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LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. * -0 , • 0 • ‘ ' ‘ ' Coal _ ■_ ' _ .( ► ■ #r -'TBJeir r ' ’ . .. • ,J», LADYSMITH ^ $22.50 l ■ , UTAH STOVE $23.50 PA. ANTHRACITE $35.00 IN THE YARD -0 ~ ' * l ' V . PUT IN YOUR WINTER COAL SUPPLY NOW * t \ ! • -0 ^ FUEL OIL v - — - -- --■- 1 -"V * "Su , ****’■'-Vifc A . \ A ” (27 GRAVITY) FOR YOUR OIL BURNER A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT * I —■ ! -— • .J ... \ . " • LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. •* / *■. - !" •’ * v, < V LOCAL NEWS •» * Pilot Robbins of the Pacific Alas ka Airways took off this morning on his return trip to Fairbanks, with mail. Poor weather conditions will undoubtedly hamper him some what on his return trip. The next PAA mail plane is due to leave Fair banks Monday morning. The Northern Air Transport is scheduling a flight to Kotzebue as soon as weather permits. They have been waiting;pn favorable weather ; conditions for the past Several days before flying north. The Roust Airways planes were test hop£>jS$ this morning, after hav ing recened their new motors. As soon as proper repairs are made to the Curtis Robin, Pilot Easley is due to take off for Haycock with Wallace Porter and daughter. Marshal Thomas Gaffney is in receipt of a letter from Eiler Han sen, superintendent of the Pioneer's Home at Sitka, stating that A1 Kerr of Nome arrived there on the Victor ia Nov. 5th, stating that A1 at pre ent was in the hospital receiving special attention, and that he will take good care of him. Mr. Hansen said the new Home will be complet ed about December 15th. I _ I A. Bahlke is in receipt of a letter from our former townsman and business man, Shel Wettach who is now located at Carrollton, Ohio. |Mr. Wettach was much interested in the newspaper accounts of the big fire September 17th at Nome, and extends sympathy to his num erous sourdough friends here, and hopes that they were not too ser iously hurt by the fire. John Lichtenberg, well-known hardware merchant of Nome, today moved into his new building locat ed on Front Street between Lane’s Way and Federal Way, approximate ly in the smae location as he oc cupied before the fire. His new building is practically completed with the exception of small interior decorating yet to be done. Mr. Li chtenberg, who has been located in the former Eskimo church in the rear of the Catholic Church, will do business in his new store from now on. Carrying a complete line of hardware and other lines of building goods, Mr. Lichtenberg, has been doing business in Nome for many years. Supporting Nome continuously since going into busi ness he will soon have his complete stock or goods on his shelves and ready to take care of all wants in his line. His advertisement in The Nome Daily Nugget, supporting the building of a new and better Nome, will appear in Monday's edition, an other testimonial that the business section of Nome is building into a fine representation of this city. The Nome City Council met in special session this afternoon at the offices of Mayor Rex F. Swartz. The purpose of the meeting was to con sider the new map of Nome pre sented by B. D. Stewartjengineer, Following a. detailed description of the map and its scope and bear ing, a motion was passed accepting this map as the official amended plat of the City of Nome, directly pertaining to the burned area. Details of the map will be made public, regarding lots and blocks, streets, sidewalks and drains, at an early date, in the paper. With the official map now in theii possession, the City Council is pre pared to go ahead on the application for a PWA loan, which is to be ready in the near future. A regular meeting of the City Council will take place Monday ev ening, at ft p.m., next. Football Friday (By The Associated Press) Football scores Friday were as follows: Texas 19, Arkansas 12; North Dakota State 20, Texas Tech 20, a tie. Federated Church Norman McCay, Pastor 11 a.m. Sunday School. 7:40 p.m. Church worship center ing in the though of “The Inheritors of the Earth.” A pre-Thanksgiving Message. We.have the promise of special music. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. An appropriate service wil be held at 11 A.M. Kindly arrang» your time so that you may attend. A most cordial invitation. Seeking To Be A Fight Champion (By The Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 24—Louis Bro uiliard, former holder of” the welter and middle weight championship, is now seeking the light-heavyweight championship. He whipped A1 Gainer, the New Haven negro, in a ten round battle here last night. THREATS ARE RECEIVED BY GOV’T WITNESS (By The Associated Press) SEATTLE, Nov. 24—Death threats for the principal state witness lay in the background, as the trial of Duke for the mockery murder of Dr. Squire, drew near a close todayi Two anonymous letters were re ceived by Dr. N. E. Nelson, Squire’s associate, who was described by the defense as th^vleader in the long “tormenting and tdasing” campaign against Duke, growing out of the controversy over the rent. The let ters threatented Nelson with “The works” unless he moved from the community. NOTICE The Northwestern Alaska Cham ber of Commerce is now engaged in formulating a legislative pro gram to be submitted to the Legisla ture at their meeting next January. The Chamber will be pleased to receive suggestions from the resi dents of this Division, regarding pro posed measures. Mail your sugges tions to the Secretary: N. W. Alaska C. of C. FOR SALE—Five dogs, heavy draft, broke to work. Inquire at Nugget Office. ROOSEVELT IS ' READY BEGIN CHEAP POWER (By The Associated Press) WARM SPRINGS, Go., Nov. 24 President Roosevelt is ready to -put in operation his national program for cheaper power. He outlined his ideas on power to his aides, in sig nificant conferences from which emerged a definite determination for legislation. Details of further steps were withheld at this time. To The People Of Nome: Announcing the opening of the NOME MOTOR COMPANY’S new Garage tonight at 9:00 P. M. We take this opportunity to con gratulate the people of Nome on the speedy recovery made after the recent fire and to thank them for the patronage which has made our - new building possible. Also to as sure them that we are now equip ped to take care of their automotive needs in a modern and efficient man ner. Regarding transportation, whether it be people, dredges, or “what have you?”, consult Cliff Allyn and get results both as to price and ser vice. Our storage space being limited, we would suggest to those who con template winter driving, that they make reservations for storage now. We are prepared to quote special rates on winter overhauling and re finishing and invite you to inspect our new equipment which will be on display tonight. And now laying all business aside for the evening, we again invite you to be our guests at the dance to night from 9:00 P.M. until ... ?” NOME ! Yours for a Bigger and Better NOME MOTOR COMPANY.