ever known are being offered daily at DAN COHEN'S Closing-Out Sale! You are as much entitled to the benefit of the sale as anybody. Do not cheat yourself by neglecting this opportunity. Come and see our Ladies' Patent Colt Skin and Vict Shoes, sold elsewhere tor $3.50, closing out price $1.98. Ladies' latest style last Vici Kid, military heel, worth $2.50, closing-out price $1.49. Old ladies' comfortable Kid Shoes, sold at $1,50, closing-out price 99c, We have put on our bargain tables hundreds of pairs of Shoes at less than one-half price. Farmers and working men are asked to see the heavy Shoes we are selling at 99c. and $1.23. Talk about there being- a hen on, DAN COHEN is up-to-date and uses incubators. Come now. DAN COHEN'S Great Western Shoe Store W. H. MEANS, Manager. THE SMITH C NIXON PIANO CO. COAL We are headquarters for good Coal. Just received a barge, good and clean. JG6T PRICE 11 CENTS !a Also handle BRICK, Cement, Lime and Sand. Agents for Alabaster Plaster. Give us a call. Maysvilie Coal Co, 'PHONE J42. Are You Going to Paper Your House? If you are we have all the swell de signs at lowest prices. Agent fair JAPALAC W. H. RYDER 121 y Sutton St. Cancer fTTIS CURABLE We euro cancer wthout the knife. Very llttlo Ealn. Have cured over twenty cases In Mason ounty during the last ten years. We Bend a free book upon request which tells all about mothod of treatment. Will refer you to Mr, Geo. S. Rosier of this paper, Eeldon W. Bramel, Wedonla, Ky., Mrs. Joel T. Luman.Mt. Cancel, Ky Win, Bramel, North Fork, Ky and a doa ?.t,h,er8.,n.3:our own county If you wish theax, Write lor free book at once. DR3. GRATIGNY BUSH, Oddfellows Temple, Cincinnati, O. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS! The Taxpayers of the cl ty of Maysvlllo are here by notified that the Board of Supervisors wlU convene at the MAYOR'S OFFICE on Thursday, May J2, For tho purpose of examining the Assessor's books and cqnallzlnj; and correcting errors la the assessment for 1904. 10 J. L. DAULTON, City Clerk. REMOVED, R.CPOLLITT, Dentist. All Work Guaranteed. Kn Sffli Wt Koran street, Maysvilie, Ky. - jMDR. landman Central Hotel, Thursday, May 5th, J 904. Five a Minute Killed Or Injured. You may be next. Protect yourself and family by taking out an Ac cident policy with tho Travelers, and do It now. Never put off until to-morrow what may be dono to-day. W. HOLTON KEY, Agent. Grand Commandery Conclave. On account of the Grand Commandcrv. Knlchts Templar conclave, Frankfort, Sfay 18th and 10th. tickets will bo on sale at L. and N. office May ICth, 17th and 18th. Final limit Mav 21st. Fare j 52.94 for the round trip. iv i V-w ..&ui.