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WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO FILL YOUR WANTS IN MEN’S . WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S WEARING APPAREL V \ WE ARE CARRYING ALL OF THE ADVERTISED BRANDS WE HANDLED BEFORE THE FIRE. rt._^ - BON MARCHE STORES SQUIBBS ADEX TABLETS COD LIVER AND HALIBUT LIVER OILS CONCENTRATED PLEASANT TO TAKE A VALUABLE MEDICINE THE LARGE BOTTLE, $1.00 NOME DRUG STORE V Opp. Telephone Office Telephone Main 15 “Cappy” McDougall, Proprietor B—■——— " ALASKA LIQUOR STORE DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED LIQUORS AND WINES BEER GOLDEN GLOW, HAPPY PEPPY, 15 cts Bottle HOLIDAlf TABLE WINE Telephone Main 15 JOHN LEPRI, Prop. DAN ALVICH, Mgr. NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work FINN ALLEY CAFE " CARDROOM BEER Lunches and Dinners NOME, ALASKA. Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lapse’s Way LIGHT, ^OWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE ' * «. . .1 - - Li. ' — ■ - 'M" ALBERT WILE IS POSTMASTER NOW AT JUNEAU *.. WASHINGTON, D. C—Delegate A. J. Dimond was notified by the post office department of the ap pointment of Albert Wile as post master at Juneau, Alaska. Albert Wile is a well-known Al aska merchandise broker and in traveling over the territory in the interests of his business called for many years regularly at Cordova. He was recommended for the Jun eau postmastership only a few weeks by Delegate Dimond. He will succeed Mrs. Josephine C. Spic kett, whose term expired December 8. Wile is a veteran Alaskan and came to the territory in 1896. He has served as postmaster at Iditarod and at Ketchikan, and was a form er business man of Nome in the early gold rush days. Mrs. Spickett’s term expired on December 8 and the alacrity with which her successor was appointed indicates that the administration is losing no time in naming Democrats to succeed Republican incumbents. There will be four more postmas terships in Alaska to be filled with in the next few months, as follows: Anchorage, March 28 next; Cordova April 12; Ketchikan May, 29th. At Fairbanks there is an acting post master.—Cordova Daily Times. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget—$2.00 Per Month by carrier. $1.50 Per Month by Mail FREE GOLD IS DISCOVERED ON A'-* KODIAK ISLAND A stringer of free gold has been discovered on the east side of Ko diak island at Uganik, and the dis coverers, Bowman and Ernest Stric kler, of Kodiak, will put in a small mill for developing the property. The find is not large, it is under stood, but runs at $50 a ton and the operators expect to clean up a ton a day. Interest in Kodiak as a mineral area is becoming widespread, and the thought of prospecting is com ing to be general. There is another likely prospect back of English Bay on Eagle Harbor, Shannon of Ko diak is combing over this region with the view of settling down to serious development. Elmer Babcock is covering thej country back of Middle bay, and while a definite discovery has not been made the situation is one that encourages the prospector to be lieve that he is on the right track. One of the most interesting reports comes from Red River beach, where gold sand mining has been going on for some years, but which had notj attracted general attention until a comparatively recent date. The early diggings this season proved unprofitable on account of contrary weather conditions, and reports from there indicated that the men were about to give up for the season and call it a day. Then the weather shifted, with the breaking of a fierce storm, wash I _— THE GREEN LANTERN Cardroom And Beer Parlor 1st Ave. and B Street 1 - :V j CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Clothing Pressed And Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices TUB BATHS DAILY It A.M. TO !• P M. ARTHUR BIDE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING REPAIR WORK JL PLACE ORDERS AT POLET’S SPEED COMFORT DEPENDABILITY FLY WITH THE MAIL PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC, OPERATING BI-WEEKLY MAIL TRIPS BEWEEN FAIR BANKS AND NOME—LEAVING NOME 8 A M. TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS. RADIO EQUIPPED PLANES Office 1st Ave. and Stednian NOME, ALASKA. ing down hillsides, and washing out the loose, light earth. Taking advantage of the situa tion the miners redoubled their ef forts and in a week some of them made a fair payday. Henry Nesbit was particularly fortunate, his plac er mine returns being $300 in eight days. Nesbit was formerly at Seldovia and the Lower Cook Inlet country in general, and a few years ago went to the westward in company with Henry "Hank” Russell They engaged in prospecting over a wide district, doing their own boating and packing and looking for mineral and oil deposits. They later parted company, Rus sell installing himself on Sitkalidak island as assistant to the cattle in terests being established there. NOTICE -- j Changes of regular advertisements will be accepted up to 4 PM of the day preceding insertion. New ad vertisements will be accepted for insertion in the paper up to 1:30 PM of the day of insertion—The Nome Daily Nugget. NEW EQUATION (By The Associated Press) PITTSBURGH, Dec. 31—Profes sor Albert Einstein announced today a simplified proof for mass equival ent and for many practical purpos es, identical new equations. He expressed encouragement that that branch of physical science in the next few years, will lay founda tions for a 'world more secure and comfortable. He got rid of the complicated el ectro-magnetic field theory with which this equivalence of mass or weight and energy heretofore has been proven, and used instead the simple collision of two material par ticles to prove the same thing. This was his first important speech in the Unite*! States and the first important announcmeent for the last several years. It was also his first speech in the English language. The address was given before the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science. COMPLETE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS f RANIER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF CIGARS & TOBACCOS (Front Street Opposite Nome Motor Co.) NOME LIQUOR STORE NOW IN SEATTLE IT’S HOTEL Mayflower R. P. WARD, Manager ( 4th AT OLIVE ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY DEPENDABLE— —REGULAR RELIABLE— —SERVICE By Plane, by Train, by Alaska Steamship Com pany, from Nome to Seattle, is the Fastest, Most Comfortable, Better Serviced, way for you to go. Fast, Commodious, steel Passenger Vessels on Regular Scheduled Sailings, Seward to Seattle. S. S. NORTHWESTERN .. DECEMBER 31 S. S. VICTORIA. JANUARY 7 S. S. NORTHWESTERN . JANUARY 19 S. S. VICTORIA. JANUARY 28 S. S. NORTHWESTERN. FEBRUARY 9 The Boat Train leaves Fairbanks for Seward for ... each scheduled sailing of Alaska Steamship Co. :i. ships the day before departure from Seward for Seattle. ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY Ju. P. Daly, Agent. General Agents for The Pacific Steamship Lines