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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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Mn’i> Maii'-on !>• ad Harry Madson. old time Council itf>. who has been in the local hos pital l'or some time, died last Mon day evening of cancer troubles. Fu neral arrangement* have n t as yet le en , nuotinced. Harry C«avin who has been a res. dent of the Kaugarok district for . good many years returned to the scene of his mining activities this morning. He took wi'h him enough provisions to last him thru he min iug season. A few days ago the large 6 passenger plane of the NA'f made two trips with perishables to Taylor creek, supplies for the min • s durng the early breakup. FAIR NOTHT .Anyone with .special training or talent in music, dancing, dramatics ‘•r any other form of entertainment is urged to enter tile Amateur Kn i retaining Contest, dining the Fair. \l| entries must be made by April 1st with Miss Florence I. Kinney. hAOIKS' IH'RIIKN RACK Little Creek lA*>p Sunday, March 1, 1:30 p.m. Drawing r»t !*•.-Jet's Store Sat. 7 p.m. 1 VlcbnUf Wit'liington' flirt Inlay niUi J»ig i !!.- • on •• birthd«> w. t welcomed by tor Rdward Jo hi told why Mas&n D.v '1 Lodge t il». 1 •ole bra ted Was-h-j Worshipful mo-s- , chosen remarks, i wore proud to j ’•Eton’s 'birthday. ! v applause. The i .•rtained by the | ,i:ther Dunbar, .1 , the piauo. Wil-. Progressive whist was endulged | in. At t.s conclusion the following | were awarded prizes: For the J ladies. Mrs. Fred Rohu, Mi’s. Guy • Royd. Miss Margaret Ullrich*,, Gen- ' lU-im’ii. Tolber. Scott. Bdw John-j sen. Luther Dunbar, in th * order! During the evening a delightful ! luncheon was enjoyed. Dancing | was also a feature of the evening's j entertaining an.j the -'>cia! was a j PARTY TONIGHT FOI RTH OF >SF,R1KS PIONF.KR FARR PARTY AND DAWK SATURDAY. FKR. SHtli PIONKKK KiUM) IKK; HAVE POOL STARTED ON TIME OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP RACK in launching a guessing content <>n the running time of the All Vlaaka Championship Race, it is tHe aim of Che Nome Kennel C'luj to make this race bigger and bet tor each year, drawing entrants trom the outlying districts. The net proceeds of the contest will be split 50-50 with the one guessing the nearest to the actual running time of the race Tickets are now on sale in many outlying towns and local stores. Cliff Allyn I has 200 tickets which he will dis tribute on his way to Juneaiu. To idate there are prospects of 12 en-; tries, auishers from Caudle. Kot-j 'zebue. Itdoo, Council, Golovin, and j j.N'ulato. expect to compete for the j 31500.00 offered in prize money. [The prizes are: $1000.00 1st. I ? 3 50.00 2nd. and $150.00 third. ; The race will be from Nome to | Golovin aud return with a 12 | hour compulsory stop at Golovin. The race will start April 8th at The Borden Race to Cape N’ome and return 26 miles, will be ruu on Marah 20th “•AT THE FIRST SNEEZE' 44 ID a p u r e ” STOPS IT QTflCK Just a Drop or Two on (loth tomen Brothers DEALERS IN B I>RUG8 AND DRUG SUNDRIES,, KODAKS & PHOTO SUPPLIES, | Iwss*?.... : I ALASKAN AIRWAYS INC. A DEPENDABLE SERVICE THE SAFETY, WELFARE AND INTERESTS OF OUH PASSENGERS—OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION DID YOU KNOW THAT WE CARRY A LIABILITY INSURANCE OK SY>.ON).(IO ON EVERY PASSENGER WHO TRAVKIS WITH US NOME, ALASKA AIU1KANE NEWS Pilot Hiu (jraham of Che NAT returned yesterday from a round trip in Toller. bring: n-r down Mrs. Waldheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Schmid*. Phot, uni Graham uf the North oin A r Transport, n -the big cab in plane, took off tbi-s morning for Fairbanks via Deeriug, Candle, and Kotzebue. The plane carried mail and u capacity load of freight for northern points. A b g shipment of furs will b taken ro Fairbanks on Ch ef pilot Robbins of the Alas ka u Airway-, in the big Fairchild plane, m ui. three passenger flight- j seeing trips around Nome today with 12 passenger?. On the first flight was Rernard Kelly, Mrs. Emma G. Davis and Mis® Florence Kinney. j The flight consumed an hour and was their tiret experience in the air. All returned with enthusiasm of air flying, and all twelve pass r "or *w say they will be "high flyers’' henceforth. On the second flight Andrew Sat her. Lester Elkins, Edward “Dobe" Seidenverg, and Tho». A. K* and s *n Johu, braved the elements and relumed safely after an enjoyable trip. Tin* third trip into obfivion was meb-rtaken by l>onaid Lyle, Cliff Contts, Miss Grace Swauberg and Mi s Margaret r irch. The trip was described as most unique and so beautiful and pleasant was the experience that )’:e passenger® were not sure th • v were in another land or sp’* uite separated from earthly bei. In as much as these trips are proving popular the Alaskan Air ways have announced more flights for tomorrow, (Sunday). REPORTS SCARLET l-'KVKK J« NKAi:. Feb. 28, (/p)—Dr. Mc Auliffe, eovernmeut physician left here oq a special boat today to es igute the report of the mit brr* k of scarlet fever at Klav.i s. He is due tb reach there late to night. Two active cases were re ported and fifteen (suspects. School has 'been so-.pended. The serum leaves Seattle today aboard the s. S. Northwestern COMPLETE DETAILS TODAV JUNEAU, Feb 28. (/P)—The or ganization and details of the legis 1 lature opening Monday are to be . settled today. No effort either to branch or arrange a slate until all , have arrived was made. A House caucus was fixed for today. The S'-nate is also expected hold a caucus either late this af ternoon or early this evening. Nu merous candidates for office are certain to come up. » protect vooit savings A Fire-proof Bank Vault in a Moth -infer Place Par Tour Savings Than Having Them Tacked Away in Your Pockets Or Haw-. A Bank Account Bucouragm anil Helps Von T« Save. We Solicit Y'our Account MIN lilts AND AMR (THANTS RANK OP ALASKA Capital . flno.ono.00 Surplus . aS.OOO.OO HARDWARE WHOLESALE & RETAIL Machinist A Carpenter Tools Axes. Hatchets A Saws Holts, Pipe 4 Pipe Fittings Lang Camp Stoves A Ranges Wire. Cotton A Manila Rope Roofing A Rnililtng Paper Crockery. Tin A Granite Ware Oil. Paints, Glass A Wall Papei Everything at WRIGHT Hdrawaie (onpy 218 FVrmf Street LENTEN SPECIALS ^ ukon King Salmon Bellies, Per Pound \ ukon Silver Salmon Bellies, per pound . .. • 'oil Fiah Tongues, Per you ml Golovin Herring (Spiced) per pint, ' Goto v in Herring (Spiced) per quart, Golovin Herring (SnVoked) each Golovin Hennas (Sailed) per dozen Bluff Smoked Salmon, per pound, Yukon Smoked, sliced. Spiced Salmon per can Yukon Smoked Sliced, Spiced salmon per can Cod Fish. 2 pound brick?, each . Cod Fish, 1 pound cartons, each Norwegian Imported Anchovies per can. Tinapa Sardines, 3 cans for . Angelo Sardines, small cans. 3 cans for Angelo Sardines, large cans, 3 cans for OFFERING Commencing Monday Morning, March 2nd WK WII,1, IMjACK ON SALE our vrry FINEST AND FRESH KST ECUS. VVK HAVE KBI'T THIS BRAND OK BOOS PACKED IN CARTONS TO THIS TIME OP THE S EAR ITR!>OSEI.Y FOR RENT AND RASTER. THESE HUIW ARE (iUARANTEED TO US TO BE NOT OVER THREE DAYS OLD WHEN SHIPPED FROM SEATTLE ON THE LAST VICTORIA. Our Price On These Eggs Will Be 65 cts. per Dozen POUT’S” STORE The House of Service Quality and Low Prices LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. MAI.HR8 IN Hay, Oats, E*ran, Dairy Feed All Kinds Lumber Insulite. Colorado Anthracite Coal, Ladysmith Lump Coal, Diamond Briquets AGENTS: Standard Oil Co. of California, Evinrude Motor Company. LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO