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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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LOCAL NEWS - COMMERCIALS WIN . CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Big Eagle Hall was crowded last Wednesday evening by indoor base ball enthusiasts when the teams copiposed of the Commercials and Hammon played off a tie, each team having won four and lost two ' games during the series between the fpflr teams. * A great deal of intense•interest as well as some personal feeling entered the games during the series, which after all probably ac counts why. the'. American public fakes so* much interest in. baseball. Of course after it is all over every one forgives and forgets wbat they sftid or did ./fir even thought, during the heated progress' of the games, which is a good thing, to do. ... At tho beginning or tire series the Alaskans', a native team, show, ed themselves. to best advantage;, the Federal^ also developed.-*-good t team and the Hammon team was .-. up and coming, a dangerdats threat at all times. The' •' Cojn mer^ials’ • . was the weakest team in. the be ginning of the series, lacking a Seasoned Catcher for one thing; while the. balance of the tfiarri were more or less" aecusfomid to indoor baseball. Hfiv/e'veT. ‘.it is safe to say ‘that"'Catcher Ohiuk * J Adams is the most important man that came to the front during the series. In the beginning, he not 'being familiar with Indoor ball, he was unable to hold the fast balls pitched by Harold Dill of the Com merclals, thus allowing many runs to come in on passed balls. As the games progressed eredit js due him in catching a flue game and with good pitching and fielding 'by the balance of the team they were able to come out of a tough start to a grand fln'sh, * thereby, captnr 'ing the championship of Nome and i Nor h western Alaska. I "We do not wish to ^belittle the iplaying of any of the teams; they, till played good strong ball and good sportsmanship was displayed (throughout it he series. The Hain mon team, with its -two pitchers 'and Snappy catcher.- Art Harris, who is hard tp beat as an all Around indoor ball player, ■ was considered a winner at all times. .TJe .Native . and the Feder&l i teams, however,. Instead of Imp'rof , lag, went the 'opposite and were’ * * . ... • “ * • ..placed off their feet, -fn the- -re •.nycn.ihg jsnmes, by the faster amt ..jbioV'J _ improved playing of the C'mrnercial and llnmnion teams, j A word abput the umpifes—-a fbudikless job and one of the most difAdult' positions to play, was ’hon estly and fearlessly performed by 'Messrs, ■ Charles•• Code, Alfred J. f,<'men, Norvin Lewis and Ham ■Hagen... all seasoned indoor pla'vers jo# many years experience,, Their decisions,. „ were always made- as •I iflfoy themselves sow the game with its many anil several diversi fied plays, many of them happen ing so quick with, bases full that even the players themselves were in doubt. All in all “'‘the umpires are to toe Congratulated on the ef ficient manner in which they con ducted the games. May by Innings. . In the toss up of a coin the | Mammon team won, thereby select , ing to go into the held. Glayinc- j vich pitcher, Harris catcher.. The Commercials’ at bat. Dill up, he. kniScked the ball into tlie gallery J placing him on second r base. field-| -c nverg up, safe hit to first. Dill; crosses home plate. Coiigdon up | put out on fly. Rudd up, went out on fly tip. Maynard safe bunt to tir t base,' bringing home Soiden verg. Adams up, safe hit to first, .bringing home ^faynard. viiVler up. out on first base. Side retired. Second half first inning:— Dill and Adams Battery for Commer cials; Mammon team at bat—Allan Leo up, out on fly tip. Sathet* rfmkes safe lilt- to first base. Nor jiian Rolandp. up, ma'de safe bit to first base, bringing home gather. Harris up, out on fly to Rudd who me do double play on second base. X out, side, retired. ■ First of second half, Commer cials qt bat—Merrifield up, out on ■ foul tip. BroclerSoii' mode safe hit j t rv first, base.- Dill up, made ap lother two base hit, bringing home jriroderson, Congdon up. ’ two’ base ;bit, bringing home Dill; Rudd - ■ NOME KENNEL CLUB TENTATIVE SCHEDULE PROGRAM of RACES ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT .. SATURDAY, MARCH 11th i ' * V, ' . f > IW>RI)KN CUP RACE “ SUNDAY. MARCH l»tli KENNEL CLUB KAJINIVAL . c.SATURDAY, APRIL 1st •J ' * '■ ’ .ALIALASKA CHAMPIONSHIP RACE . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5!h. • .*• . , i ■ < . - -.- - - - - ‘ ----—--— ■■ --" --I JOHN HEGNESS DRIVING FAMOUS ALBERT FINK PRIZE WINNERS —McMIL.LAN IN LEAD Nome Dog Race Pool Sponsored By The Nome Kennel Club ALL ALASKA CHAMPIONSHIP RACE _ Closes Midnight, Tuesday, April 4th, 1933' to - *. ; . ___ »p—i . hi' ...I - m'jf ."■« , BOBBY BROWN’S RACING TEAM WITH THIRD BEACH DINE DUMPS IN THE BACKGROUND .... GUESSES $1.00—NOW ON SALE safe hit to flirst. Maynahl^iip, '■! base- hif.' bringing home Congdon and ‘Rudd. Miller up, t'vV> base hit bringing in Maynard. Merri'fleld up, makes safe hit to first. Bro derson up, two base hit 'putting Menifield on third. Dill up, pitc her gave him four balls, walked to fir t. Seideiiverg - up, struck oyt bases full. Side retired. Q'Leary sulbstitutCfl- as pitcher in this inn ing- • . _ Daft .-half second -inning*— Ham ilton at hat -3*0'Leary up. ^struck out. Anthony' Rolando short hit put out on first base. Dick Lee up," hit put out*on first base." Three out, side retired.' First half of third inning— Com mercials at bat—Congdon up and ‘trikes out. Rudd up, makes safe hit, to first base, Maynard makes safe lift li) first and Rudd- is put. out on'third base. Adams bunts and' is put oilt on first base. , 3 out. side retired. ■ Second half of Third inning-— Mammon at ' bat;—Mickirson up, makes safe hit to first h.ut is put out at Second Base, Olav.inovich tip, Dili gitve h im~ T"7vfr baYis walk in-f himdn--#rst; ^Han-Dee -made safe hit do first but Glavino'vich is forced out at second base toy fast ploy. Sather up, hit safe to first. Babe Rolando up, made C.yo base hit., but, Satober put out running from sN'ortd to third by Rudd. 3 out, side retired. Firtjt half of Fourth inning— Commercials at. bat. Miller up, out On first.. MeVrifield up, hit to the pitcher put out at first. Broder son up. struck out, 3 out, side re ■*tiued. j-' SNronI h-alf of fourth .lining Hamm m at bat—Harris up. hit. put out on first. O'Leary .up. safe bunt to first .Anthony ’Rolando up safe hit to first, advancing O’Leary to st cond base where he was put oit. At this period O'Leary to the floor and upon .amin lion i. v |i ■■etor Rex F. Mw.'i' i it - >vj.s found that ft 3 had '.sustained » broken stain hone and was remov ed -o the Captain Rudd who was playing?* secant! base re ceived a '‘hpuised kiiee but w: *t t a Me t finish the gajne. vich resumed* pitching f*of the 'balm of the '.game. •«:. Rick Lee.up. made.' tf two ba-ss- Lit. bnnein ; home rRolando. M'ekloson up safe h-:'t to firs;, bringing, home ' Lee (llavhiovich w-p, two kbpse hit Mich";el-son scoring. Allan Lee up, opt on. pop fly. Carl safe at hopv* plate -lipforo fly. Side retired. (l' v’iio\ ioh who'had been taken fr<-m 'iiV box pit.died .1 .v.bale of a • gf>»A game fp.r the '.balaib e the 'innings.. v • .' • ■ Fitsi' iialf of Fifth inning Com meredada at bat-—Dill up. ami is w-dked.,-' _S''LluHscFg up. alsb is— walked Condon i pr tliinl man •to !,"• vaTUed. RndcV ua.-bases full and makes- safe^ hit to first but Bfil! force 1' out jin home Last. Maynard un. m ■ on fly tip to iiUL.Adamn nip. o".' n flv to short.. Side retired ,Se half of Fifth inning i ii. 'n moll at ■ bat yl r ao. ma fn Lit. i'.r{ *p;ji out on first: Babe Ro lando up,' Lit t ■> Mayhard to firs •and out. Harris up. made two base liii - -Mkhacison up, hit', put out -to list t>ase. Side retired half of the Sixth Inning - Commercials at bat—Miller up. he CC nttnued on Page Pixl ■>*** I I - RECEIVED BY PlAfJE | I THIS WEEK I | _ m ■ §jH. RRIDGJD PRIZES. PERFt MES. LIGHTERS. SMOKING SETS, AM) NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS |j j® ' THU.DREWS NECK LACKS ' AND l?RA< !.I KT SETS |3fte Studio & Oft f&msamsm* ? r - 5T~ ^wmmm————_ > . IW1 - Hr77” ■' ..-Ay - ,A ^ - -— ..-- • ’r—■;—■"'■;■ ■ " Open to Buy Large Quant —- _ * * ... r. . . .. « * Both Raneh anti >\ liighest Cash PricesiliaLL zi ...w—<-—~~~*— : N. Sobel, Inc. 208 West SOth 8t., New York City Contapt for Information and Shipping Tags H. J. YURMAN, Alaska Represent a live Triangle Building, Juneau. j