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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
NEW LIOUOR LAWS -“"OF ■v . H " (Continued from »’■*« One) „ Age Limit In 21 It .shall be unlawful to sell beer to any person under the age ot twenty-one Vears, to any intoxicat ed person, or to an habitual drunk ard, and it shall be unlawful for any licensee to permit the drink ing of alcoholic liquor, other thun l»eer or wine ot 17 percent or less, in the premises covered by the license, •'ll shall be unlawful for any licensee to maintain curtains, screens, or other obstructions, shading either booths where beer may be consumed or rooms where beer is sold. "It shall be unlawful for any licensee to sell any beer between ■the hours of 1 o’clock am. and 8 o’clock, or allow any liq uor of any kind to be drunk be tween the said hours on the prem ises covered by the said license. Violation is Misdemeanor “Any violation of these regula tions shall he deenied a misdem eanor, and> upon conviction shall toe punishable as provided in Sec tion 2072, Compiled Laws of Al aska 1913, (Section 505, S. L. A. 1933), and shall be constued as prima facie cause for revocation of the said lieensp; and in the event of revocation of any license, the licensee shall be- disqualified from securing a license to sell In toxicating liquor in Alaska for a ppriod of one year from the date of revocation. Section 8 Specifics Dealers “A retail License to sell hard or distilled liquors may be Issued to any person, firm, or to a cor poration qualified to do business the Alaska. Under this license the sale of such Intoxicating liquors is permitted in original packages only, with the United States In ternal Revenue stamp unbroken, and no licensee under these regu lations shall permit any liquors to he sold to any intoxicated per son or habitual drunkard, or to any persons under the age of twen ty-one years, and the sale of any such liquor to any per«on who_ is an attendant of any public school or high '/school within the Terri tory of Alaska shall be deemed prima facie evidence that such person is under the age of twen ty-one years. All packages are to be labeled, the label to show whether the content is pure or straight* blended, rectified, or com pounded, and where blended, recti fied or compounded, the character of the blend or compound and the alcoholic content thereof, and alao the date when made, blended, rectified, or compounded. KcNidontei of Alaska “Licensee t6 retail hard and dis tilled liquors may be issued only to ci likens of the United States who .have been bona fide residents of Alaska for at least one year, or to firms or corporations who have' been qualified for at least one year to do business in the Territory of Alaska. “A Wholesale License to sell hard or distilled liquors in the Terirtory of Alaska may he issued to any person, firm or corporation qualified to do business in Alaska, permitting the sale of such bev erages in original packages only, with United States Internal Rev enue Stamps unbroken, to retail dealers only, and not to consum ers or to the general public. “No license shall be grunted to any person, firm or corporation holding a retail license, unless the said persons, firm or corpora tion has first relinquished the re tail license. “Kach license, under the pro visions hereof, shall keep a com plete record of all receipts and sales of intoxicating liquors, and said records shall be available at all times for the inspection of re presentatives of the Territory, and a copy of the same shall be fur nished to the Territorial Hoard of Linqtior Control upon request. No (tonmunptkin in I'lrnfidrs “The consumption of hard or distilled liquors on the premise.® covered by any license ‘issued un der these regulations or under Chapter ■ 11. Session. .L£.tt« of Alas ! ka, 1933. is forbidden. It shall be the duty of each licensee to see that this provision is enforced. “No license to sell hard or dis- j tilled liquors shall be granted to any person, firm or corporation huving a Beverage Dispensary Li cense issued under the provisions of Section 3, Chapter 74. Session Laws of Alaska. 1933, unless the j license so Issued to the business’ to be cdnducted would be on prem ises separate and apart from t?ie | premises covered by a dispensary license. Seciion 4 On filing % « “All applicants for license other than those granted or to be gi*ant <d under the provisions of Chap ter 71, Session Laws of Alaska, 1933, as supplemented herein, shall file wit li the Secretary of the Board of Liquor Control ih“ fol lowing: “An application in writing, s:gr ed tty applicant, giving the name end address of such applicant; aud if by a corporation, by its officers or duly authorized agent. 1 “A description of the parti f”Vr place for which a license Is de ', with reference to stfe?. etc., j »n that the premises can 1>j de ! iinil ely' located. 1 "A statement of the citizenship 'or corporate qualifications of the applicant. Shall lie Responsible j “A statement that the appli cant will personally superintend 'and manage the business licensed 'and be responsible therefor. “A list of references as to the I integrity and reputation of the .applicant, and of the desirability |of issuing a license for the prem ises mentioned therein. | “Bach application for a license jwithin any incorporated^ town must be accompanied by the approval lof the' city council of said Incor porated town, or by a petition | signed by at least 50 .reputable jcltlzens of the said tow# and a remittance of the license fee. i Section 5 On Qua Li West ions j “Before any license is issued j for the sale of hard or distilled liquors in the Territory of Alas ka, the Board of Liquor Control must he satisfied that the appli cant is duly qualified and that the premises are suitable for the proper handling of such liquorB, iand the said Board of Liquor Con trol shall be the final arbiter as to whom licenses shall lie IsBtied jar as to- the suitability and loca 11Ion of the premises covered there .bv. If the Board finds that the ap * plication la regular and satisfact ory, it slial? be tlie duty of the Secretary of said Board to issue an appropriate license. Meet ion <1 Id in its Time “All licenses Issued under these regulations are ifor a period of one year beginning with the first day of July and ending with the HOth of June, or until the Legisla ture otherwise provides, and the fees therefor are payable4 in ad vance: no license shall bo issued fir less than ohe-ifoii: ii ??f a ';i'’ \ i up feo' or a lice"- ■ to s-1 i hard or distilled liquors in the Territory of Alaska is $ TOO.00, • V\ . and in addition thereto the li censee shall pay to the Treasur er of “'Alaska two and one-half percent of the invoice price of ntl liquor purchased by licensee. For the purpose of this provision, the licensee shall submit to the Treasurer of Alaska within thirty days of receipt of each ship ment of intoxicating liquor, all invoices of such liquors shipped to the said licensee for sale by him and shall remit to the Treas urer of lAlaska, with such invoic es, the amount of excise tux due under these regulations. Sails on I touts “Provided thul the license fee for the sale of hard and distilled liquors on regular passenger boats of not less than 250 gross tona. IT. S. Custom's House measurement plying between .Alaska and the (Continued on Page Four) Bit. L W. FROMM rtwY Mui, i S .11 M MON* - i No. saoft Civil IN THK MRTRIOr 1WCBT FOR THK TERRITORY OF ALASKA FOR Hrroid Division I.KLN'A ROSK GOODRIDGB, Plaintiff, vs. HBNM.VMIX THOM AS GOODRUXMC, Defendant. THK FRRS1UMNT OF THE united States of ambkica, TO THK ABOYH-NAMBD DH FH.VD.VNT. n R E K T I X G: .. You w* hereby required ap pear (a the District "Court for the Tend) or y- Of Atakfca, Second Dlv ^—————— isloii, within thjfcty—4*3 0 i days af ter the last publication of this summons, namely Within thirty (30) days after the $Sth day of April, 1934, in case this* sum mons is published, or within torty (4 0). days after |ho date of Its service upon you, in case this summons is served upon you per sonally, and answer the complaint of the above-named plaintiff on file in the said court in the above untitled action. The said plhlntiff in said action demaritds the following relief: « A Judgement of said court dissolv ing the bonds of matrlmdny now existing between you and the said plainMtr. and changing the name of the said plaintiff to Lena Rose l!ahnke, and for such other and further relief as to the court Play seen equitable and just. And in the event you fall to so appear and answer the plaintiff will take judgement against you for want -thereof, and will apply to the court for the relief de manded in her complaint and as hereinabove stated. WITNESS, the Honorable Hes ter O. Gore, Judge of said Court, and the 8eal of said Court here unto affixed, on this 3rd day of April, 1934. SEAL. ~ THOS. D. JENSEN, Clerk IMst. Court HE ROY M. SCRIM VAN, Attorney for Plantiff. «> Publish April 7, 14. 34. 21. May 5, 1934. “ __ CHURCH NOTES — ■ , _ FEDERATED OHCIU'H Norman McCay, Paator Sunday school st 11 a.m Evening worship at 7:40 pm To Stake Your Life on Truth That la Relgion." 1.1 , . A SAI m m ■ m* to«»iii lMkufl« ka* al-' EVERY MONTH tN THE YEAR JJJ^'SSSSm -----~--—- «rf ifclpMi* Auction Solo Data* J ’ - A»* is a rrrrirr MfkHa iMt 12 ffc'MBM* •••*'. •** : ; mmSjf.. umr 1« **t. It Mb a. iNMpv IS Nar/ 14 > 5p2J**iJ5££ •«. •*. u • mnwC *• A*, «*r li «MtMM wf* MMr' n^MaiMM M >WU wkta r*. « Ma Mth far., fcy talagrapb rf 4r-*. Va* '*■ 4 ^ -aM •The SBATTLE:Pl)RIEXCHAN6E ill! Walin inat ' ' InHlk. *.1a