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Clearance Sale On R. C. A. Victor Radios & Eveready Batteries t 1 *1 _ | fT ' • • ' „ . "A . & ‘ ; ■ ' MODEL R 74 TEN TI RE Bl-AOOUSTIC TABLE MODEL REDUCED FROM *75.00 TO *50.00 MODEL R '78 TWELVE TUBE BI-ACOUSTIC CONSOLE MODEL REDUCED FROM *147.50 TO *08.00 MODEL KK 81 RADIO PHONOGRAPH (HIM 111 NATION WITH HOME RECORDING TWO SPEED TURNTABLE TEN TUBE BI-ACAUSTIC RADIO REDUCED FROM 8178.00; TO *118.05 .MODEL UK 18 RADIO PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION Willi TWO SPEED TURNTABLE AND NINE TUBE RADIO REDUCED FROM *157.00 TO *00.50 MODEL R 58 B TEN TUBE BATTERY CONSOLE -COMPLETE WITH BATTERIES REDUCED FROM *100.00 TO *73.50 j No. 480 Heavy Duty Eveready Battery Reduced from *3.50 f0*2.75 No. ^62 Portable B Battery Reduced from *2.10 to *1.05 No. 7111 A Battery Reduced from *85 TO .45 No. A 800 Atf Cell Reduced from *0.25 TO *7.75 Jr BON MARCHE STORES HAGEN’S l dr<fi ntrnn «** .a »/ OPTICIAN DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY AfND OPTICAL GOODS FINE WATCH REPAIRING EYESIGHT SPECIALIST*. •v / * 314 FRONT STREET, -NOME, ALASKA. ALASKA HOTEL '4 . "W'KU HRVfHD ROOMS UV THK D.W OR MONTH FRONT ST. NOMK, ALASKA LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARESTORE'ON SEWARD PENINSULA v *. . ' |r. MINING ANI> DREDGING RITPPLIKS AGENTS FOR LANG STOVES AND RANGES PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WALL PAPER ETV. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I ELITE BATH HOUSE & HOTEL ROOMS iBY THE DAY WEEK OK MONTH HTEAM. SHOWER AND TUB BATHS . OPEN 8 A. M. TO 1A. M. _:_-lLi_* NOME CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. SALKS ^ TRANSPORTATION . SERVICE Chevrolrl Auto Freight Meclianlcitl Oldsmobile Taxi Lurlcation I Pontiac Bus To Little Cr, Electrical | Buick Parcel DeJirery Tire" | CMC Trucks - ■ Painting I Parts & Accessories . - Renovating | Gas and Oil C PHONE MAIN 108 “SHOPWORN” IS MKASIRKD TO BARBARA STANWYCK Barbara S’anwyrk. ranking high among the dramatic actresses of the screen, comes to the Dream | Theatre Tuesday in her newest ! drama “Shopworn,'’ a Columbia , picture. \ “Kitty Lane,” heroine of “Shop worn,” will be one of her best loved characterizations. It allows her fo portray that interesting ■auslfion from a sweet young girl with the aspirations of innocence. to a disillusioned woman who has put herself on the bargain counter liecause deceiicy didn't pay. Kitty lame is good by instinct and by preference tand aspirps to something finer than the cheapness ■ t' her surroundings. ,. Her child hood was spent in construction (amps among rough men she scorned. Then the death of her hither transfers her to a cheap campus eating house1 where she has as equal scorn for the college boys who try to date her, that is. Jack Solomon . TAILOR It.P. WARD ' MANAGC* hS.0007feW *Mf' 4-^Olivi - low ALASKA FRIENDS THE HOTEL MAYFLOWER * * IS FOR YOU. liomlnl at 4th and Olive ami within a block of (lie city's shopping district. In fun it is the huh uround which Seat tle ro utes. New. modern, and rote* as low as two dollars per day, with hutli. When enjoyed you will «ay l have attain found “.Xla'ka's j Rest Friend.’* all except Dave Livingston. The love of Kitty and Dave is a very beautiful thing ruthlessly interfered with by Dave's selfish hyp ich< ndriac mother. She lias not sup 1 vised every breath Dave « had drawn to stand qilietly by arid see him wreck his future by nu.rr\ ing a cheap waitress! Kvery heart will be torn for, Kitty when the older w.oman, proud, cold', hard, self-righteous, falsely brands Kijty as immoral and tries lb buy her off. But • Kity refuses -to lie in cheap a< they thuk her. "\o • mat ter h vv cheap 1 am. I "in not for sale!" she cries, flinging the .money back. , IJow Kit tv. her value 1 si witen si e s <•< tile cheapness of people wiU). rail fheln-el ves decent; ie.. cooics fain ns, even notorious, and . later ren-hes the haven of happi ness long denied her, is. dramat ically "Shopworn." e From the La nd of the :____.MinxiLiiT sr:.^ Xoin.;, Alaska. ■ L ' ~ • Men are what women tnatry. They .drink and smoke and swear, arid don't *go to church except when they get old or sick. Maybe they would go if they wore skirts They are more logical than women | also they are more zoological. | Both men and women sprang from monkeys but women sprang the far thest. ■‘I’apa, didn’t you whip me once for biting little Tommy?” "Yes. my child, yon hurt , him very much/’ "Well, then, papa, you ought to whip sister's music teacher, too: he hit sister yesterday right on the month, and i know it hurt her. be cause she put her arms around his neck and tried to choke him.” Jones was presenting a purse and watch to a fellow workman who; was leaving the concern. After a long flattering speech, j the manager wound up with: "The contents of this”—holding tip the purse—“may in time dis appear. “But"—holding tip the watch—‘‘here is something that will never go.’’ To save writing letters, mail a copy of Tlie Nome Nugget on plane Summer Coats \ ■ ‘ u. • ' . FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN W .... * A NEW SELECTION OF MID-SUMMER DRESSES ARRIVED % i . • i. \ WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE DARY COME IN AND LOOK OVER ' t f rs OUR NEW LINES BUY IN ALASKA • AT OUTSIDE PRICES! . • * 1* V . . iB /. * ■ '■ / Charlotte B. Howe Apparel Shop CANDLE i Spatial Nugget Correspondence ^ June 1 i Nome Nugget ■Nome; Alaska We had some very pleasant newt in store for is, the' other evenipg. Mr. Toni Roust and .Mrs. .Margi - ilte Roust of Oa kland .were united •in the bonds' of Indy Qiatftyiony? 1 We all wish them lots of g*>pd• . luck and happiness '"his was very ••Hilt t a BUj'prize - th -y hatin' m-i tinned their. |)1 ms- to ancon- u j forehand. A ■ i< 1 r ittdin•» of i a os, whoopitlg, a o i ■; ill in . .f«•. I wed the c • fetii ■ ■'. v. It it a - a renular Fourth ' J ilt ’ecd-bri*. •ion'. ... . Mr. Uoftst is 'an old t;raer • ' Alaskan, well kie-ivtl tin milt til • oOuntry. Mrs. fin si just cam in late ill the fall la y.-;i: hut ialready, looked up to a- an old y m 1'iloug'h, anc^ well 1 ke«l. She was 'Ii widow of Mr. Ifmisi's brother and—resided ■ 111—Oakland- for many > ears. Every one' is busy trying to get a garden spot planted and the !«■:. tuce is unusually stubborn this veal’. Several cf ns havV tenia; j plahts with real tomatoes grow ing on them, the largest to date being the size of a large crabupple. Mrs. Harry Burrows who left for Nome has had the blessed ev ent in the shape of a vet;- line boy. W’e Candelites send the best wishes and thanks for tile cigars. Pilot Easley arrived back from Nome after depositing Miss Myrle Reader, our teacher, and Mr. Pad dy Breen. Miss Reader was plan ning on a trip to. the States for itie summer. A pleasant Kip Mr. Easley is planning on returning to Nome taking his wife and young daughter, Jean, far a vacation. -He brot Miss Mildred Herbert home this last trip. There was much re- . joining in the Herbert home as she joined her family once more. Every one is. still on the job. Hopes for a rainy season are high. , The road work has started and it’s beginning to look fine. More power to you. Since the Nome Nugget has be come a daily paper there seemv to he more, news. Herd's hop ing you sttcceed in your venture. Pilot Frank Whaley arrived and left bringing Tk<* Taylor and Ross Kinney of Nome. They made a fast trip on our little strip of road inspecting it. no doubt. Frank Whaley then took them back to Nome. H. N. SCBSCRIBE FOR THE IMII.Y NFGGFT 82.00 MONTH BY CARRIER 8150 MONTH BY MAIL . HOLLYWOOD GRILL y . Chef, "Spllgrtti Dali" _.. »LS.iL.:.r«L L— -T COOK I t. IN A BEAL WAY Nome, , *■ \J.isUa - Professional - DR. REX l. SNNARIZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE HOURS: 1 to :i PM. NOME. . ALASKA. . DR. H. G. HUGHES J) E N T I S T ABOVE MODERN CAFE HOURS O A. M. TO 5 I*. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT C. C. TANNER LAWYER DUNHAM BUILDING * NOME. AIjASKA. DR. L. W, fROMM DENTIST Opposite Nome Nng gt t Office Hour*—I to 7 p ui. Mi S. H. M. BOOKMAN ’ * P , ■ PUBLIC STKXt G ,TA 1*H F R At Nome Tailoring Company Opposite Nugget Office Doily Hours or by Appointment 1