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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
ALL WINE ON DISPLAY ' ^ ‘ ' IN OUR WINDOW ' , y : OFFERED At A Discount . " . ■ . ' ‘f Of 20 Percent ' 1 BON MARCHE STORES =*' - HAGEN’S JEWELER AND OPTICIAN DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND OPTICAL GOODS FINE WATCH REPAIRING EYESIGHT SPECIALIST « , 214 FBONT STREET, NOME, ALASKA. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA MINING AND DRUDGING SUPPLIES AGENTS FOR LANG STOVES AND RANGES PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, WALL PAPER ETC. * _ JOHN L1CHTENBER6 HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ELITE BATH HOUSE & HOTEL ROOMS BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH STEAM, SHOWER AND TUB BATHS OPEN ft A. <M. TO t A. M. 1 - | %* m BAJUEH TRANSPORTATION - SERVICE Chevrolet Auto Freight Mechanical Oldsmobile Taxi Imrlcatlon Pontiac Bu To little Or. Electrical Buick Parcel Delivery _ Tlree O M C Trucks Painting I Parts A Accessories Renovating Gas and Oil PHONE MAIN lOft 5 LOCAUIEWS I*ilot Ben Easley of the Roust Airways made a flight to Oandle today,, carrying mail, freight anti one passenger. Pilot Easley In tends to ^return to Nome within a few days. Pilot Hans Mlrow of the NAT took off for Kotzebue this morn 'iik to bring back Judge J. H. S. Morrison aiwl party, who have been holding a session of the court- there. In the party were United Suites- Marshal Thos. (luff ney, deputy clerk of the court, Norvin Lewis, and Bertha McKay, secretary to the judge. Mirow took them to Kotzebue on Wed nesday. t • Dr. Vance B. Murray, the nted teal dierctor for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, who arrived In Nome last Saturday afternoon in his own plane, took off today for Kotzebue. The doctor Is making a trip of inspection in Alaska. ---~ GOLD CLEANUPS ARRIVING Joe "Sullivan, the Bluff mining man, arrived yesterday bringing a good sl*ed cleanup of gold from ht« placer mines In that section. Meaner* Stewart and Castle ton, brought to town Thurfij|ay. a very satisfactory cleanup of gold from their Sunset dredge. The dredge Is reported to he working smoothly aud the cleanup better than was anticipated, .. ■ "i. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NUGGET $2.00 MONTH BY CARRIER SI 50 MONTH BY MAIL SPORTSMEN ATTENTION! The Territorial Game Commission at Juneau, Alaska, lias appointed three tramp wardens for this sec tion whose duties It will he to nr rest anti prosecute any person" shooting ptnrmlgans between now and the opening of the setts >•„ September 1, Having these JiliJi Iti one's possession will he suf < lent evidence for conviction. The Republican' Ticket ' (JKNKRAL KliBCTION, TTKSDAY, HKPTKMBRR 11, 1M4 I FOR TERRITORIAL TREASURER Will H. Chase FOR TERRITORIAL SENATOR Alfred J. Lomen FOR REPRESENTATIVES A. G. Blake J. C. Kennedy Leroy M. Sullivan Nels Swanberg, Sr. (ADVRRT1SBMKNT) -----—-■ ■ . .■.■r,.ffewr«Trnrrrrerrrr«r'rrrrrrmrrrrrrmfaml •f » Jack Solomon TAILOR <2500Olkwetj sm" 14TJ)^Oliv8 - LOW f ■ ALASKA FRIENDS THE HOTEL MAYFLOWER IS FOR YOU. Located at 4th and Olive and within a block of ■ie city'* *hopping district. In fact It i* the hub around which Boat- , lie rotate*. New, modern, and r*tec a» low a* two dollar* per day. with bath. When enjoyed you will say 1 hare again found “Alaska'* Beet Friend." * L • ‘ - i penalty therefor is Imprisonment nnd a fine of $25 for each bird found in one's possession. Northwestern Alaska Fur, Fish Anil Game Protective \ ■r NOTICK TO Pl'HI,1C A commit let* npiMiintctf ut the Roosevelt Democratic Club meet ing, belli August 10:11 nt the City Hull to Investlgnte the statu* of the Cluh from the date of or gnnizitlIon, have ohtnlne,! through the minutes of the club that the Nome IDemlcrntlr I lull H its re organised in the year 10588, and tluit from that year on has been nn 'active and Intact hotly. A Meeting was held on Feb. 4. 1081 at which ail cluh members were rc<||irsted to attend. . The name uf Roosevelt Itemccratie Cluh was ndtyited, after having been duly discussed anti voted upon. Upon Investigation the minutes from rime of organisation of the club, no other change of mater la I iin|xirtunrc has gone Into ef fect. . •ThU change in the name .of the club was duly published in the local |inper. ROOSEVELT DEMOCRATIC CM'lt A. Hahlke, Secretary. (Paid Adveyt Isement) I CHURCH NOTES FEDERATED CHURCH Norman McCay, Pastor Sunday school at 11 a.m. Rvaning worship at 7:40 pm. Sennon ' message: "A Greater Adventure in the Art of Christ ian hiving." Strangers, newcomers, visitor*! cordially invited. • Professional - DR. RLX F. SWARIZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE HOURS: 1 to 8 P.M. NOME, ALASKA. DR. H. G. HUGHES DENTIST AMOVE MODERN CAFE HOURS 9 A. M. TO B P. M. V ■ EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT C. €. TANNER LAWYER DUNHAM BUILDING NOME, ALASKA. DR. L. W, EROMM _„_£ DENTIST--^ Opposite Nome N ugget Office Hours—1 te 7 p.m. MRS. H. M. BOCKMAN PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At Nome Tailoring Company HOURS It A. M. TO 4 P. M. OR PHONE RESIDENCE BUILDER ALTERATIONS REPAIR* ART BROWN Will Draw Year Plane And Complete Your Estimates Inquire Nugget Office The Risdon Automatic Stoker ‘ V ■ — ■■ , FOR CONVENIENCE IT RERVIRKH THE HIINIMI'M AMOUNT OF ATTENTION AND LABOR FOR ECONOMY THERE IS NO WAY TO IU Y MEAT FOR LESS MONEY THAN WITH THE RISDON STOKER. IT PAYS FOR ITSELF NOW ON DISPLAY AT ‘THE NOME MAI MINE SHOP > _ _ ’* ■■"• ,b. A» Our Winter f \ «• -" , Coats - ■ . \.*» - Have Cirri reel -rran.r-rrr-u^rr--. 1 ':v /V^ Staff Kats \ . -fc. . • -—< • - _ ' ..' " v 0 9 V ' • f Jki Charlotte’s'Shop . & Studio I