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EXCELLENT LINES IN HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS CONGOLEUM RUGS, CARPETS LINOLEUM, SCATTER RUGS MATTRESSES, SHEETS, BED SPREADS, PILLOWS, PILLOW CASES, QUILTS & BLANKETS ESPECIALLY ORDERED FOR THE HOME BON MARCHE STORES LINCOLN HOTEL JACK DEVINE, PROP. 1 m “THE HOME OF THE SOURDOUGH” ROOMS BY THE DAY OR MONTH DYES PUTNAMS, TINTEX, DIPIT, RIT LATEST COLORS NOME DRUG STORE Opposite Telephone Office “Cappy McDougall, Proprietor , Telephone Main 15 ALASKA LIQUOR STORE DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED LIQUORS AND WINES Also Pre-War Hill & Hill And Old Taylor Golden Glow & Happy Beer JOHN LEPRI, Prop. DAN ALVICH, Mgr. NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND * ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work NOW IN SEATTLE IT’S HOTEL MAYFLOWER 4th AT OLIVE R. P. WARD, Manager Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Sec—a Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE REVIEW IS MADE RESULTS RUSS FIVE-YEAR PLAN (By The Associated Press) NEW YORK, January 9th—Soviet Russia’s second Five-Year Plan is proceeding almost exactly upon schedule and apparently will suc ceed in its primary objectives of raising the culture 100 per cent above the level of 1932, an official of the Soviet government said here recently. He was Valery V. Obolensky-Os sinsky, vice-chairman of the Soviet state planning commission and di rector of the Soviet statistical and! accounting organization. Speaking before a meeting arrang ed by the International Industrial Relations Institute, he traced the operations of the second plan up to November of last year, from the time of its inception in 1933. The first five-year plaan was started in 1928 and Was ended after four and one-quarter years ni 1932. On the material side, the Russian peasant and factory worker can look forward to more and better; food, to more and better clothing, including such items as silk stock-! ings for the women workers, Ossin-| sky said: . Progress on the side of I culture and social activity is shown by the fact that Russia will intro duce a system compulsory, univer | sal high school education, for the I first time in any country of the world, he continued. Social Advances Cited On the social side, he said, the trend is shown by the establishment of much larger numbers of workers' clubs, cinemas and theaters, and the’ consequent stepping up of the pro-; duction of such articles as pianos ] and phonographs. Meanwhile, he said, the industrial ization of the country, is going for ward almost exactly as planned, the development of the chemical in dustry is progressing, and the es tablishment of collective farms and of the industries to provide tractors and other farm equipment is mov ing forward rapidly. Russia by 1937 will be second only to the United States in several indus tries, including the production of steel, he predicted. Russia Against War Because of these things, he de clared, Russia must be regarded as aligning herself definitely with the forces favoring greater economic co- j operation among the nations and opposing war. Russia has nothing to gain and everything to lose by a war, he declared. Subscribe For The Nugget Road Workers Find Rich Gold Vein (By The Associated Press) ASPEN, Col., — While working on the highway, near the top of In dependence Pass*—one of the high est mduntain passes in Colorado*—3 workmen uncovered a vein of gold ore that holds forth promises of re turning Pitkin County to its old glory of the mining boom days., , Spurred on by this lucky find and reports of favorable prospects in oth er parts of the country, the old ghost towns have started to stir again. Min ers are pocketing the hills with their diggings and an air of optimism is apparent. Last year the county commission ers of Pitkin County, in conjunction with the state highway department, let a contract to Charles Switzer of’ GJlenwood Springs, for widening and grading a section of State Highway 32, 15 miles east of her and within two miles of the top of Independence Pass. Switzer with a crew of men, start ed the road work and one day, in the course of digging away a hill side along the road, three of the men employed by the contractor uncov ered what appeared to be the start af a promising vein. > Nothing was'done with the find then, but this year Switzer and the trhee men took machinery to the Seattle Fur Exchange SALES Every Month In The Year Auction Sales Dates 1935 r ' January 16 February 13 March 13 April 10 May 15 June 12 July 10 August 14 September 11 October 9 November 13 December 11 ... SPECIAL SALES HELD ON REQUEST OF SHIPPERS Advances will be made as usual when requested. Transferred by telegraph if desired. The Seattle Fur Exchange 1008 Western Avenue Seattle, Wash. . ■ ■ — : Any Silk Or Wool Dresses $5.00 JACK SEIDENVERG NOME LAUNDRY Joe Amarok, Prop. All Types of Laundry Work Done Cleanly and Efficiently. Call and Get Our List of Prices East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Clothing Pressed And Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices TUB BATHS DAILY 10 AIL TO 10 PJW. ^ J ; ■ .fiV .V . SPEED COMFORT DEPENDABILITY FLY WITH THE MAIL PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC, OPERATING TWICE-WEEKLY MAIL TRIPS BETWEEN FAIRBANKS AND NOME—LEAVING NOME 8 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS RADIO EQUIPPED PLANES Office 1st Ave. and Stcdnian NOME, ALASKA. 1 ■;—:—■— site and drove a tunnel into the hill side. The tunnel now extends 130 feet and the vein is partially un covered. The last assay showed 157 ounces of silver, 15 per cent copper and $3.50 in gold to the ton. Another tunnel, about 100 feet lower, has been started by Switzer and his three associates, Louis Pop pisch, C. E. Howie and Swan Nelson -Four miles from Switzer’s digg ings, at the head of Lackawanna Gulch, is another mine—a proven producer—that is being worked by Clyde Balkwill, of Leadville, Col., an “old-timer.” • Balkwill works his mine, the Eur eka, which lies on the eastern slope of the pass, every day and averages from«$75 to $150 of gold to the ton. The mine still is in its infancy and improves with each new depth. A burro train freights the ore to the highway, where it is reloaded in trucks and taken to the Golden Cy cle mill in Colorado Springs. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget—$2.00 Per Month by carrier. $1.50 Per Month by Mail NEWLY PRINTED FORMS FOR PLACER LOCATIONS AND LODE LOCATIONS ALSO DEED FORMS ON SALE AT THE NUGGET OFFICE Notice of Rendering Account for Final Settlement and Petition for Distribution. In the Probate Court in and for the Cape Nome Precinct, Second Di vision, Territory of Alaska. In the Matter of the Estate of HENRY C. CONRAD, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that CHARLES D. JONES, the Adminis trator of the Estate of Henry C. Conrad, deceased, has rendered and presented for final settlement, and has filed in and with the above court, his final report and account and has petitioned therein for an order of distribution, and that Fri—„ day, the 22nd day of March. 1935, at 11:30 o’clock, A. M. of said day, at the office and court room of the above court in Nome, Alaska, has been set as the time and place for the settlement of said report and account and for a hearing of objec tions thereto if any there be, and for a hearing on the petition for an order of final distribution, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said report and account should not be settled and allowed, and why distribution of said estate should not thereupon be immediate ly made to the persons entitled*' thereto without further notice of proceedings. Reference is hereby made to the said report and petition for further particulars. Dated at Nome, Alaska, this 19th, day of January, 1935. CHARLES D. JONES, Administrator. Leroy M. Sullivan, Attorney for Administrator. Publish Jan 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9, 1935. FOR SALE—A “Western” heater, stove; reasonable price. Inquire at Nugget Office NOME LIQUOR STORE (Next Door To Fire Station) COMPLETE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS RANIER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF CIGARS & TOBACCOS ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY DEPENDABLE— —REGULAR RELIABLE— —SERVICE By Plane, by Train, by Alaska Steamship Com pany, from Nome to Seattle, is the Fastest, Most Comfortable, Better Serviced, way for you to go. Fast, Commodious, steel Passenger Vessels on Regular Scheduled Sailings, Seward to Seattle. S. S. NORTHWESTERN.JANUARY 19 S. S. VICTORIA.JANUARY 28 S. S. NORTHWESTERN. .... FEBRUARY 9 S. S. VICTORIA.FEB. 18 S. S. NORTHWESTERN.MARCH 1 The Boat Train leaves Fairbanks for Seward for each scheduled sailing of Alaska Steamship Co. ships the day before departure from Seward for Seattle. ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY Jas. P. Daly, Agent. General Agents for The Pacific Steamship Lines