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NOME RADIO STATION SCHEDULES ’ . (Effective Dec. 17, 1088. •, WEEK DAYS 7:00 a.m. Anchorage, weather. 7:30. Teller. 8:00, Candle. 8:15. St. Michael. 8:30. Kotzebue. 9:00 ANCHORAGE, (traffic) 10:00, Point Barrow 11:15, Anchorage, weather. 11:45 Teller, weather. 1)00 p.m. ANCHORAGE. Weath er and traffic. • 2:00 St. Michael ^2:30 Teller. 3:00 ANCHORAGE 3:45. Candle 4:00 Kotzebue. 4:30, ANCHORAGE 6:00 Office closed. Sundays fnd Holidays 7:00 a.m. Anchorage weather. 10:00 ANCHORAGE, (traffic). 1:00 p . m. Anchorage weather. 4 3:30 St. Michael 3:45 Teller. • 4:00 Candle. 4:15 Kotzebue. 4:30 ANCHORAGE (Subject to change without Nptipe) NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Probate Court for the Cape NT*«me Precinct. Territory of Alaska, Second Division In the matter of the estate of F. Ht-6. Gibson; deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to ETHEL .1 GIBSON, of Spokane Washington, and to all to whom this notice nVay concern that G. R. Jackson, administrator with the Will attached of the estate of F. H. G. Gihson, deceased, has filed in said Court his Final Account and Report as such administrator, and that Saturday the. 4th day of March, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, has been fixed by the Court as the date- and time of hearing the objections, if any, to said Re port and that at said time and ®laee the said Probate Judge will adjudicate and determine who the heirs and distributees of decedent are. Q.* R. JACKSON. Administrator with the Will At tached, Publish—Dec. 31, 1932 Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28. 1933. ' NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To A. Lund, E. Peterson, H. Bnehaug. L. Moi, and J. Rosvold, and John H. Nelson, and to your Heirs, Legal Representatives, and Assigns; 'VOV AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the un dersigned has expended the sum Of one hundred dollars during each of the" twenty-one years beginning with the Year 1910 up to and in cluding the Year 1931 in annual tabor and improvements on that certain. placer mining claim known as the “EXPRESS ASSOCIATION”, which is situated between Nome River and Tripple Creek in the Cape Nome Recording Precinct, Territory of Alaska, the location aotice of which is record in the Office of the Recorder of said TrecIScTTn VoTTL87, Page 379, in ♦rder- to hold said' claim under the provisions of the Laws of the United States and the Territory of Alaska concerning annual* labor on alining ciaiins. suqu expenuuures being the amount required by law to be done each year to hold said tlaim during: the period from 1910 to 1931, inclusive. And you and each of you are further notified that if within ninety days from the completion of the publication hereof for the period of ninety days you fail or refuse to contribute to the under signed your proportionate share of such expenditures, as a co-owner, your interest in said placer min ing claim will become the pro perty of the undersigned, your co owner, who has made such requir ed expenditures. . Done at Nome, Alaska, this 3rd day of December, 1931. THORULF LEHMANN THOMAS A. MeALON® Co-owners. Publish—Dee. 3, 10, IT, **, SI. 1932. Jan. 7, 14, SI, 21, F*b. 4, XI, It, >5, IMS. NOTICE OF MARSHAL’S SAlJE Public notice is hereby given, that by- virtue of n writ of Execu tion and Order of Sale, dated Nov ember 21, 1932, issued out of the District Court, of the United Sta tes for the Second Division. Terri tory of Alaska, on a judgment rendered and entered in said Court, on the 23rd day of Novem ber, 1932, in favor of J. S. Stan groom and Lucille Monroe. Plain tiffs, and against the Henry Creek .Quid Dredging Company, a cor poration, Cose No. 3175. for the sum of $8,621.21, with accrued and accruing costs; and Case No.3176, for the sum of $5,302.45. with accrued and accruing coats, I have, on this first day of Decem ber, 1932, levied upon the follow ing described real estate, situated Jn the Cape Nome Mining Precinct, ■Second Division, Territory .of Al aska, towit: Those certain placer mining claims on the Kougarok River known and designaied as “Halllberg Fraction,'' “Howard Fraction," and "Martha Claim,” below Merritt's Discovery oil said river, also “No, 9 Below" Merritt's Discovery"; and placer mining claims known as Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5 and 6 abpve Allen's Discovery on said Kougarok River, all in said ■m Cape Nome Mining and Recording District, Second Division. Territory of Alaska. Also certain personal property consisting of one gold dredgiug machine, with all appur tenances thereto, camp outfit, etc.; that said personal property was duly sold according to law on the 19th day ofJanuary, 1933, for the sum of $1,000.00, whereby the defendants became entitled to a credit on the judgment in this amount, leaving as still due there* on the sum of $12,923.66, with accrued and accruing costs, and that I will, accordingly, offer said real estate for sale, at public ven due to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on the 20th day of Febr uary, 1933, at 11 o’clock A. M., ;at the front door of the United (States Court House at Nome, Alas j ka. ji Dated, Nome, Alaska, January j|20, 1933. CHAS. D. JONES, United States Marshal,' Second Division, - TerrMory of Alaska. 'Publish January 21, 28. and February 4. 11, 1933. ! ■ _ i (Frontier Night, next Saturday, February 4th. The big night of historical Nome. Break the Eagle ' N ational Bank! # ' Cbe Shooting of 5. fttmoo | ^ * 1 I l»y—GOD SAWS ' ^ A bunch of the boys were sopping it up. wild k'nd ■ :r .of panther dew; . The kid who carries the camera case had helped "him „ sell to a few. While back of a jug with u mouldy script sat dangerous S. Kimoo, And draped ail around and over his chest, was the gal they call Igloo. " ' c ■ • • • | When out of the night where the sun was bright and falling over a chair, There came a mad miner fresh from the still, his bottle all filled with care. He looked like he had one hoof in the 'grave, without the strength of a souse. Yet he tilted a jug and said, “Here’s how!” and spilled a lot on his blouse. Then he waved the jug in a circle wide and offered to treat the crew. Insisting he had the best in the laud, a violenl__.and_ potent brew. * » And we all took one and one or two more and' it tasted very new. We drank to his health and the last to drink was ’dangerous S. Kimoo. 1 V .3 \ The camera kid was having, his drink ^ close to the camera case; The mad miner stumbled across the room and fell down there on his face. His oiitfitretched Hand clutched the camera case—My • -n God!, but that mail'could clutch.. • .*... Rising he shouted, “I’ll show you a trick which doesn't amount to much." ..... . ' _ He ,took the head from the camera case and set it on tripod stand. And then he threaded a thousand foot role with weak and trembling hand. (My God; How ghastly she looks through her rouge— the gal they call Igloo) , . “Tomorrow we'll shoot in sequence fifteen,” said dang erous S. Klmoo. Then swinging .the camera around, about and setting his finder true. The mad miner ground away all the film on the gal they call Igloo. He suddenly stopped ami in, accents wild he said, “Yea, I’m telling you.” • Z-; : “There’s some one hogging the so and so scene and that one Is S.- Klmoo.” kb \ Then the lights went out, damn the gaffer’s! hide, left us groping In the dark. And a woman screamed and I found a< match and two men lay stiff and stark. Right full on his face and passed out complete was dangerous 8. Klmoo, While close by hi* side but more gracefully, the mad miner passed out tco. Now these are the -simple facts in the case and I guess I ought to know. . .. Wa all drank too much of that Arctic sap—it knocked us all for a row. I can Just remember—It’s secret though—and strictly between us two, The woman who kissed me and pinched the jug was the ga] th«y call Igloo. Printed Through Courtesy of The Eskimo News JW* f\ ,f~in - - 1~4-- ---- ~ ** ** " - * * ——- —— —- - - - - " ■ I V . n t notice .la order that aabeerlban will aoi . e delayed la leadthg the Satar ity Nasset. several hows late, it will Jbe aeeeaaary that all •haagOa of regalar adaerttoemeata he la the odloe aot later thaa» P. M., Thursday a, to laaere Rabllca tloa a the Saturday laaaa.. Other wise the chaage caaaet be mad* aatll the aext laaaa....* ........ BASEBALL PRACTICE monpat Hanunoa ...„. 0-7 Federal* .. 7-8 Commercial* .. AImHmu ........ . . .... 0-10 . -' ■ . ■ - • . • ‘ ■ * ' HAVE YOl ANY NEWS The Nugget wishes to publbb every item «f local news that tn he obtained. There are many hap pcniags and minor incidents of personal interest la Nome and the surrounding district ' which the paper woeld like to Enow abo* and print in this column. §(M them in by t«IO|d»oee, by mail, or dtwp In at tba Nugget odice. U will be appreciated. m - • • . - ; , . gnbscribe for th# N®u»a Nugget an* the Daily Butlatfr delivered nt yepr door umyy era* lag fur IAOO per aiabth^__^__ I k* . r • ■ i p. pit c, — • --—- --T”rr * " s ^ ... .. *, L - ■- !.!■■ ■ — ■■,.-■■■■ — ■— ■ ■ ■■■ — - — ■ ....——- ' Your neighbor does not like it when you ask to " '■» « -, / ■ - ■ „ *• borrow his paper ; . *■ _ . . So why not SUBSCRIBE MOW For The Nome WEEKLY NUQ6ET r • r * "* . , ‘ ^. \ $1.00 per month delivered by carrier or mail * '"S . \__ . - * i ___ <V,’3n^. 1 jS Job Printing Department , -■% •. s * Business Stationery Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads. State ments, Envelopes, Legal Blanks, In voices, Shipping Tags. Special Blanks. Society Stationery Invitations, Announcements, Programs Cards, menus Poslers, Hand Bills Circulars, Brochures, Booklets, i Pam ptitets, Folders, Placards. WE DELIVER YOUR NtWTMfi ON TIME ||*P5!3P**PNNMNNWWNWWMmW