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The Nome Nugget Geo. S. Maynard, Editor and Publisher Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUB LISHING COMPANY, Front Street Nome, AJadka. SUBSCRIPTION RATOS Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, for 12.00 per month. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 per month. Subscriber* will coifer a favor if they will promptly notify the Office of any failure or 'rregularlty in the delivery of their papers. Entered in the Poet Office in Nome as Second Class matter. MKMRKK Ob' ASSOCIATED PRESS „ The Associated Prase ig exclusively entitled to the us# for r(publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper and also the local new# published herein. _ DON'T FORGET TO GET YOl’R DRIVER'S IJCEXNK TOMORROW Today^ is the last day of being able to drive a ear without having a driver’s license, and being free from violating the law. The ordinance regarding the ■matter of drivers’ licenses was published in The Daily Nugget on Monday. According to the law, the ordinance will go into effect two days after publication. Today is the second day, and tomorow, it Is understood, the ordinance will ( be enforced, and anv person found . i driving without a license will be deemed guilty of a felony. Under special direction of the City Council, the ordinance requir-1 tng drivers of motor vehicles to have licenses will be strictly en forced after the first day of Aug ust, 1934. It will become effective! Thursday, following two days lee- ; way allowed by law after publica tion of Ruch ordinance. Todat eighty licenses have been issued, testifying to the ready re sponse which the people of Nome have made in getting inside the law. Licenses are being lssu-td upon wirtten application there for, and the payment of a fee of $1.00, at the City Clerk's office. It is the duty of everyone who drives a car or other automotive vehicle to obtain a Mcense as soon as possible. Do not be a danger to the public and to yourselves by being without a license. All children between the ages of 15 and 18 years must have the GOLDEN GATE HOTEL Rooms and Bath SOME, ALA8IA pOOOOOCXXCOCOCOCOOOCOOQQCOCOCOOCCOOOOOOOCOOOOCaOCgrXXXXi^uaytfXa^^^TKX^t^U^^w^^UiC^MOti - STATIONERY - —SPECIAL— * *r I Cascade Villum ! « 72 FLAT SHEETS AND 50 ENVELOPES ' BOTH TOR *1.00 LOMEN ~BROTHERS DRUG STORK I NOME MACHINE SHOP (SUCCESSOR TO W. H. STTOTUVANI) W. L. SLACK A B. L. CROSBY, PROPS. BOILER.-—Z- - MATERIAL Aina STOCKED: I . MARINH, OUR AIM- HHAFTITO, tractor, SATISFIED CUSTOMERS I AUTOMOTIVE -* BRONZE, Ul --- BUSHING, I WORK Prompt Attention to Local BABBITT, I WELDING. And Out of Town Work ACOBSMHUB8. V Roust Airways ■ MEMBER OF THE ALASKA , AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION WHEN YOU TRAVEL, FLY IN OUR NEW AND COMFORTABLY HEATED CABIN PLANES , 1 - FOR RATES, ANY PLACE, ANY TIME CALL THE ROUST AIRWAYS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE written consent of their parents, j guardians or custodians, and then 1 the subsequent approval of the Chief of Police before they will 1 be issued a license. This measure, as has been said before* is one of greatly beneficial features. It will prevent those youngsters who are either tor young or too inexperienced from running the streets without being duly licensed and adjudged capa ble of driving. Another feature of teh license ordinance is that any one convicted too many times of traffic violations while driving any automotive equipment in the City of Nome, will have their li cense revoked and suspended dur ing the balance of the year, thus removing another detriment to life and property. So, in many respects, this or-1 dlnance will serve both as a pro- j tective measure and one whicn places the control of driving of motor vehicles in the City of Nome : under the supervision of the CK/ itself. LATE TELEGRAPH NEWS SKXTUPLETS BORN RUMANIA ALL DOING WELL (By The Associated Press) BUCHAREST, July 18, Sextuo lets were born today to Mrs. John Jordas. in the small village of Jontestl. The mother and childTeh are reported to be doing nicely, and all are well. The birth of sextuplets is ex ceedingly rare in medical history, which contains only two other au thenticated records of such births. SECRETARY OK TREASURY NOT TO VISIT ALASKA; PLANS ARK CHANGED (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 18, The Treasury Department announced last night that Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr„ has abandoned his plans to vlBit Alaska this summer during his va cation. and that he would remain on his ranch near Bozeman, Mon tana until the latter part of July. As originally planned, he was considering a trip aboar4 the Coast Guard Cutter Chelan which he was to have boarded at Seattle. No reason was. given for ' this abrupt change in plans. FRESH BREAD, ROLLS and PASTRY EVERY AFTERNOON NORTH POLE BAKERY AND RESTAURANT ’ ■ .■ ,. H I S. S. VICTORIA I DTK ARRIVE NOMK ON OR ABOUT JILT 19 ^^b n ‘"3 ^^^B ■ ' M WM JAMES P DALY. Kgmnx NoHaLlCo Lighterage I Freight-Towing-Shipping | SHELL OIL PRODUCTS j I Gasoline, Kerosene, Oils ami Grease | ! NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE GO. | **•**•"»*****,i***»**M**ta*‘****™*MM*""*~.~~ < DREAM THEATRE FRIDAY Two Shows 7:00 & 9:00 p.iru KONGO ^ > WITH l> v r* WALTER HUSTON CONRAD NAGEL LUPE VELEZ L__ A DRAMA OK THE AFRICAN .IT NO I AC r •' < - ■ AUO AIR TIGHTS A BOV ERIE ND (Y)MEDY Adiatsaloa 55 eemtt iKladlag Ui L. E. KURTH M«n IRON WORK MR TIN, 8HKKT IRON, OOPPfiR MB XK'KKI, MNC A SPDCIAl/TY 8AFBTY mom AND TMURV OAlA’ANflRRO IRON C01NWBATID ROOFING nomb, aiaska ’ * w - THE BOARD OF TRADE NOME, ALASKA ** ■ ■ - •r- - _, _ ;x O. _ _____ _ -1.I JfaftJwnii Jogki Sl -jjtoiDer Company * a*® Alaska dtltpiuntt & {fekegraplt (fto. dor, rowan an aunnucu aoirun LOCUUL AND U>XO MRUO MUMl«n MHVKi -*- .. „ ~ ' - . .. ... Pioneer Sheet Metal Works ED. GROSS Tte, Sheet Iroa tad Offer Week A Specialty Am Doer to Ck*e. W. Lewie Eoeae, Alaeka THE NEVADA NOME, ALASKA