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MONDAY AIRPLANE NKWS Pilot Alger Graham of the Alaska^ Airways is scheduled to take off from Fairbanks Wednesday morn ing in the new Standard plane of that company for Nome carrying, mail, pa -.-engera and express. Pilot Bill Gruham of the North ern Air Transport da ached tiled to take off irom Fairbanks for Nome tomorrow, Tuesday, carrying pass engers, mail, and express. He ar rived there from Kotzebue some-time .Sunday. Pilot Bobbins iu the Fairchild plane of the Alaskan Airways-, made another sighjt-eeeias flight Sunday morning, having ns passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lehmann, Ed. Gross Bud Stout. AGREE ON PKK8IDKNT 8KNATK ALASKA LEGISLATURE JUNKAU, March 1, (£>)-—At the Senate caucus held hare Saturday, Luther Hess of Fairbanks was ag reed upon at* President of the Sen ate and Judge Arthur W. F'-ox of Juneau, as secretary. The Legislature which is to con vene today has a watchword—“Ec onomy". Ail of the members of the legislatures are present in Jun It has been indicated by var ious members that they are satis fied with the amount of revenue coming in. and state that if suf ficient care is iaken and that only necessary expenses be allowed, there need be no disposition as to any increase in the existing schedules or taxation. An important measure to come up soon will be the restoring of tho commissioner of education to an appointive basis. Another is probable action to be taken on the recent request for a repeal of the Alaska Bone Dry Law. Frank Foster, prominent of Cor dova, is likely to be speaker of the House, and Lawrence Kerr, early of Nome. is the probable choice for chief clerk. IS ACQUITTED MURDER BUFFALO. N. Y., March 1. (&) L la Jimerson, Indian woman, tried twice for the murder of Mrs. C loci Id e Marchand, a year ago, was today acquitted by the Supreme Court. The jury brought verdict in after being locked up since Sat urday night. The state contended that the worn an, who was known as “Red Lilac*' of the Cuyagua tribe, instigated the murder of Mrs. Marchand ao that she could be more free to carry on her admitted intimacy with Henry Marchand, artist hus band. The defense contended that Lila knew nothing of the crime and that others had motives equally strong for desiring the death of Mrs. Marchand. EXPECTED TO BORROW WASHINGTON, March 2, (A*)— Ten thousand war veterans, through out the country are expected to borrow three million dollars today against their adjudged compensa tion certificates, and H. W. Bren ning, chief finance officer estimates that this coming week the loans will increase to twenty-five thous and dollars daily and (continue at this rate through March and then drop to five hundred daily. Rren ning estimated that more than four hundred thousand dollars was bor towed immediately after the pass age of the bill Saturday, over Hoov OLDTIME JUNEAUITE DEAD JUNEAU. STarch 2. (/P)—Thomas Knutsen, aged sixty-five, a resident of Juneau for thirty-five years, died here of illness Friday. He owned a considerable amount of water front property, and is survived by a widow and several children. Funeral arrangements have been made for Wednesday of this week. He is believed to be the first man to have homesteaded in Alaska, on what is now known as. Glacier High way near here. MOW COBfWilJDATlON MOW YORK, March 2, (TP) A ; i<rty-cight page daily paper ot the New York World-Telegram, appear ed Saturday an the reauiit of the consolidation last week of the World which is a mom ag evening and Sunday paper, into the Scripps ' Howard system. The paper was sold by the brothers Ralph and Joseph I Pulitzer, with an t-stimated sum for (the purchase of five million dol lar. This is the largest newspaper '■transaction on record. HOW TO BK ftPKNT ! WASHINGTON, Match 1. (,P) — How five hundred and tour mil lion dollars of the public building fund are to be spent, was shown by allotments sent to Congress Saturday by secretary Mellon and Postmaster General Brown. Pub lic buildings in Alaska were item ized as Anchorage four hundred thousand dollars, Ketchikan four hundred thousand dollars. RHDDIN'GTON ANSWER* SUTHRRLABfD’8 (MARGES WASHINGTON, March 1. (/P)— Delegate Dan Sutherland charged before Secretary Wilbur's reindeer committee, that the setting aside 'of Nunivak Island and adjacent is lands by the Biological Survey as a wild life reservation, gave the Lomen Reindeer Company a mono* | He declared that the Lomen com j puny extorted the Qatives through j trading .stations, while the govern ment kept other traders from op erations on the islands, i Paul Kedkiiagton chief of the j Biological Survey appeared before 'the committee which is seeking an end to the dispute between the In dian. Eskimo and American herd owners, and declared that breed ing experiments were be-ing con ducted on the islands and when these are ended, the Bureau will probably have no reason to pro hibit the establishment of addi tional trading stations. TUESDAY ELEGR APHlCi AIRPLANE NEWS Pilot Bill of the N'AT was scheduled to hop off from Fairbanks today for Nbme, but up to the time of groins; to pre-^s, no word was received of him. Pilot Alger Graham of the Air ways is scheduled to hop off from Fairbanks for Nome tomorrow. Wednesday, weather permitting, in the new Standard plane. amounts for buildings WASHINGTON, March 3, UP)— Amounts for Federal budldinge in Anchorage and Ketchikan were more ly allocated for projects not auth orized and subject to revision whea specific appropriations are requested and the Fairbanks request has al ready been authorized and appro priated. | The second deficiency bill car ried fifteen thousand dollars for a school building at Shungnak and twenty thousand for a school build at Nome. The usual appropria tions carried. The agricultural hill included money for the extension service, experimental stations, ten thousand dollars for hatcheries etc. The sum 'for the experimental ataitions was sixty-two thousand, four hundred and fifty dollars. The commerce bill carried no ap propriation for polar explorations, but did include four hundred and forty-six thousand, three hundred and sixty four dollars for the Al aska Fisheries service, of which amount one hundred thousand was j made available immediately. — SETTLE DOWN HARD WORK I WASHINGTON, March 3, (jtp)— Striving mightily to meet the pleas of all the needy, in double-quick time, while protecting the treasury from any undue drain, the veter an bureau officiate settled down to day to meet the crest of the ware of loan seeking veterans. They ex pect to pass the peak of the wave this week. 9o far they have been unable to measure th<- demand to* money due to the great lines which have been in constant motion since Saturday. They figure however the minimum will run up to two hun dred aud fifty millions, and the maximum about one bdllion. seven hundred thousand dollars, w'hich they state, they would be unhappy PROPOSED INCREASE SALARY WASHINGTON, March 3. (Jp)— Congreiia increased the governor’s salary, of Alaska, from forty-four hundred to fifty-six hundred dol lars annually. Th<* bill muat now go to the President for signature. business clearing WASHINGTON. March 3. (£»)— The business horizon ia clearing, find.-* Julius H. Barnes, who states that things are getting better and says he can see optimistic signs, such was his report as chairman to President Hoover’s National Busi ness Survey conference, for the mid winter season, not only in the Uni ted States but abroad, as well. The clouds of depression seem to have been pushed back by light confidence and business tact, there by affording the minor business man. as well as the small farmer, the -sHpht indication that his wares ore not decreasing in value but have a saving worth. ALASKA LEGISLATURE JUNRAtr, March 3. (/P)—’The Senate of the Alaska Legislature convened yesterday at noon with Luther C. Hess as president and Judge A. W. Pox as secretary, and then adjourned to complete the personnel of its officers. The House also convened at noon and elected Grover C. Winn, of Juneau, as its speaker and I/aw rence Kerr, formerly of Nome, as Clerk. C. R. Booth of Seward was elected as Sergeant at Arms. Gov ernor Parks* meeaago will be read at the joint session to be held Wednesday. NAVY SUPPLY BILL OK WASHINGTON, March 3. (#) — Congressional conferees reached an agreement on the terms of the naval supply bill yesterday at a breakfast conference with Hoover. It has been agreed that ten mil lions shall be appropriated for cruis er construction, which shall bo done in government yards if the time and facilities are permitted. LATER—President Hoover signed the Naval Supply Bill today, the last large supply measure to pass for consideration and approval. TO BE NEW HEAD SEATTLE. March 2. (£>) — Lt. Col. IXawson Olmsted is to take charge here of the Washington-Al a ka Military Cable System. July 1st. according to orders received from 9:h Corps’ Headquarters at San Francisco. He will relieve Col. Frank J. Griffin, who is to be trans ferred to Honolulu. EMBEZZLER JAILED SEATTLE. March 2. (/P)—Adolph Linden arrived here today in the custody of the state parole office to face charges of embezzlement of a quarter million dollars from the Puget Sound Savings aud Loan cora "What a lovely jail.” he said as the door was closed behind him. “This is far ahead of any jail in New York.” he remarked. He staled he would tell everything to the judge and jury. His wife and son came with him. INCOME TAX RATE—1980 G. R. Jack-son, president of the Miners and Merchants Bank, is in receipt of « wire from Burns Poe, Collector of Revenoe, at Tacoma. The wire states that the rates are the same as for the year 1928. The corporation tax is 12%. Individuals tax is as follows: 1 VzV on the first 14000.00 3% on the seoond $4000.00 5% oa the balance. WEDNESDAY TELEGRAPHIC AIRPLANE NKWH An Alaskan Airways plane i-» scheduled for a flight to Fairbanks from Nome, Friday, March 6th, at 9:30 a.m. carrying mail, passengers and express. Had weather along the Yukon river yesterday and today iiaa pro bably delayed both the NAT aad Alaskan Airways planes hopping off from Fairbanks for Nome. An unconfirmed rumor waa trav elling the streets today, that a plane waa believed to have landed abo-at ten miles out of Deering. No fur ther word aa to the correctness of this rumor, has been received. OLDTIMH ALASKAN DEAD JUNEAU, March 4. (J?) — J. C. Headman, aged sinty-five resident of Alaska since IS99. died here last night of pneumonia. He was at different times a resident of Nome. Valdez, and Cordova. He was em ployed here as an accountant in the Hureau of Public Roads, and has occupied that position for the last seven years. He is survived by a wife here and a daughter Mrs. N. M. Hayiter, who resides in Los Angeles. OLDEST SKRVICE-MKMRKH DEAD | WASHINGTON. March 3. (ip)— \ Representative Henry Allen Coop- j er, aged 80. of Racine, Wisconsin,1 the oldest House member from a point of service—namely 3 8 years, died here suddenly at a hotel. His wife was present a* the bedside when death came. VETOED MU80LK SHOALS BILL WASHINGTON. March 3. (&,— Hoover vetoed the Muscle Shoals bill, saying tba-t he opposed the government entering into business “in competition with citizens'’, and ! suggested that Alabama and Ten | nessee, set up a commission with representatives from farm organi zations and Army engineers, and leave Muscle Shoals “to the in terests of the local communities, and agriculture generally.” His veto was sustained, the nec-j essary two-thirds votes of both ' houses not being given. congress adjourns WASHINGTON, March 4, (£»)— Congress adjourned last night amid a tension of spirit, reminiscent of the most exciting days Ln two years time, also with the oonten-1 tion spirit which swept the Senate from the start, still prevailing to the end. with a short filibuster and tying up of activities during the closing hours. The President stayed at the executive offices until quite late, nfaking final hour signatures to last minute bills. He then said good-bye to Senate Ifsaders, as well as those in the House. Senator Thomas democrat of Ok lahoma, held the floor in the Sen ate in a stubborn but futile attempt j to obtain a vote on his resolution j for an inauiry into the oil indus try. He wants to place an embargo ADJOURNS WITHOUT MAKING APPOINTMENTS WASHINGTON, March 4, (A*)-— Three hundred postmaster nomina tions and nearly a score of miscel laneous appointments died today j wi.'h the adjournment of Congress last night, including the Judicial nomination of Judge 0. J. Lomen to be judge in the Second Division of Alaska, and Chas. D. Jones to be Marshal in the same district. A CORRECTION WASHINGTON, March 4. (JF)~ In yesterday’s issue was an item of telegraph news relative to a bill increasing the salary of the Gov ernor of Alaska. It was incorrect ly stated how much the increase was to be. Today we received news from the AP stating that the bill raided hie salary from 3even thousand to ten thousand dollars from four thousand t fifty-six bun -ir.-J dollan?. a year. liXJisunvi-: f#oi\c;s JL'VKAU. March 4 (£»)- The Sen. ate curapl<rfc;d l'~*i nits entire* organisation with George H. Mx<: Kay of Nome, as Sergeant-at-arms. and his wife Mr1. MaoKay, the for mer Mrs. Bertha Thompson, u* as sistaat secretary. Various c*>® mittees havo been appointed aad will soon meet with the House oommiUeee. JUNRAU. M»r\h 4. (^—Gover nor Parka' road ti& message to joint session of the House and See ate today, stressing a drastic cat in appropriations, and a two year ‘Mi*pension of a!! Territorial pafc lie ifv-buiWIn-g construction. He also Wrongly suggewted th* creation of a budget board con siatlng of the Governor, auditor, and treasurer, and the extension of the present schedules! of taxation for two more years. A further announcement was his wish to change the selection the Commissioner of Education and the Highway Engineer, from an el ective to an appointive ba^ls, which would take them out of politics. Fie stated also there should bo the appointment of a committee to prepare plans for the building of a home for pioneer Itten and wo men, which is to be constructed inside the next two years. Ij»rg« size envelopes, big en ough to mall th« Nome Weekiv Nugget and send via first class airplane mall, can now be bad ti the Nugget office. ADVKliTWERg- Copy for ada in the weekly Nugget must he In this office not later than Thuredav NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To J. A Davidson, John Owens, M»S3 M*ible Ryrns, your and each of your heirs, executors, administrators and assigns: You are hereby notified that the undersigned has expended the sum of one handred dollars during each of the years ending July 1st. 1920. 1921. 1,022, 1923. 1924. 1925, 1926. 1927, 1928. 1929 and 1930, upon each of the following placer mining claims. CALIFORNIA GROUP, in the second tier of benches on the left limit of Hastings Creek, and the SURE SHOT GROUP, at the head of Alma Gulch and running across Golden Gate Creek, in the Cape Nom“ Mining and Recording Dla trirt. Territory of Alaska, the lo cation certiflactea of which are of record in Vol. 190. at pages 339 and 3 4 0. respectively, of the re cords of said Cape Nome Mining and Recording District; such ex penditure being made in the per formance of the annual assessment work required by the laws of the United States and the Territory of Alaska, in order to hold said claims And you are hereby required to contribute your proportion of such expenditure, according to your in terest in each of said claims, to the undersigned co-owner with you therein, within ninety days after the service of this notice on you t>y the publication thereof, or your nterest in each of said claims will become forfeited, and vest In the mdersigned, as provided by said Dated at Nome, Alaska, January JOSEPH HENDRIOH . Co-owner Publish—Jan. 24, 31, Feb. 7, 14. 21. 28. March 7. 14. 21. 28. April 1. 11. 18, 1031. ■ ATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS a C. A. Snow & Co. Successful Practice since 1875. Over 25,000 patents obtained for inventors in every section of country. Write for book let telling how to obtain a patent, with list of clients in your State. 710 8th St., Washington, D. C.