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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEQ. S. MAYNARD, Editor. RUSSELL MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. r “ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. „ . , , .. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will confer a favor if they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity in the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. ^ -- YOUR CREDIT Personal credit is a valuable asset and should be main tained and protected as such. Frequently not the lack of ability to pay bills promptly but carelessness or procrastination jeopardizes a man’s cred it. If this bad habit persists he may lose or impair his credit standing and when adversities set upon him and he needs credit it may not be available. Further, as a series of advertisements placed by a local credit bureau, in The Empire recently, points out, each credit customer is an important link in the great chain of cred it. If anyone in this chain is slow to pay he slows up the entire credit circle. Eventually this slowing up comes injur iously back on the one slow to pay. Paying promptly protects your credit, creates prosper ity by keeping the flow of money steadily in circulation, en ables others to pay promptly and through the increase of money in circulation great steps toward recovery are made. —Juneau Empire. TAKING HOLD The opening of Juneau’s Better Housing Campaign per ceptibly increased the number of people inquiring at the FHA office in the Shattuck Building, and the personnel have been busy answering questions, FHA Director John E. Pegues, said recently. Hundreds of Juneau property owners can through the cooperation the FHA, Juneau banks and industries afford, not only make their homes more liveable and happier, but add materially to the value of their property. Full information is available at the FHA offices, the most satisforctory way of finding out what the FHA can do for you is to vistt the local office, and discuss your particu lar problem with those in authority.—Juneau Empire. ADVERTISING IS COMMERCIAL NEWS J. M. Stephenson, editor of the South Bend (Ind.) News Times, says: “That advertising is commercial news, almost everyone knows. But few realize that no publication has ever been successful who lost sight of this fact is not so well known. Repeated efforts hfive been made to publish periodicals con taining no advertising. None have'succeeded. “One of the smartest industrialists of the age, Henry Ford, bored, np doubt, with advertising of other motor cars and believing erroneously that advertisers used their buy ing power to influence editorial comment, tried to give the public a weekly without advertising. He built his promotion program on the fact that his publication offered no oppor tunity for advertisers’ exploitation, because he printed no advertising. But the public didn’t take to the Dearborn In dependent. It lacked something the people wanted, and Mr. Ford failed as have others. He learned that commer cial news is as important to people as their own doings. “Censorship of advertising has been so rigid for years that confidence has been ingrained in the public mind. It is well that this is true. It is important to keep it true. That is McCONAGHY AND BROWN Contractors BUILDING MATERIALS, SASH AND DOORS, CELOTEX, PLYWOOD, CORRUGATED IRON AND GLASS —FURNITURE— Office and Warehouse West of Nome Harbor Lighterage Warehouse ROUST AIRWAYS MEMBER OF THE ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION When You Travel, Fly in our New And Comfortably Heated Cabin , Planes_For Rates, Any Place, Any Time, Call The ROUST AIRWAYS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE .■ -J why editors and publishers and advertisers alike should maintain standards of truth in advertising which no one may challenge. The more this is followed, the better results will be obtained from advertising.” A NEW PICTURE TO BE TAKEN SOON ALASKA (By The Associated Press) HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 11 — Ewing Scott, film director said today he | was to head a movie picture ex pedition to the Valley of the Ten (Thousand Smokes in the Aleutian 1 Islands. Four specially designed planes are to be used, following the trial of Father Hubbard. They intend to fly ! into the crater of Aniachak and into the still more dangerous crater of Shisaldin. It is not known yet when the expedition is to start. WINS DECISION IN DEFENDING TWO HIS TITLES (By The Associated Press) CLEVELAND, Dec. 11 — Barney SRoss, world’s lightweight and jun ; ior welterweight champion defended | both crowns successfully Monday night against the challenger Bobb Pierson of Los Angeles, winning a | decision in twelve rounds. Ross weighed one hundred and thirty eight and Pierson, three quarters of a pound more. You can save money by having the carrier deliver the Daily Nugget I to your residence. Subscribe now, $2.00 per month. I . I Changes of regular advertisements will be accepted iip to 4 PM of the day preceding insertion. New ad vertisements will be accepted for insertion in the paper up to 1:30 PM of the day of insertion—The Nome Daily Nugget Notice of Rendering Account for Final Settlement and Petition for Distribution. In the Probate Court in and for the Cape Nome Precinct Second Di vision, Territory of Alaska. In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES MASON, deceased. Notice is hereby given that A. A. Chagnon, the Executor of -the Es tate of Charles Mason, Deceased, has rendered and presented for final settlement, and filed in the above court his first and final report and petition for order of distribution, and that Monday, the 21st day of January, 1935, at 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, at the office and court room of the above court in Nome, Alaska, has been set as the time and place for the settlement of said report and for the hearing of ob jections thereto if lany there be, and for a hearing on the petition for an order of final distribution, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said report and account should not be settled and allowed, and why distribution of said estate should not thereupon be immediately made to the persons entitled thereto without further no tice of proceedings. Reference is hereby made to the said report and petition for further particulars. Dated at Nome, Alaska, this 19th day of November, 1934. A. A. CHAGNON, - Executor. LEROY M. SULLIVAN, Attorney for Executor. Publish Nov. 21, 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19. Come In An<LSee My Xmas Display GIFTS FOR ALL ' BUY EARLY Also Christmas Cards & Etc; MILDRED S SHOPPE We will take care of your Special orders for You ‘I NOME MOTOR CO. MODERN TRANSPORTATION TRUCKS, SEDANS, AND CATERPILLARS j Let Us Move Your Cabin Or House • -__I . _ . ■ __ “ NOme HArbor Lighterage COmpany AT YOUR SERVICE FOR WINTER FUEL, GASOLINE, OILS, LUBRICANTS AND GREASES FOR ALL PURPOSESt-ALSO , ■ I * -• ■ •*>*‘>1 PRESTONE, DRY CLEANERS, AND OTHER SPECIALTIES s LEAVE ORDERS AT POLET’S STORE OR NOHALICO OFFICE ACROSS FROM WAREHOUSE PIONEER DRUG CO. LOCATED IN OUR NEW STORE (FRONT STREET AT HUNTER WAY) XMAS CARDS ON SALE NOW PIONEER DRUG CO. ED. STEFFEN—CHARLOTTE POTTER now AIR SERVICE . Nome, Alaska. FASTEST THRU SERVICE TO FAIRBANKS » V J • ^_ .... MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA i _ NOME, ~ ALASKA. kas established temporary quarters in the former office of W. J. Rowe Transfer, and is carrying on its business as usual. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT NOW THAT TOUR BUILDING IS FINISHED THE LAST •■ . - • -' » ■ ; ' ' ■ . ; • -lM# “'■■ .1 ’ '-*»■ DUTY AND TA8K IS TO BEAUTIFY AND PRESERVE IT WITH W. P. FULLERS AND COMPANY'S - Paints, Varnish, Boiled Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Glazer Points Putty, Sand Paper, Brushes, Washable Wall Paints, Fuller glo and other Fuller Produets. We have Fuller Doors, Wind ows, and' Large Glass. In ease you want anything in the “Fuller” Line we cannot supply here, we are in a position to quote you the “Fuller” Seattle prices and if you desire can arrange to have your orders expressed to Fairbanks and through to Nome via air plane. NOW Is die time to start YOUR “Fuller” want list for materials, to be shipped on the first boats and not depend upon your memory ^t the last moment. (You know that means something forgotten). Come in and select your colors from “FULLERS” “Color Cards”. is . . • ■ . . Boleom-Canal Lumber Company S. W. TAGGART, Agent * ' - - . ». . ■ -it