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THURSDAY t From ■ Nugaet Dally Bulletin ) AIRPLANE NEWS Wlot Jones of the PAA1 returned today from Nulato via Unalakleet, dropping off Mr. Bradley at Una lekleet and bringing Radio operator Reese who was enroute from Anch orage, to Nome. He will go to Cape Lidbourne for the M-G-M it is. un derstood. Pilot Jone3 stated he locat ed the missing mail team on a cake of ice about 8 miles north easterly of Besboro Island in Nor ton Sound. t Pilot Robbins according to PAA ■wireless was flying between Sela wik and Buckland enroute to Deer ing. He is due at Nome tomorrow. Pilot Brown and Ross in two NAT planes arrived Nome today from Fairbanks carrying mail, express and other matter. ^ Pilot Jones of the PAA will, make a round trip to Teller tomorrow, wp., and then take off from here for Cape Lisbourne with Father MaElmeel for Kotaefbue. THREAT KIDNAP LINDY II ROANOKE, Va„ Feb. 9, (JP)— Police today arrested Joe Bryant, nineteen years old. and Norman Harvey, aged twenty-six, in what they charged was a crude attempt <6> extort fifty thousand dollars from Colonel Lindbergh under a -threat to kidnap his second son. The youths are being held here for federal supervision. They denied they ha^, any connection with threatening letter, or that they had engaged in correspondence with a « policeman who represented him self as a representative of Lind bergh’s. ASK MORE MONEY A supplemental appropriation of twelve thousand, two hundred and thirty dollars tor the eare of the insane of Alaska, was asked of Congress by President Hoover, who explained that the regular appro priation of one hundred and fifty six thousands dollars for this pur pose under the Interior Department was based on an estimated monthly average of 260 patients, but ..this number is now increased to 282. NEWS OF MAIL CARRIER ' •* FAIRBANKS, Feb. 9, (A5)—A dispatch from Nulato to the News Miner ears that Mischa Charles, an Eskimo mail carrier left Una lakleet Monday enroute to Elim and was caught on Bering Sea ice midtWay between Unalakleet and Shaktoollk. He got on a small cake of ice and paddle across a lead, two hundred yards wide and then hik ed to Unalakleet. The Pacific Alaska Airways ra dio station here contacted pilot Jerry Jones of the NAA over Nor ton Sound, who said he was flying over an ice cake about the sice of a house on wblch be could see the .mail sled and about six dogs alive, with the probability that the other seven in the team were dead after getting Into a light, of which there was plenty of evidence, with hlood and hair lying aronnd in big patches. The report was finally proved erroneous that there were two teams caught on the Ice. The facts are that Mischa Charles was the only one and he abandoned his team to save his own life. ALL THRU STATES , ' UNDATED, Feb. 9, (/p)—Wint- j er’s Icy front advanced to the At- ] lantic seaboard during the night, \ transferring the spring-like weath- i er to a frigid blast which brought j chills throughout the whole conn- ] try. Snow fell in many places and ] strong winds and drops In temp- f eratures brought intense suffering ( among <the destitute and gave re- t lief agencies new problems. There Is apparently no let-np in sigh*. * The west,' middle-west And Chi cago had twelve below zero weath er with the mercury still dropping. Boeing Field at Seattle regist ered thirteen Above. APPEARS BURIED WASHINGTON, ° Feb. 9, (/P)— Prohibition repeal appears burled under appropriation bills which have come to light again. However, senate leaders expect to take it up in a day or so, according to Mc Nary who paid the repeal propos al follows the Agricultural depart s’1 mem measure, on which work was staffed yesterday. * GIVES ASSURANCE _ LONDON, Feb. 9, (IP)-Roused to a new hope for the return of prosperity, the nation was assur ed today by MacDonald that a world economic conference would be held at the earliest possible mo ment. An Associated Press survey of various capitals -shows that a con ference of the preparatory commis sion with work just completed has focused its attention on a six-point program for recovery: monetary and Credit policies, prices, a resumption of the movement of capital restric tions on international trade and tariff and a treaty of policy of organization of production and trade, are some of the tasks* which face the delegates. TO ENTER CONFERENCE -» _ WASHINGTON, Feb. 9, (JP)~ The United States will enter a monetary conference at • London next summer with the Arm con viction of forcing a concerted drive by leading nations to lower inter national trade barriers, which will bring about a revival of world com merce. The conference will ap proach the betterment of the wor ld commodity prices through two channels, economic and Anancial. WARM WEATHER, FAIRBANKS, Fdb. 9. (JP)—For the second time this winter, in terior Alaska is enjoying balmy weather while the states are grip ped in severe winter temperatures. It was twenty-five degrees above zero in Fairbanks, Wednesday. ’ ARE INJURED ______ " „ <4 OMAHA, Feb. 9 ,{JP)—Six fire men are dead and at least another eleven others injured as the re sult of a Are which destroyed the Millard Hotel here last night. This hotel has been a landmark in this city, for many years. FRIDAY (From .Nugget Dally Bulletin.) PASSES BILL WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, (/P)— The Senate today passed the House bill providing for the Suspension for the fiscal year beginning July I, 191?, of annual assessment work on mining claims in the Unit ed States and Alaska. The law suspended, requires at least one hun dred dollars worth of improve ment on the claim each ye^r to hold It. The Senate adopted Bor ah’s amendment making It, that only those claimants not paying an income tax would be eligible to exemption from assessment work. The House must approve this before the hill goes to Presl ient Hoover. EPIDEMIC FLU FAIRBANKS, Feb. 10, (JP)— >. J A Sutherland left here yea erday for Stevens Village, one rnndred miles northeasterly, where t is reported an epidemic of in luenza Is raging. Reports said there ire 2 dead and three dangerously II, and afbout half of the popu aflon of fifty 111. J. B. Dolette, , trader brought the news to Falr ianks. This wag his first trip here Ince 1905. .. -l I Sufowribe For the Nugget * BANKER DEAD BERLIN, Feb. 10, (if)—Carl F. Euerstenberg, prominent German banker, eighty-two years old, died here today of pneumonia. JAPAN EMPHATIC TOKYO, Feb. 10, {&)—The Jap anese government will reply with an emphatic "No” to the League of Nation’s request for a. state ment of Japan’s attitude toward a discontinuance of its present Mancbukuo government. However, the freply was partially qualified by "Our negative reply is almost a foregone conclusion, but we must proceed with the utmost prud ence.” The spokesman for the Japanese Foreign Minister instructed the special Japanese counsel at Gene va to submit a draft of his reply to the committee of nineteen at Tokyo before handing it to League officials, hence the Japanese reply is likely to be (postponed for two or three' days while the cabinet studies the matter. Japan stands irrevocably for the maintaining of its power in Manchuria. The spokesman said further Chinese sovereignty in Manchuria is ended forever, not withstanding reports that the Leag ue proposes to insist on Chinese rights to exercise this sovereignty. The League's request as to wheth er Japan would promise not to ex tend its military operations into Jehoi province, brought a forceful comment from the Japanese War Office “It’s none of the League’s 'business.” BEFORE COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, (/p)— $466,300.00 i8 provided for roads, bridges, trails, and ferry mainten ance and construction in Alaska in the Interior Department supply bill now before conference com mittees, in Congress. There is also provided three thousand dollars for repair and maintenance of the government wharf at Juneau. _*_ BROTHER PERSHING DEAD , NEW YORK, Feb* 10, (JP)— James F. Pershing, aged 71 years, younger brother of General John J. Pershing, died here Thursday night of heart disease. He had suffered a heart attack several months ago. He is sixteen months younger than his brother. James F. had always engaged in quiet mercantile pursuits. AIRPLANE NEWS Pilot Miraw of the NAT made a round trip flight yesterday to Golovin, iDime, Deering, Candle and Kotzebue. Mrs. Wallace Porter was a passenger from Candle, and Mrs. Edna Christoff ereon a passenger from Kotzebue. iV Pilot Jones of the PAA took off today for Teller and thence to Kotzebue and Cape Li'Sbourne. Father MoElmeel wae a passenger to ' Kotzebue. Mechanic Galer trav els with the plane. Pilot Jones Is expected to return tomorrow, weather permitting. Pilot Brown of the NAT made a flglht to Dime to bring back Deputy Marshal A. O. Brown, to day. PAA flight scheduled on regu lar time for Nnlato, next Tuesday morning, weather permitting. CAPTURE WARSHIP BATAVIA, Java, Feb. 10, (JP) —The Malay crew of the Dutch cruiser Provinclen, who mntlneed and seized the vessel last Sunday and steamed for the open sea, surrendered quick today when challenged by aerial bombs. A Dutch naval squadron dropped an aerial bomb and set the ship afire. The crew took to the life boats, and surrendered, BATAVIA, Feb. 10, (/P)—Eigh een men ware killed and twen ty-five Injured on the Provinciah, rhen the bomb hit the ship's deck, rhe dead included three Europeans, If teen JAvatese natives, one Dutch • ^ . * * • | officer and another young Dutch | man. ; . ' , DARING ROBBERY SACRAMENTO, Feb. 10, <JP)— More than three hundred and ! twenty-five thousand dollars in i Bank of America bonds were stol en- by three bandits In a daring holdup of ,£be main post office at seventh and K Streets here early last evening. 'The bandits surpris ed and disarmed the trsck driver and the armed guard on the load ing pla'lform af the rear of tha post office, and then gra/bbed the double-locked sack of outgoing registered mail. They soon van ished In the down town traffic. notice f All copy tor changing advertise ments In Weekly Nugget mast be la the printers hands not later than THURSDAY, B P, M-, to insure In- j NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To Mrs. A. Riet, Mrs. Jas. E.; McAlone, M. E. McAlone, and to each of their Heirs, Legal Re presentatives, and Assigns: YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the un dersigned has expended the sum of one hundred dollars during the Years 1916, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, .1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, and 1931 in labor and improvements on that certain placer mining claim known as the "‘BOT TLE ASSOCIATION”, which is lo cated on Tripple Creek, on the right limit, in the Cape Nome Re cording Precinct, Territory of Al aska, ^.the location notice of which is of record in the Office of the Recorder of said Precinct, in Vol. 190, Page 4 20, ih order to hold said claim under the provisions of the Laws of the United Stat es and the Territory of Alaska, concerning annual labor on min ing claim. Such expenditures be ing the amount required by said laws to hold said claim during said period. _- ■ *_‘ And you and each of you are further notified that If within ninety days from the completion of the pqblication hereof for the period of ninety days you fall or refuse to contribute to the under signed your proportionate share of such expenditures, as a co-owner, your Interest in said placer min ing claim wHl become the pro perty of the undersigned, your co owner, who has made such requir ed expenditures. Done at Home, Alaska, this 3rd day of December, 198?. THORULF LEHMANN Co-owner. Publish—Dec, 8, 10, 17, 24, 81, 1932. Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4.* 11, 18, 25. 1933. NOTICE ^OF FORFEITURE To F. T. Dlrksen, A. Imboff, Mrs. A. Imboff, J. A. Dlrksen, M. Rlef, and Hans Johnson, and to your Heirs, Legal Representatives, and Assigns: YOU AND BACH OF YOU ARB HEREBY NOTIFIED that the un dersigned has expended the sum of one hundred dollars during each of the twenty-four years begin ning with the Year 1907 up to and including the Year 1911 in labor and improvements on that certain placer mining elalm known as the "BMFQUS ASSOCIATION'*, which is situated between Tripple Creek and Nome River, in the Cape Nome Recording Precinct, Territory of Alaska, the location notice of which is of record in the Office of the Recorder of said Precinct In Vol. IIS, Page 16, in order to hold said claim under the pro visions of the Laws ot the United States and the Territory of Alaska concerning annual labor on mining claims. Such expenditures being the amount required by said Laws to hold said claim during the period from 1907 to 1931. Inclusive. And you and each ot you are further notified that if within ninety days from the completion of the publication hereof for the period of ninety days yon fall or refuse to contribute to the under signed your proportionate share of inch expenditures, as a co-owner, your Interest in said placer min ing claim will become the pro perty of the undersigned, your co owner, who has made such requir ed expenditures. # Done at Nome, Alaska, this 3rd day of December, 1932. THOMAS A. Me ALONE Co-owner. Publish—Dec. 3, 10. 17, 24, 31, 1932. Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4. 11, 18, 26, 1933. NOTICES OF FORFEITURE To P- Petersen, Peter Olsen, Fred Masoh, Chris Olsen, and your and each of your Heirs, Legal Repre sentatives, and Assigns: YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE * HEREBY NOTIFIED that the un dersigned has expended the sunt of one hundred dollars during each of the eighteen years begin- - ning with the Year 1913 and con tinuing to and including the Year > 1931 in annual labor and improve ments on that certain placer min ing claim known as the “OKLA HOMA ASSOCIATION which is situated on the right limit of Trip ple Creek in the Cape Nome Record ing Precinct, Territory of Alaska, the location notice of which is ot record in the Office of the Re corder of said Precinct In Vol 190, Page 420, in order to hold said claim under the provisions of the Laws of the United States and the Territory of Alaska, con cerning annual labor on mining claims. Such expenditure being the amount required by law to be done each year on said claim to hold, the same from 1913, to 1931, in clusive. Ami you and each of you ate further notified that if within ninety days from the completion of the publication hereof for the period of ninety days you fail or refuse to contribute to the under signed your proportionate share ot such expenditures, as a co-owner your interest In said placer min ing claim will become the pro perty of the undersigned, your co owner, who has made such requir ed expenditures. Done at Nome, Alaska, this 3rd day of December, 1932. THOMAS A. Mo ALONE Co-owner Publish—Dec. 3, 10, 17, 24, Si 1932. Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feh. 4, 11, 18, 25, 1988. NOTICE OP FORFEITURE To Phil Tomek, Mrs. P. Tomek Joseph Hendricks, A. Johnson, W Johnson, Jos. W. Dirksen, snd Hans Johannesen; and to your and each of your Heirs, Representatives, and Assigns: YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the un dersigned has expended the sum of one hundred dollars during each of the eighteen years beginning with the Year 1913 and continu ing and Including the Year 1931 in annual labor and improvements on that certain placer mining claim known as the "RIGHT LIMIT AS SOCIATION’' which is situated on the right limit of Tripple Creek in the Cape Nome Recording Pre cinct, Territory of Alaska, the loca tion notice of which is of record in the Office of the Recorder of said Precinct in Vol. 190, Pag» 420, in order to hold said claim, under the provisions of the Laws of the United States and the Ter ritory of Alaska concerning an nual labor on mining claims. Such expenditure being the amount re quired by said laws to be done each year on said claim to hold ithe same from 1913 to 1931, inclu sive. Anl you and each of you are further notified that if wltMn ninety days from the completion of the publication hereof for the period of ninety days you fall or refuse to contribute to the under signed your proportionate share of such expenditures, as a co-owner, ~ your Interest In said placer min ing claim will become the pro perty of the undersigned, your co owner, who has made such requir ed expenditures. ' Done at Nome, Alaska, this 3rd lay of December, 1913. THOMAS A. Me ALONE •>, Co-owner Publish—Dec^ |. io, 17, 24, 21. 193*. Jan. 7, 14, *1, *3, F*b. 4* 11. 13, SI, 1933.