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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor. RUSSELL ^AYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. * By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will confer a favor if they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity in the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. NOME’S NEW BUSINESS DIRECTORY SHOWING REBUILDING HOUSES (Continued From Page One) by Dan Alvich. Mr. Alvich is now associated with John Lepri in the Alaska Liquor Store, situated on the corner of Lane’s Way and First Avenue. Across the street from the Hollywood Grill was The Nevada, card-room and beer parlor, owned by H. S. Burgh. Mr. Burgh is effecting a new building and will soon be oc cupying his new quarters. The Burghs’ lost their home as well, whiqh was above the card room. The Dunham building across the street from there was also burned to the ground. It housed the dentist offices of Dr. Luther Fromm, the law office of C. D. Tanner and the barber shop of Ed. Tarnutzer. Next door to the Nevada was the Arctic Brotherhood building, club rooms and large dance hall in the rear. Be low the club rooms were the offices of the Alaska Steamship Company, James P. Daly agent. It is believed that the Arctic Brotherhood Camp Nome No. 9 has now been defin itely disbanded and will not build again, as there were only about two or three camps still existent in the Territory. Next to the A. B’s was the Lomen Bros. Drug Store and Studios. Above these were the living quarters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lomen. This building was also a complete loss due to fire, which destroyed the historical collection of pic tures and photographs of the Arctic and Northwestern Al aska. The Lomen Bros. Drug Store will not rebuild, the interests having been taken over by the Pioneer Drug Co., Ed. Steffen and Charlotte Potter, now located at C. street and First Avenue. The Northern Air Transport Inc., next door to the Lo men Bros. Drug Store Store, was burned, and temporary offices are now occupied near the Nome Public School. The concern is building an office on the corner of First Avenue and King’s Way, across the street from the Bureau of In dian Affairs. This office, it is understood, will serve them only during the winter, when it is believed that in the spring or summer they will build permanently. (To Be Continued Monday) PAINTING & PAPERHANGING ARTHUR # EIDE RE-FINISHING FURNITURE SIGNS—UPHOLSTERING—AND GENERAL REPAIRING GLASS PLACE YOUR ORDERS AT POLET’S McCONAGHY AND BROWN Contractors BUILDING MATERIALS, SASH AND DOORS, CELOTEX, PLYWOOD, CORRUGATED IRON AND GLASS —FURNITURE— Office and Warehouse West of Nome Harbor Lighterage Warehouse ROUST AIRWAYS k MEMBER OF THE ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION When You Travel, Fly in our New And Comfortably Heated Cabin Planes_For Rates, Any Place, Any Time, Call The ROUST AIRWAYS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE WHITE HOUSE / SERVE WINES WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, Departing from the custom observed during the past number of years, the White House will serve light wines at state dinners this season. WATCH FOR THE NEW BUSI NESS DIRECTORY OF NOME IS HELD OVER ' DEATH FATHER TACOMA, Nov. 9, Herman Jr., and William Greinke are being held in connection with the death of their father Jerman, aged 67 years, whose body was found at the foot of the basement stairway in his house. Neighbors said they heard a quar rel there last night,__ Corkanstele if rrs BUILT irS INSULATED Corkanstele is a semi-fabricated system of steel framed, insulated, building construction employing 3 inches of pure corkboard; and in which the steel frame and insulation itself is the structure. This system of building is now available in any sized structure from one room cab in to a large hotel. During the next three days a representative of Cork anstele will be in our office. Come in and discuss your contemplated building. Get comparative costs, and then you decide. This service is absolutely free. Lomen Commercial Co. * Agents for Corkanstele Arriving By Airplane Weekly This Winter SPECIAL LINES IN LADIES’ HOSIERY DRESSES, AND BLOUSES. COMPLETE LINE OF BABY CLOTHING We will take care of your Special orders for You MILDRED’S SHOPPE (Next Door to North Pole Bakery) NOME MOTOR CO. MODERN TRANSPORTATION TRUCKS, SEDANS, AND CATERPILLARS Let Us Move Your Cabin Or House NOme HArbor Lighterage COmpany AT YOUR SERVICE FOR WINTER FUEL, GASOLINE, OILS, LUBRICANTS AND GREASES FOR ALL PURPOSES—ALSO PRESTONE, DRY CLEANERS, AND OTHER SPECIALTIES LEAVE ORDERS AT POLET’S STORE OR NOHALICO OFFICE ACROSS FROM WAREHOUSE PIONEER DRUG CO. HAS TAKEN OVER THE-4NTERESTS OF THE LOMEN BROS DRUG STORE Operating a Modern Drug Store With New Reduced Prices. . Carrying a Complete Line Of DRUGS, PRESCRIPTION SUP PLIES, TOBACCO, SUNDRIES, CANDY AND LIQUORS i ~ < In Conjunction Charlotte Potter Will Be in Charge of Our Kodak Work_Bring In Or Mail Us Your Films For Developing And Printing. £ PIONEER DRUG CO. ED. STEFFEN—CHARLOTTE POTTER MIROW AIR SERVICE Nome, Alaska. THE LATEST IN AIRPLANE SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. r Has established temporary quarters in the former office of W. J. Rowe Transfer, and is carrying on its business as usual. * WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT CONGRATULATIONS TO The Nome Daily Nugget and the Maynard Family We want to be among the first to congratulate Nome In having such a brave, Courageous—Energetic and resource ful family as the owners of the NOME DAILY NUGGET. In spite of loosing two complete printing outfits, also their beautiful new home, in the September conflagration, they have in leas than seven weeks arisen like a Phoenix from their own ashes, with a new modern Operating plant. The business men and women of Nome are fortunate in deed in having such a distinctive classy representative as the NUGGET as it is our first and best advertisement to the out side world, and we can best serve ourselves by seeing that OUB PAPER gets ALL the necessary assistance to insure its ' 1 ■ Bolcom—Canal Lumber Company S. W. TAGGART, Agent SAFETY SPEED FLY WITH THE N A T v MEMBER OF ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION Bases at Nome and Fairbanks COURTESY COMFORT i .a r'- ' .