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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS Outgoing mail via plane for Seat tle via N'ulato and Fairbanks leav es Nome every Tuesday via Paa, •cheduled service. By request we are again print ing the peom "The Shooting of S. Kimoo." on page six. It U re prnted by permission from the M—Cl-**—M Eskimo News published last Christmas. Pilot Reeve took off yesterday on hs return flight to Seward"! He expected to land at Shakiooftk and pick up Fran(t Beeson as a passenger, who is ehroute to the States foi>,nied1cal attention. The warm spell which we of Nome are enjoying h,as caused some delay in the shooting of scenes by the M-G-M for the Esk imo. It actually rained in Nome .during the night and untill it freezes again, traveling via dog team or afoot will necessarily he hard George Taggart, a former Nome school Iwii, mow with the M-G-M movie boat "Nantik". is paying a visit front Teller this1 week. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. Sam Taggart. It will be recalled that m i J *, his father was manager jhf thi Pacific Cold Storage Co. ’ meat markets in Nome in the early davi later moving to Seattle with till family. George ,is undecided at to whether he will fly ou-tside 01 go bark to needier. 'rS Edna Chriatoffenson whii spend some fen days visiting at Kot zebue returned to Nome Thureday via plane to carry on her writing of stories and collecting data for a book whch she expects to pub lish later on. Edna has the honor of being the first woman to fly a piano in this section of Alaska. Representatives Nets Swanberg, A G Blake. George Helleriph, all republicans and Tolbert Scott dem ocra ic representative., plan to leave Nome via NAT plane next Wednes day enrouite to Juneau via' Fair banks. They will look after leg islation for this section, in con junction with Senators Lomen and Frawley. The second trophy of the Pioneer soc.ial seri<>e was held Thursday evening ' at the Igloo. 1S games of progressive w'hist were played, after w-hich light refreshments were served, winners of prizes for the best players of the evening were award ed to Miss Lillian Anderson, Mrs. Garnet Martin and Mrs. Harvey Grant; men’ winning prizes were Nels Swanberg, Norman Rolando 8 |j Wien Airways j 1“ OF ALASKA, INC: j AIRPLANE PASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE TO ANY SECTION OF ALASKA, AT REASONABLE RATES.SIX PLACE BELLANCA PACEMAKER AIRPLANE, WITH WASP JR. 300 H. P. ENGINE, ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR LARGE FREIGHT LOADS AND LONG DISTANCE FLIGHTS. 17H Cent* per Pasnengfr Mila with 50 Lbs. Baggage Free i | COMMUNICATE WITH NOEL WIEN. FAIRBANKS. ^gt^isMagiginrjaiciaimgsiastgMafiiBHamsMagaBiffiwaaRanaMacMagiKMSMTM: .. ■ ' ■ ..- — - '..-r=a."i-.= LUMEN COMMERCIAL CO. NOMfi, ALASKA. DEALERS IN V .V-‘‘ Ardtic Fur Clothing (A Specialty) Lumber, Coal, Hay And Grain m—mmmmmmm O* ^ _ I -UtaLj-V • . . A Your Dog Balanced Deserves Ration It' Standard Oil Company Products General Stores BALDWIN GANDLH KOAVEK OOLOVIN TBLLS7B LOMEN COMMERCIAL 00. SKATTLB, NOMK 1*7 OOLMAK BLDQ.NRONT fTBUOT. ** *. i and M J Walsh. The third of the . trophy series will be held Feb ruary 25th at. which time cards, dancing and refreshments will be the order of entertainment. Jjlra. Dave Gray made a trip to Pilgrim Springs via NAT plane this week where she expects to sfend some time recuperating from cn a P ack of rheumatism Senator-elect James Fnawley, ac companied by Mrs. Fnawley. ex pect to leave Nome for Juneau via NAT plane Feb. ,15th. weather permitting. -They plan to fly to either Cordova, Valdex or Anchor age via Fairbanks. Senator Fnaw fey who was elected last fall as a democrat ovar Senator Richard Sundqulst, republican, plans to ar rive at Juneau seveal days in ad vance of the beginning of the legislative sessions scheduled for March 6th, as the opening date'. Due to pressing business Senator Frawley will probably return tq Nome via plane as sooh as the legislature adjourns B. B. Mozee who lias acted as General Superintendan,t of Rein deer for Alaska for several years, will lie replaced March first by Lyman n S. Brewster. Mr. Mozee has been requested to take charge in the Kuskokwirn section but at present his future plans are inde finite. To those of our readers who have not become acquainted with Mr. Brewster we will at it.his time enlighten you as to who. whai,. where and whence he came to our shores: Mr, Brewster is a grad uate of the University of Mont ana. A.B., 1924; University or Michigan L.L.B., 1928; was ad mitted to the Montana Bar Ass ociation 1928; came to Nome frciui his home at* Bimey, Montana, last July, as a field representative for the reindeer department thru app ointment by Secretary. Wilbur of the Interior Department and has been acting Nome Unit Manager in the reindeer service. Chief Deputy A.O. Brown of the Marshal’s office returned to Nome yesterday from an official trip to Golovin and Haycock/. He reports among other things that Mrs. Joe Dexter at Golovin is very-ill; also that Wallace Porter is expected to arrive Nome about the middle of next week on business. Other In tcresting sourdough items will he j published in newt week’s issue. WRITE YOUR FRIENDS A -ETTER ON SOURDOUGH STA riONARY On Sale «t Nugget Office CLUB DINING 8NCOND AVENUE Chili or Short Orders From « p.ra. till 9 Em. Special Dinners b> A ppoint meat Oaljr Telephone or Call REAL HOME COOKING / BANKING NOTES We Purchase Gold Dust at AsfSjr Value less cost of handling. W« Beat Safe Deposit Boses. We Trauffer Moaey by Mail .or Telegraph. We Pay Interest ou Time Deposits at the rate of tK par aaaaoar. ... A Baak Acoouat Haeearagea * and helps yon to Sara. We Solicit Your Account. MINERS AND MERGHNTS BANK OF AIASKA Capital_...410*000.00 > Surplus.Ji SS.OOO.OO f ■*** Kn» iPICTURE JV F.XT FRIDAY? Everyone knows the story by Mark Twain of Tom Sawyer, and also his youngeroter accounts of Hucleletberry Finn. Well, next JF-ri day, Feft>. 17th, the Dream Theater l« allowing the dim "Tom Sawyer". Included in the cast are Jackie Coogan, Mitsi Green and Jackie Searl. everyone one of them young ster* who have played in films for several years and who recently ' •* appeared in that talkie film “Skip py”. This pi ture Is also a talkie. It Is one of the greatest epics de pleting a clear cross-section of , American boyhood fnd girlhood. One deXtlnctlve characteristic of the piobure 1b that it affords as amusement and enjoyment for the older "ydilngBters” as H does for — the children. It Is a picture no one should miss. There will be two per formances, 7:15 and * p.m. Subscribe for the Dally Bulletin! - —- -iJ-----— i; K9 i ^ - ■ -*-m ■ DRY GOODS SPECIALS ' ■ i „ * ^ k i . Fast Color Prints .‘20cts Children’s Polo Shirts .Torts * ss * - >0 P '■ Electric Curling Irons Guaranteed, $1.00 Stamped Pillow Slips $1.00 Valentines We have a new assortment < f fine valentines for young and old. Don’t | forget the girl friend would like one with a box of candy. A good assort ment of comic valentines will help to f ■ . * “.,■c* ■ j., make the party a success. Mail then to your friends. t • - • 11 * f-r.-, -- * ~ ' \ ' • * - The Home of, Service Quality and Low Prices 1 ' ... jt: f m' * ..-..r--,'-.'; '. ** f •. '• >♦<*•'. " 4 f ' » • " • " * • , • ■ i