Newspaper Page Text
FASHION SHOW LAST TUESDAY PROVES TO DE SUCCESS IN EVERY WAY Continued train Page One Rita O’Leary, Geraldine Iludo, and Mildred Herbert, in all styles and sized. }. A feature of esp. rial interest to. families was the presentation of small models for girls, far all occasions. .parties, bouse or street wear, modeled by Betty Calkins, Vlnpinia Calkins, Vesta Pd|son, Kathleen and Anna Walsh, and Marvel Allvn. A cute little skirt dance, given by little Jean displaying an original costume brought forth much applause and approval. Afternoon dresses of the latest styles ami pleasing colors modeled “by Mrs. Rude, Mrs, Miller, and Miss Eileen Stangroont drew the. intereeit of both men and women. Strangely enough the geroUemon present were as much interested in the styles and colors as the women. There must have been a reason. Attired in ‘Costumes new to mo people of Nome. Murieil Winship, Mary Ann Mish and Gretcheu Steffin staged a waltz clog which received the loild applause of tile w entire house. With Mrs. Howe explaining anil describing the latest stylos and modes, Mrs. Rude, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Kurfh, Mrs. Hoyd ‘and Miss Bileen Stangroom modeled the attractive evening dresses, believ ed to lie the pick of the styles in the states, suitable for present ation In Nome. As a climax’ to the fashion par ade, Itaa O’Ijf ary, Horgnev t’l richson and Geraldine ' Rude gave a liffck dance, which.a-nepiy ropa-id Mrs. Whaley in its perfect execu tion and testified to her’’skill as a dance instructor. Winding up the fashion show. Mrs. Howe, through whose efforts the show was made wished to pub licly express her appreciation to the following people; Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Code, the bomen Commer cial Company, Wan. Kelsey, Mrs. Frank Whaley, ” A. .T. Pangman, Pioneer Igloo No. 1, Northern bight and Power Co., and all of the models and those who gave their dances. With every detail smoothly and efficiently executed, the Fashion Show was a success in every way. The’variety of ladies' wear, pre sented for the Arab time in Nome, testifies to the modern race, how quickly and Sow minh different jit is with airplanes at your beck land call. These styles were brought ito Nome by airplane from the outside, where, formerly it would ,huve been impossible to get them in here except by special dog team It is believed that hence forth the merchants of Nome will ;be keenly watching their opportun ities of getting In the latest goods by airplane, much to the conven : lice oiAthe publU- of this secthrrr t “ ! AITOMOTIYK KQl'U’MKNT IS TliAXXHI) KOU CITY Of N’OMK (Continued from Page Onb) ' sters who are entirely . ttin young. Wtruld lie prohibited front driving. Penalties for traffic violations were suggested where..the operator would hut-ve him license revoked, i should his violations be extremely serious or too frequent. , Suggests Purchase of New Auto Truck for Kire Oept. .Post ibly the best suggesHon to J be made during the mooting, was one whereby • the City of Nome should purchase some type in' uuto mrtbiile truck chassis, and super- , impose tlie flic equlpmhiil from the wagon now being used to the chas sis of tlie truck. Cliff Allyh and Bud. Harper of tlie Cbevroii i Mo- , tor Co., agency in Nome were pre sent fit the meeting and they Were called upon to supply data and price quotations on such a piece; of equipment. It developed, following a eom . muiiiication r‘-;id,, from Chief yen-| . n«y of the Fire Department, that the purchase of. at least ortc new j horse was necessary this fall,- and even two, if it could ho arranged. He did not advise the pu-chase of a new team 'out advised tlie f'oun , cil 'that the present team ivtis just about through for good, and that1 j something would have to he done this fail. , Receiving favorable cmwldera* j tion from the majority of the i council, it was decided to approach j both the Road Commission and the I itantfhon Con, Gold Fields to see | If they could possibly arrange- to ^ I keep -tiro main streets of Nome j cleared during the winter by the j CHURCH NOTES FEDERATED CHURCH Norman McCay, Pastor ; Sunday school at 11 a.m Evening worship at 7:40 1 “The Spiritual Sovereignty of Every Soul.'’ __i- •* •—4* : " use of (raptor, so that a dual iwiteelwl truPk such as the one suggested, would l>e able to op erate. If the butch use of a now team were made it would mean the expenditure of a considerable amount of money for the horses and then on top of that the cost of feed for them. It was .estimated Vital with a truck the city would save in the neighborhood of $500 a year, should it be -successful in gaining tlie assistance pf both -the itannnon Co., and the Alaska Hoad Ci nianission. In keepiirg the main streets of Nome graded for auto mobile op ration during the win ter. Tin1 mutter of grading snow dur ing the winter by the' use of Road Com m ission equipment, it is un derstood will be brought to the attention of Mr. Ike Taylor of tlie ARC upon liis arrival in Nome about -the middle of June. In our opinion, wo coincide en tirely witli the Council in this mat te,r, not enttreilv. or due alone to tire protection, lint because it will lie a step toward civic, betterment, if the streets of Xu me are kept 'n condition for automobile traf lic during the winter, it is cer 1 aiijly going to mean 'more busi ness for tlie people of .Nome, In every way. Outside of the fact that ;i great amount 'of . money ! can tie saved, the fire truck does j not have to stand, idle during a j fire, or lie so that it , doesn’t run away, or taken back | to the fire; house because it is too j cold or stormy. The man who op-: 14. .the truck also becomes a firc> fighter when tlie run is made, j The one large question upper-i most in the minds of tlie council ' was tlie expense of having to | (Continued on J’ago Four) _ j ~ NEW PICTURES - “lilMOM" “t,ilium." which was adapted, j for the screen from Franz Mol- | nar's famous play of the same i name, tells tlie story of a Hangar lan carnival barker, who is loved by tiwo women, one a sinner, the other a saint. diaries Farrell ! portrays the- barker, Rose Hobart the saint and Kstelle Taylor the sinner. II R. Warner and Fee Tfacv are the otlier featured players, in the vivid drama which opens Tuesday at. the Dream Theatre. •‘THIS SPORT J*A HA OK" Milling most of his life Joel Medea had been hearing about Ivan the Terrible. Then he mot him. Not only mot him. bn| he j had wrestle him. Ivan I/lnow is the full name of Miis "terrible" man and the meet ing eaiiie about when Joel was working on '“The S[Wt Parade, ’* he pioi.tire coming to the Mreatn T »*tt n>. Friday -^*4—— In. the picture .Media pljiyd a college wrestler who turns pro fessional:. SIMMONS No. »m:i Li i!h- District Court for the Ter* • i"qry of Alaska, Second Division, Charlotte Howe, Plaintiff. vs*t Russell A. Howe, Defendant, The Pnasiideiu of Tho I'nited S'atis of America, To tille above tin tm 4 defendant, Greeting: Vim are tiered,>y required to ap pear in l lie District Court for the Territory of Alaska. Second D vision, within thirty CUn days after tile last publication of this c. :ntnons, '-namely witiliin thirty. It" i days after t lie 9t-h day iff I 1934. iii cake this summons is published, or within forty do) j days after the date of iu service . upm you. in case this summtJns j is served upon you personally,, ami answer the complaint of the ; above mimed plaintiff on file in j flic, said court in t In1" above < mill ed action. The said plaintiff iu^s i d a tibn deni.unis the following reliel : A .judgment of said court tbs solving fin- bonds of matrim on y now eximt in between you anil the said i pin intiff, and changing the name j of !ho su id - plaintiff to—P-hsrb>H«r. Potter, and for such other and further relief as to .the-Com" may j so. in equitable- and just. All'll in tile event you fail to, so appear anil answer the .plaintiff will . take judgment against yen for want thereof, and will apply j lo.Hhe court lor the relief demand ed in her complaint and as here-,; in.ffliove stated. Witness, the Honorable Lester 0 Gore. Judge of said Court, and j the S'-al of said Court hereunto 1 affixed, on this I Mli day of May, j 1 9 '! I Titos. I). Jensen, Clerk of the , said Court. (SEAL) Leroy M. Sullivan. Attorney for Plaintiff'. Publish: .May 19. 29, June 2. 9, 16'. 1934. SBTKKT \KY W ill DKll.V OkKIIS I XT. HIGHWAY In a recent: hitter to Supt. ltosS 1. Kinni.i of th*’ Alaska Hoad I Commissi a. from, the secretary I « ■ , j to Delegate, Dirmond, among other*] . liitei HMi Ing ^i;t< ms was a report trade, by Snci‘htia'’y\. of .’War I tern I Concerning thh Inly hathMial High i . “ ■ . ■ r I -vay : -‘’Serrntary nf Wir George H. | Devil has submitted to the chair- j man of the House Gbmnuttofi on, roads p very fay'lifalJle report on i the Dihi ’ivd hill w(rich would up- i propriate S2.Out.),now f<>t* the sitr- t vev, location and construottoll 'of j tlie Amerioan section of the In- 1 ternationai Highway. Secetary j Dent's ren'ort deals only with the' 1 I engineering features of the road J hut from that angle no fault is | found wiilt Die idea underlying j * mr‘.-»' . ; the highway. Sen rotary Dern is j. of tli o opinion t lea t the highway is ’feasible from an engineering 1 standpoint and that is can be'built at a reasonable r s*/ The report i- expected to be extremely help ful when hearings on the hill ars held hy the committee." The total^ leinh 0f the interna ttonal project measured front Seat tle to Fairbanks. s estimated to lie 2256 mil;-. Or thi,» d iytauce 1 uT:; miles- of i ai) have- a-!really boeft constructed -1*. iv.ntr approxi mately J 1 8j3 miles of new r rffctruc-. t on to oomph- o the* project. The unco^npldted rmhiiiye is sut'tdividffd as follows: in Hfit/sh ('o.lun'itii^, ■ 5 ill miles; in Yukon, Tel rit.o,ry. 4.So miles; In Alaska,' I"'1, -miles. The Deipnr tape nt finds that !h-» liijrft way is a fea.-dblv project' it:d can be built at a reasonable east Of which should "not- exceed .*2; into.00*1 for till- Alaska se on and - $12,000,000 for -the fatiad ian section and that the irta'-ter should receive car* ftt. attention when it comes before the pr ;i r aimnn tecs. EVERY MONTH IN THE YEAR Auction Sale Dates ' - • Aiuf. 15 isept. 12 Oct. 10 June 13 Nov. 14 July 11 Dec. 12 Sl'KCIAl, .s.XI.KS HEI.D ON DEQUEST OF Klliri’EKS Advances will be made as i sual when re quested. « Transferred by telegraph if desired. I Tile Seattle l'nr Exchange lias al ways demonstrated to the sail-faction of all their shippers that it can anil does sell furs in a manner superior to anyone else. Our monthly auction sales are recogniz ed by buyers of raw furs as the best source from which to provide the wor ld markets with their requirements of fine Alaska furs. m The SEATTLE FUR EXCHANGE 1008 Western Avenue Seattle, U.S.A. ARCTIC OCEAN A ‘ ; S tA ( E5PENBERG I S,BERJA SmSMABEFF, ' ^ , ‘SSs* ' „>f, “ , Us’l SAfiEWi* • • ,»»***. y . «f'H > ■ ' J ^ CAPE /* C *'CI‘A^PM‘-DS ■ . "S~: * - ''AlSs1- a. SEWARD PEf4l NSULA" «to # y i J* a*# • *» «***“ ! - V i |X HAVCOCK* --;-“f-- HOT SPRINGS ^EKO <**“ I J A V<^ a .._x_^-—- - % . \ ( ^ V. NOME — TO ^AD/R. SIBERIA_ Be FI I MG SEA f 1 ——M“ IW t 1 , . rn. ■ 'iSpl'