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Newspaper Page Text
) THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor. RUSSELL MAYNARD, Manager. . Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by Cartier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, for *2j3y ^ai?1 postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will confer a favor if they wUlprompUy notify tee Of fice of any failure or irregularity n the delivery of then: papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use f°r ^P.^Vcf‘ tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ci edited this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. — _ ... _ »5 - " ' - ' ~ THE NEW WAYS ARE HERE Some of our idealists have visions of disarmament being accomplished without any delay ,!and expect to see all na tions, all creeds, living in brotherly friendship with one an other—no more war or rumors of war. They will be sadly disillusioned, because in this practical world we cannot live on visions. Not only have armaments not been reduced, but large ly increased. Instead of brotherly love, we see jealousies and bickering between many nations. Once upon a time in the old days we read so much about many conferences which were held. Jn fact, they became quite fashionable and difficulties were often settled by our ambassadors without the people generally knowing that any troubles were likely to arise. But the old ways are gone and the new Ways are here ! AN ALASKAN PROBLEM Alaska is facing a real problem in respect to the care ol its native population, particularly Indians. Reports in pap ers throughout the territory indicate the fact the problem is not confined to any one locality. Anchorage affords a good example of the condition, and the Anchorage city council is taking timely steps in seeking a solution* in its appeal to the federal government. The problem lies in the fact that many natives are with out means and facing a long hard winter with little prospect of earning any revenue from their old vocations of trapping and hunting. Many already have sought local relief, and having'been attracted to the city are appealing to the local council and organizations for relief. Many of them have become victims of excessive drink. Not possessed of the same mentality as their white brothers and beipg victimized by many unscrupulous persons they have fallen ready prey, spending quickly all their earnings of the open season, being debauched and reduced in health and generally impoverish ed and now without food or fit shelter for the* long trying winter. An emergency exists. The municipality, the territory and local organizations cannot be expected to care for these hapless natives. They have been since the occupation of the land, by the whites, the wards of the federal government and their case right fully comes within the purview of the Indian Department or some other branch of the federal government. That it should be attended to immediately is beyond WATCH THIS SPACE NOME DRUG STORE Opposite Telephone Office “Cappy Me Do a gall, Proprietor Telephone Main 15 ONE SIP AND YOU’LL KNOW CRAB ORCHARD is a genuine Kentucky Bourbon naturally aged in charred oak and bottled straight from the barrel. ALASKA LIQUOR STORE Opposite Telephone Office ROUST AIRWAYS n__::jbr of the Alaska air transport * association When You Travel, Fly in our New . And Comfortably Heated Cabin Planes_For Rates, Any Place, Any Time, Call The v V * ROUST AIRWAYS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE - ■'*» question. The Anchorage city council committee is of the belief the natives should be required to go to reservations, outside the city’s peculiar temptations, especially when they are not self sustaining, and there properly cared for during their disability. The idea seems sound, and whether sub ject to variation or not, the federal government should in the name of humanity and all that is decent, sift the matter to the bottom at once and act speedily. The case is one that merits not only consideration to meet the emergency but also as to permanent care and pro tection. The territorial legislature may not be expected to provide any territorial relief in the matter but it could help a lot by memorializing Washington and supporting the municipalities and others in their appeal.—Anchorage Times DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK? By Edson R. Waite E. Pi Chase, editor and publisher of the Atlantic, Iowa. News-Telegraph, says: “The American people read the newspaper ads. They read the magazine ads. They read the billboards and they listen to the advertising talks over the radio. They are ad vertising conscious. The slogans of well known advertisers have crept into our language, so thoroughly is the influence of advertising established. Advertising is no longer some thing to ‘help out’ the paper. The time since it was a ‘catch penny’ is so far in the past as to be no longer remembered. “Good readable, honest advertising, which tells its story in simple language is worth anybody’s time to read. Many a thrifty buyer saves a lot of money during the year by watch ing the advertisements closely. “The newspaper function of carrying advertising has become as important to the people as its other function of printing the news, for, in fact, advertising IS news, store news, news of importance to those with money to spend. There never was a time in the history of the United States when the reading of the advertisements was as important as it is today, for in many homes a few dollars have to go a long ways. The advertisements help stretch the budget.” $2,215 IN BILLS FOUND IN SHOE SHOP MACHINE — (By The Associated Press) SEATTLE, Feb. 14, — Bills in a roll amounting to $2,215 were found late yesterday in the tube of a shoe : repair machine in the shop in Seatt le that had been conducted by the late Peter Ziano. The discovery was made by the administrator of the dead man’s estate. Ziano died January 21. Before the finding of the roll of bills, his estate was thought to consist of only the machinery in his repair shop, valued at $200. The discovered currency will be included in Ziano’s estate and will be sent to his heirs. They are his parents, who live in Italy Firm Is Dissolved The firm of McConaghy and Brown, contractors and builders, which was organized about the time of the fire, has dissolved partnership and hen ceforth each member wlil do busi ness separately from the other, ac cording to the report. B. J. McConaghy and wife left by plane for the states where he will take care of business in connection with his spring work to commence with the opening of the season. Mr. McConaghy expects to fly back to Nome. Mr. Art Brown will conduct* con tracting and building work in his own" name from now on, and will continue in business in Nome, along his particular lines. He states that with the opening of the season he ex pects to be in a position to take care of considerable contracting and build ing. HOUSE DRESSES AND SKIRTS FOR WOMEN SKIRTS FOR GIRLS ft—12 YEARS Arrived By Plane Yesterday JODRED’S SHOPPE NOme HArbor Lighterage COmpany -i WE HAVE AN AMPLE SUPPLY - OF BEST GRADE CHINESE ANTHRACITE SHELL GASOLINE DRY CLEANER 18 GRAVITY CRUDE OIL KEROSENE AND GASOLINE IN BULK AND CASES _ NOHAUCO OFFICE ACROSS FROM WAREHOUSE * FRFF introductory off er FOR 1 WEEK ONLY From Sat., Feb. 16th To Sat., Feb. 23rd Inclusive ,. TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW DELUXE PHOTOGRAPHIC ~ CABINET WE WILL GIVE YOU FREE TWO COMPLETE LY FINISHED . PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOUR SELF TO EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING A CASH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE. ITS NEW-ITS DIFFERENT IN FIVE MINUTES YOU GET YOUR FINISH ED PICTURE—NO DELAY—NO WAITING NOME’S NEW AND MODERN DRUG STORE PIONEER DRUG CO. MIROW AIR SERVICE Nome, Alaska. Fast And Economical Passenger And Freight Service To All Parts Of Alaska * MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Has established temporary quarters fas the former offiee of W. J. Rowe Transfer, and Is carrying on its business as usual. ' WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’a Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE ______]_ - _ NOW IN SEATTLE IT’S HOTEL MAYFLOWER 4th AT OLIVE - ~ R. P. WARD, Manager \ _