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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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LOCAL NEWS l -- j Fred Topkok, the nattve, who won the Solomon Dog Derby this spring, arrived ®in Nome Monday front Mary’s, Igloo. * ■ The sea ice has 'broken off to within a mile of shore at Cberi kuk. which is the .place where they portage across Golovin Bay. #- i ***" Itev. F. G. Forrester, pastor of the Federated church, returned to Nome after a 'briof vacation up the west coast, to Teller and Cape Prince of Wales. B. W. NjeiJly with his fast d >g team, arrived from Golovin Tues day morning, accompanied by Mrs B. ,L MoConaghy, who was on a visit to her sister Mrs. “Dewey' " Goodrich. __ ^ .. _ I Louis Xashenweng is returning to the Kougarok section where he. is interested in mining operations Rchcrt Peterson will accompany | him via dog team, and bo in his employ -this season. X - i Peter Curran came in from Gol-; dvin on Monday on his regular' weekly mail trip with a fair sized - load of mail. He left again Wed-! nesduy morning on his return trip1 I. I-, ...... , -VL and it is understood that this will iiiiish up the overland mall trips .or the .winter season. ; - - " - - - ■■■— Cliasv Fagerstrum Sr., and son Charles Jr., arrived in Nome Mon day from Golovin. Charles Jr., came up to re-enter the employ of the Hammon Company, where Up has been engaged in wenching oft No. 3 dredge. Axel Wertrer and John Swede man who are opera liig a hydrau lic plant on Glacier creek, have gone out there 4o get things in shape for summer operations.® Mr Swademan came in town Monday for additional supplies.? It is reported that both placer mining deals that Attorney James Frawley was promoting, have been successful; one o? which is known i the Gold Run ditch deal an($ the other the Second Beach Line, Jut the authenticity of the report lias not as yet been confirmed. tine to Senator. Frawley’s absence from Nome at the present time. A small hartbor crew as been engaged in cutting an ice channel at the nvouth of the jetties, recov ering timbers washed out last fall and making repairs to equipment. Monday morning the crew will be enlarged and will commence w’Ork on the program as outlined by the Army Engineers. MffiiHBiSgeBSiiagCTawRKaiiBiBifiggfiiSMHSMBirefiBcfimaiBgefuBaiiBMg | Wien Airways 1 OF ALASKA, INC. j AIRPLANE PASSENGER SERVICE ] Baggage Allowance 50 lbs. GREATLY REDUCED FREIGHT RATES i TJ. S. Department of* Commerce Licensed Equipment and Personnel Address all communications to Fairbanks, Alaska ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. sp. f I,EAVES SEATTLE MAY 34; AUGUST 3; AND OCTOBER 1 FOR BERING SKA 1*01NTS CALLING ON ALL TRIPS AT NOME, GOLOVIN, ST, MICHAEL, AND TELLER. AI AO CALLING ON THE FIRST TWO TRIPS AT ALL KOZTKBUE HOUND PORTS A ’ . > New Tariff Pro^des Substantial Cuts * In Freight Rates See Us Now For Freight Reservations ■ i ", . ■ LET US ASSIST YOU IN ROUTING YOUR FREIGHT ARCTIC TRANSPORT DOLLARS ARE SPENT IN NORTHWESTERN ALASKA jh( iimei a 'v,!i ", NOME, ALASKA. SEATTLE OFFICE—827 COLMAN BUILDING Sun-day morning and Monday the drill crews of the Hamrnon company began to move out to the creeks to begin drilling oper ations, while oiher men were en gaged in getting the dredges In condition for the coming summer operations. Ditch crews were al so being placed to get the big ditch in shape for carrying for the spring freshet. Paul Rasmussen left for the Kougarok via dog team and a ioad of supplies. Jack Kinney and Charles Nel son are awaiting transportation -o the kougarok section via NAT planes as soon as weafher permits Pilots Vic Ross and Hans Mlrow are due to- arrive Nome with eight passengers from Valdez as soon weather permits. Pilot Chester Brown is s’ornt bound at Kotzrtbue enroute to Pt. Hope with a load of supplies for the MCM movie outfit. - — » * Geese were first seen this spring on the lagoon below Safety, Wed nesday morning. The report says that they were Canadian Honkers and that there was considerable water on the lagoon. Mrs. Henry Burgh and children went out to their summer cottage on Nome river, near the mouth of Dexter creek. Her brother Peter, with his mail team transferred them over the mountain. Mrs. Burgh will remain there until the snow leaves the road so that auto' mobiles cgn travel. Tom Sweeney who has been prospecting in the Kougarok sec tion during the winter season, re turned to Nome Wednesday. Mr. Sweeney reports that the Whi*e interests are making great head way drilling the ground and -that -the results w’ere very satisfactory so far. and indicates that the ground will prove good dredging proposition. FOUND—A pair of eye glasses, i inquire at Nugget Office. SOURDOUGH.. STATIONERY FOR SALE AT THH NUOGBT OFFICE. UR. L. W. FROMM DERTMT OppMlto Kmm If am •j I CLUB ! ! DINING I ROOM ! | i 1 1 I , * ■ ■■ SECOND AVENUE j Chili or Short Orders Prom 6 p.m. till 3 p.m. Special Dinners try Appoint' meat Only : - T -* • ; Telephone or CPll REAL HOME COOKING BANKING NOTES We Purclutse Gold Dust at Assay Value less cost of handling. We Rent Safe Deposit Boxes. ^_____ * We Transfer Money by Mail _ or Telegraph. We Tay Interest on Time Deposits at the rate of 9% per annum. A Bank Account Encourages and helps you to aare. We Solicit Your Account. MINERS AND MERCHNTS BANK OP ALASKA Capital.100,000.00 Surplus,.. 21,000.00 For other airplane activities lot** under tbe Telegraph Bulletin day* of the w je* _ ‘ * "' 0 SUBSCRIBE FOR NOME DAILY BULLETIN AND WEEKLY NUG GET—READ THE NEWS FIRST. Every Month In the Year 1933 Auction Sale Dates v May 16 Sept. 26 June 20 Oct 24 July 25 v Nov 21 Apr. IS Aug. 29 Dec. 21 SPECIAL SALES HELD ON HEQUBST OP SHITPERS Advances will be made usual when re quested. Transferred by telejcraph if desired. ! "v ■ .• The Seattle Fur ExVhanKe has al ways demonstrated to the satisfaction of all their shippers that it ran anti does sell furs in a manner superior to anyone else. Our ( t monthly auction sales art' recORniz od by buyers of raw furs as the best source from which i to provide the wor* « Id markets witli ; tlieir requirements of fine Alaska furs. ; • v The SEATTLE FUR EXCHANGE 1008 Western Avenue Seattle, U.S.A. A 14 DAY SALE *v w • STARTING MAY 8 ■ —_ _—i,—12. ' ..—r ■ ■■— ' .. • . * *. ASSORTED CANaED MEATS For cold lunches, sandwiches. Van Camp Pork and Beans mr ■ Libby Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce Reliance Coffee in one pound tins Gallon Goods Dried Peaches in two pound packages •—* , * Dried Black Figs in ten pound boxes Carnation Pancake and Waffle Flour Libby Catsup in handy 8 oz. bottles Sniders Catsup in regular 14 oz. bottles COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAYS AND THE PLEASINGLY LOW PRICES POUFS STORE The"House of Service Quality and Low Prices