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The Nome Nugget Geo. S. Maynard, Editor and Publisher nri nj- - - - Tjj-irL-u-^r.-nrr.-r.-i-c.,i‘ - » - - ~» » » ■ w a » »— - ~ ^ Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUB LISHING COMPANY, Front Street NOme.AlaSka. ~ Hi' liHGKlPT'ION RJLTMB Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and 8unset Creek, for 92.00'per month. By mail postage paid outside ef Nome and vicinity. 11.50 per month. Subscribers will confer a favor if they’ will promptly notify the Office of any failure or ‘rregularity in the delivery of their papers. » - Entered in the Poet Office In Nome a* Second Class matter. MEMBER OF AMOfSAViED PRBSH The Associated Press is exelnniveijr entitled to the use for repu'blicetion of all news dispatches or edited to it or net other wise credited in rhii paper and also the local nenve published herein. __ MAXIM iGORKY, WORLD'S LARGKST AIRPLANE. SOON TO UK TKSTKD J', (Ry The Associated Press) I MOSCOW., The —world's-- largest airplane, the Maxim Gorky, named for Soviet Russia's literary hero, is nearing completion here and soon will make its first test flight. A veritable monster of the air, the Gorky has a wing spread of 64 meters, is 35 meters in length and Is powered by eight motors, capable of driving it at a top speed of 240 hilometers per hour. Its cruising, or normal speed, will be’ 220 kilo meters. Construction Reported To the Russian populace the Gor Iry has the place in aviation that leprostroy does among the hydro electric projects. K'or months each stage of its manufacture has been reported in the Soviet press. And when, a few days ago, the giant plane was wheeled from its hangar to have its motors tested, thV event rated columns. This sense of pride arises not only from the fact that the So viet " government has built the world's largest plane entirely of Soviet materials and by Soviet technical skill. There also is a more personal reason. Thousands of Soviet citizen* feel a sense of ownership in this mechanical mar vel, for it was financed by their own money. The campaign for funds to build the jplane was start ed by Soviet newspaper* on the 40th anniversary of Gorky’* first GOLDEN GATE HOTEL » Rooms and Bath » 4 Si OMR, / ALASKA \ - STATIONERY - —SPECIAL— Cascade Villum I • 7« FLAT SHEETS AND 50 ENVELOPES jj BOTH FOR *1.00 U A LOMENIftOTHERS DRUG STORE - Joooooaxxxy^.xxx>DcocooQ^aococcococ<xoocaCK>xxx)Cooroc*XAXka.>.^rw w&aocxxxxx>3Gocx)Ooc<KCKKXxtt NOME MACHINE SHOP (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. HTURTKV ANT) W. li. SLACK A B. L. CROSBY, PROPS. BOILER, * MATERIAL “ 0UR a,m- - TRACTOR, SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 8™£. AUTOMOTIVE BHOYZB, .—...----- • MVSHtNM, * WORK Proraft Attention to lornl RAHUTT, WELDING. .?, And Ont of Town Work AOC—BORIilU. mmmmamrn -■■ i- „ j,iim^gaaaBFaaoc8aB8=Bgaa l. . ; . , «t.n ic J:;>. .a: ■■ t’l 1 <niiit c.j ini* t f' "$ 4 , . v' : 'JjfL TJjl^ a* '•8 ft Y ' MEMBER OP THE ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT association * .-i* - • 1 y ■ i a. pm^^m^rn — — - t-— ! / : - . .ti. , , ■ WHEN TOC TRAVEL, FLY IN OUR NEW AND COMFORTABLY HEATED CABIN PLANES FOR RATES, ANT PLACE, ANT TIME CALL THE ROUST AIRWAYS t BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE i literary work. He, mere than any j other contemporary writer, la pop ularly regarded as the high priest of Marxist apologists. t ■'lane's Mission What might be called the plane's "mission In life” too, is dear to most Soviet hearts; to spread prop aganda for the cause of commun ism and the success of Russia's socialistic program. Kquipped with a printing press cupable of producing 8,000 double paged leaflets per hour, a photo graphic laboratory and a moving picture camera and projector.' the plane will travel throughout the Soviet Union spreading t#ie. gos pel of socialistic advancement. A few technical facta about the Maxim Gorky; It is an all-metal monoplane. It is capable of a non-stop flight |ot -1.000 kilometers. It carries three tons of gasoline • • » 1 and 600 kilograms of elk It Is so vast that it requires doable landing wheels, each twd meters In diameter. * Before many day* now. tbs giant mechanical bird will be weelod onto a flying Held near Moscow, and, with Pilot Gromov, one of Rusisa's best aviators, at the con- I « • ■ I trola. it will take to the air. ' '' ---wij ■■■ ■ COLLECTOR GIVES' WARNING ON TAX LIQUOR STAMPS The Treasury Department at Washington issued, the following - - ' ■ S' : iippwtant sections of the liqucr / lax over name of Alex. M. Vier hus, collector, as a warning to dealers: "1. Section 207 of Title H of (he Liquor Taxing Act of 1934, re lating to stamps to be placed on containers of distilled spirits, pro vides that "any person * * * who use®, sells, or has in his pos session * • • any stamp re quired to be destroped by th's title, * * * or who has In his possession any such stamps ob tained by him otherwise than ns provided in sections 202 and 203, or who sells or transfers any auch *tamp otherwise than as provided in section 202, shall on conviction be punished by a line not exceed ng 11,000, or by Imprisonment at hard labor not exceeding five years or both. "2. Under Title 11 of the Li quor Taxing Act of 1934 and the regulations thereunder.- the only persons entitled to possess th, strip stamps Issued under that title are (a) persons whj> have obtain ed them directly from a collector of lnteranl revenue upon applica tion to him, and (b) dealers who are In posaesalon of such stamps for bottles of distilled spirits In closed cases as provided In the act and regulations with respect to spirits cased prior to February 10, 1934, and spirits imported in clos ed cases. Stamps once affixed to a bottle may not be removed, hut mustbe ^destroyed when the hot .:*?**»* * ^ __ ; FREStl,BR EAD, ROLLS and PASTRY, EVERY AFTERNOON , T r. -- - ■ NORTH POLE BAKERY AND RESTAURANT i — _ - 1 I 1 I i ; I Jo V A ,a +t( or : mm l itrtds’Ti**'*- ^ "■' iWv, Lighterage Freight-Towing-Shipping ’ t \ ' - ,1 "ID t /- .•I’jlq-jEcf nt-Td SHELL OIL POdOUCTS Gasoline, Kerosene, Oils and Grease I___ ’ DREAM THEATRE , . ONE SHOW u I ' tAMGHT AT TsSO R N EG A D E S _ * -p1-'— ' -T’Tt-T WITH -v • WARNER BAXTER AND MYRNA LOY ALSO •THE PATIENT” — THREE SWIFTS :* '• n • * A&mimkum M «eit> iBdidiig Hx C ' 1 - . i ■ - - V ' ' ""j " ' ‘ V ~ r, - 5 TWO SHOtl’S SUNDAY, JULY 15 TsW «■* »PM irf-y. f t f. Thru Different Eyes V.TTF WARNER BAXTER MARY DUNCAN EDMUND LOWE # AMO ONLY MEN: WANTED AN* NBWS RHft d >. AlfWot Al Melodic* t*R t v If, V L. E. lOJ^TH HR BBT IRON WOBKRB HK, HRKBY IRON, OOPFHR AND NICK It I, hno i wKUunr ’•V’ SAFBTY FLUBS AND TOIUBTS ' MliVAIW® IRON OORMSATM ROOKING NOME, ALASKA it ■() #wvt tu- in'.' - — THE BOARD OF TRADE NOME, ALASKA II NAKKTY SHERD FLY WITH THK ' - - w 1 jg> . hbs. FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE Planes^Jgfvieed in Warm Hufua by IJcenaed Mechanics, and flown by Experienced "Alaskan Pilots \ * • " ■Passengers PrerhiiOMl '-Y^^'ltyfef " ' ' * Inspection of Bqaipment and \ Ownnlty I nan ranee ' % - . ' - / . 4 ' ■ , COMFORT COURTESY flight & ^oixrrr Company (AiaaJrn feleplume ^ ftrlejpapix <£**. Swms A mm |y a# 1 * U8R. rowan Anjunuou amm uocajl aid u>ae I Pioneer Sheet Metal Works ED. GROSS «*,-***•*'-*>«* aA#iO«p*sr • Work A Specialty "• * ftp, »**!■■--Pateased Sapsrfaeatars »«■«>. Alaska THE NEVADA ^ l' _ , NOME. ALASFCA wmmmmmmtmw—mmmmmm——mibbmmbhsmbbmssmbbbihJ