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LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. . ; • ' <-A IN THE^YARD_ ..... ...'■ ' 1"'rT'r ' ■ FOR CASH LADYSMITH • * $22.50 « UTAH > 22.50 * • _ ' - COLORADO ANTHRACITE' 30.00 All 1934 Shipments ' _- ■ i —i* :—%— : — 1 TRY OUR NEW TETRAETHYL STANDARD 6AS0LINE • * ♦ \ EXTRA POWER EXTRA SPEED EXTRA FLEXIBILITY SMOOTHER OPERATION NO ADDITIONAL COST ‘ * . • TETRAETHYL UNSURPASSED NOW AT THE PUMP 25 GTS L • ■'T . i “ '**' ••• •/ V \ Lomen Commercial Co. LOCAL NEWS The mall boat Meteor, owned by Frank P. Williams, left the Nome roadstead this morning on a trip to Kotsebae and way points with mail which arrived in Nome on the Victoria last month. The Meteor will stop at Teller, ; Wales, Shismaref, Deering, Kee walik and Baldwin enroute to Kot sebue. Frank P. Williams owner has appointed the Lomen Commercial Company to represent his boat for him this season. Heeding the warning that after August 1 anyone who did not have a driver’s license would be liable to arrest 198 people have thus far paid II eacti at the City Hall for their licenses. There have been violations to date. Deputy Marshal Pat Sweeney, who flew to Kotzebue on Wednes day with Pilot Ben Easley of the Roust Airways, returned yester day with Pilot Easley. Sweeney brought gack Richard Scott, a pri soner convicted of assault. SALES EVERY MONTH IN THE YEAR ! 1934 Auction Sales Dates August IS September 13 October 10 November 14 December 13 j, Advances will be made as us- j ual when requested. Transfer red by Telegraph if Desired. Special Sales Held On Request of Shippers i THE SEATTLE FUR EXCHANGE 1008 Western Ave. Seattle, ,U. 8. A. | MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA I _ | NOME, ALASKA. Established 1904 General Banking Business Conducted | , Checking Accounts Carried For Those Who Prefer Paying By Check Interest Paid On Time Deposits Gold Dust Purchased | We Solicit Your Business j MODERN II A WORKING MAN’S DINNER COOKED TO A KING’S TASTE. HOME BAKED BREAD FOR SALE. OPEN 0 A.M. CLOSE 9 P.M. 11 CAFE SHOW TONIGHT A Cohn Is always a Sidney, hut a Kelly Is several people. This condition was revealed when “The Cohens and Kellya in Scotland," rollicking Irish-Jewish comedy comes to the Dream Thea tre tonight at 7:30. For the fourth time George Sidney was Cohen and Vera Gor don was Mrs. Cohn. And for the fourth time Kate Price was Mrs. Kelly. But she found herself married again to her first hus band in the “Cohens and Kellys" series, having been wedded to two 'other Kellys in the interim. For Char]ie Murray, the Kelly | of “The Cohens and Kellys," the i first of the famous series, again appeared in the role of Kelly. In the second pictue, “The Cohens and Kellys 'in Paris,” Miss Price had J. Farrel MacDonald for spouse. In “The Cohens and Kellys in Atluntlc City,” Mack Swain played the role. “Which of all the Kellys do I prefer for a screen husband?” replied Miss Price in answer to n question. "It’s poor taste In a woman to make comparison# among her husbands, if past or present. Besides, it’s Impolitic. I love all the Kellys. ._ - Midnight Sun Baking Co. SPECIAL TOP SIRLOIN STEAK WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE 70 cts. From Choice Steer Beef. Prepared As You Desire. COMPLETE SELECTION OF BAKERY GOODS SPECIAL BIRTHDAY AND PARTY CAKES MADE TO ORDER / OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 2 A. M. LINCOLN HOTEL JACK DEVINE, PROP. •THE HOME OF THE SOURDOUGH'* ROOMS BY THE DAY OR MONTH BOYS & GIRLS ATTENTION! H R I X Z R THI C K DKAL NOW ON NO. 1 Huy 81.00 wortli of Heinz,. Products and with the payment of .81.00 in cash yon will get one truck. NO. a Buy one apiiroval soup assortment for fa.IB and with the Itayinent of 75 cents In casli you will get one truck. NO. S Huy 93.50 worth of Heluze Products and with the payment of 50 cents in cash you will get one truck. —NO. 4 One truck will be given free with every $5.00 worth of Meinze goods purchased. SOME OF THE 57 HEINZE VARIETIES Hclnw Approval assortment contain one dozen Soaps The following varieties Pepper pot, Cream of Celery, Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Oyster, Cream of Green Pea, Vegetable, Gumbo Creole, Beef Broth, Noodle, Bean, Hootch Broth, Clam Chowder. The assortment sells for |!U5 or .20 per can. Heinze Beans Tomato sauce 2S ounce cans .. 20c Heinze Beans Vegetable 25 ounce cans _ _ _ 20c Heinze Beans Boston Style 25 ounce cans .. 20c Heinze Breakfast Wheat iper pfcg. . . 80c Heinze lUce Flakes per pkg... 20c Helmut Chile Sauce —. 85c Heinze Assorted Jellies per Jar .1... . 25c Heinze Fig Pudding per can . 45c Heinze Plum Pudding per can - - —. 45c Heinze India Relish —.. .. 25c and 85c Heinze Canned Spaghetti large cans each . 20c Heinze Canned Spaghetti large cans each .. 20c Heinze Pure Malt Vinegar —1. _ 25c and 40c Heinze Pure Cider v— - -. . 25c and 40c Heinze Sandwich Spread per Jar —..... 25c Heinze Pickles in large Jan —..... SO« ■ _Chow. Sweet Mix, Plain and Sour Heinze Catsup Pints per Ml._....... _ _ 28c I STORK HOURS 8 A. M. TO 0 P. M. ~ POLET’S STORE The House of Service Quality and Low Prices