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CLEARANCE SALE ON MEN’S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS While they last, at $1.50 each MEAD0W8R00K MAYONNAISSE Quarts OOcts Tints 30cts . i HalfyPints *2 for 35ets MEADOWBROOK LOAF CHEESE Five pound Brick 95cts BON MARCHE STORES HAGEN’S JEWELER AND OPTICIAN DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND OPTICAL GOOOS FINE WATCH REPAIRING EYESIGHT SPWTAJ/IST 214 FRONT STREET, NOME, ALASKA, ALASKA HOTEL *' * » •* • i • • ' « WKMi ih rated rooms by . “ v VMK WAY OR MONTH . . l< I1 ■' - FRONT BT. ” NOSIK. AI,A8KA LARGEST. EXCLUSIVE ~ HARDWAREISTORE'ON “ SEWARD PENINSULA MINING ANI» DRUDGING SITPIUKH -«-™^-~-JfcGl>NTS.'FOR liANG STOVES AND RANGHS * v». ' PAINTS, GtHiN, GLASS, WALL PAPER ETC. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ELITE BATH HOUSE & HOTEL «R _ • „ ROOMS BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH STEAM, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS OPEN 8 A. (M. TO 1 -A. M. | Super Service ! NOME CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. j HAVE YOU NECESSARY PARTS TO PUT YOUR CAR IN ORDER? j IF SO, LET US INSTALL THEM. IF NOT, LET US ORDER THEM. — j Taxi Phone Ma 108 Auto Freight f WASHINGTON CUItltRNT IHIMMKNT The President has suggested to Congress the propriety of giving thp Federal government a wider arid more complete control over means of communication by wire, or radio, telegraph and telephone companies being included, along with the concerns operating wire less apparatus. As matters now stand, tho Interstate (l°,nrnerce Commission and, the Federal Rad io Commission have something to say about the matter, but the cre ation of a body having the pow-( er of both the commissions named, and additional powers, is consid ered desirable. It is hard to state the degree to which industry should be nationalized.. Oonsider ng that the Cnlon is made up of a large' number 0f states, each having its own laws, perhaps a ' strong and neutralized control is-j desirable. On the oilier hand. | there is to’ He considered the nat- j nral freeman's instinct, which leads him to think that he should ! lie entilted to place his .anvil and , forge in the parts of his black smith shop where thej will serve si their purpose best. » . | Reports of the storm .that had j enveloped the Bast last winter. ■ serves to emphasize the difference between a cltv and' a big city. A ! _ i DO VOC KNOW THKSK FACTS \ ItOl’T THU 1034 CHKVKOl.KT’ I The new 193 4 Chevrolet is a j big. husky rah bti'lf to stand the J "Gaff”. The extra built-in value. | which you cannot see, means much toward th comfort and safe ty of the passengers and the long er life for the car. It is built right: its extra weight insures the maxi mum in riding comfort and safe ty. * Here are some facts about th' 1934 Chevrolet sedan which were taken from the April issue of N. A. D. A. Oflftclal Guide: The 1934 Chevrolet sedan has 396 more pounds of built-in value than the 1934 Ford V-8 de luxe sedan; 300 'more pounds than the Terraplane 6 de luxe sedan; 24 1 pounds more than the de luxe Ply mouth sedan; 175 more pounds than the Hudson Standard 8 sed an: 160 mor(. pounds than the Studebater Dictator. "A” sedan: and 140 more pounds th^n the Dodge sedan,; all-extra built-in value. « These weight^ are not guessea: they are officially correct. The >* Chevrolet has been built for speed, j durability, comfort, and it can stand the “Gaft": and vet Is <-eo Jk nomical to operate. (Advertisement! e.wMW -".'■M.taug.y.t.l'.■»<!&. - J, A JlTrssxgr If mm Xnmt, Alaska 1 SOURDOUGH. STATIONERY FOB SALE AT THE NUGGET OFFICE • Professional ■ DR. REX E. SWARIZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE HOURS: 1 to 8 P M. NOME, ALASKA. DR. H. G. HUGHES DENTIST A ROVE MODERN CAFE HOURS O A. M. TO 5 P. \I. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT / C. C. TANNER LAWYER “DUNHAM BUILDING NOME, ‘ ALASKA. DR. L W. FROMM DENTIST •n«iu hnu RmM FMm Mali 1 , I column heading in a Washington paper stated that 10,000 men would he employed to dig the city ch-ar of ice and snow, whereas a column heading from a New York paper indicated that 10,000 more would he set to work along the line mentioned. _ ^ LATE TELEGRAPH M I NEWS — IAHIFF.S -'ll ST ( OVUM K ..(ittl)S FltO'l CANADA TO ALASKA (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON'. June \ The. 'Iiainnan of tin* Federal Tar::T*| t'ommission, Robert O'Brien, said today, that it would be imposslb! j to remove the tariff on meats and j oilier foodstuffs shipped to Alas-1 N ka from Canada, without Congiys ional action. Such concessions would requir ? an act of Congress, and "there i is no hope of having such an act'j approved in time to relieve the j present situation.” All other gov ernment officials confirmed O'Brien's statement. An opinion oil this was request - d by southeastern Alaska cities, in an effort to have fopd and sup plies brought into Alaska by Can adian ships, as a result of -the tie up of shipping from Seattle and lie Pacific Coast. MISS IMVKRHE 1»«« klll.ED l\ AUTO WRECK r< Bv The Associated Press) PASADENA, June 8, Dorothy dell Goff, aged nineteen years the Miss Universe of 1980, a former Zlegfield Follies girl,* was killed in an auto accident near here las night. Her companion Dr. Carl Wagner tv a s fatally injured. Wag tier is a surgeon of Pasadena, and prominent in the social circles <f tlie city. Miss Goff only recently attained the peak of a screen star in the motion picture industry. S.-IMK DUMANIt Foil IIAim MfjrOKH •I -'- . -T WASH I N’fiTO.V, June X. H. If a year of rep-al has found the drink ers iff America, putting away jrst about as. much legal hard s'nff as before prohibition, but the t isle for legal beer and ale is less that, half the old time average if t, sno.dnn.otMi to 2, gal lons a year. DKOIODT STIU, SK.ItlOIS I - -Lp-1 ^ jSKTHACK TO KAIOIKHS *' — (By The Associated Press) W.ASHr.\(VIT>.\. June Warn ing that the drought is sti11 o being considered a disaster, despite the fifty million tlollar rains in Mi tin i sofa and 'he Dakotas'was brpad cast, today. * [tains continued in other .*«e li ns of the country this mornin'-t. •' i ■nevertheless, the relief a dm inistPi thm has decided to carry orr with | 'll h 1 its liaif billion relief program. Jack Solomon TAILOR jttifrtrighi fixtn faking Cn, M'NCIIISS FROM tl A. M. — BP. M. , REGULAR DINNERS 4 P. M. — * P- M. A liA CA RTK (MENU COMPLETE LINK OF BAKING GOODS jKihtttght >'im Jlakntg €n. W. .Is ERVEN, PROP. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY ONE DOZEN PORTRAITS IN LOVELY GREY MOUNTS . SIZE 5 X 63T FOR ONLY _ -A.*., - tr,7,v^ --■•*-‘-'a $500 ——WE WILL GIVE ONE ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH1EACB DOZEN PORTRAITS IF YOU FILL IN THIS GOUPONIAND BRING IT WITH YOO TO THE STUDIO — - GOOD FOR ONE FIVE X EIGHT E N Jj A R G E M E Jf T -* f *'■: ^ NAME ..V._..... .... .. — .T r— ADlUtKSS--- .... .. ~~ .- — ' .p ■ 1 THE STUDIO &-ART SHOP