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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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A FULL LINK OF “BETTY JANE” HOUSE DRESSES $1.2 5—$ 3.50 ALL SI/KS II-II SMOCKS AND PAJAMAS BON MARCHE STORES LINCOLN HOTEL JACK DEVINE, PROP. “THE HOME OF THE SOURDOUGH” ROOMS BY THE DAY OR MONTH Your Town And Your Newspaper DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE -U $ $ Spent In Nome Stay Here And Return To You $ $ Spent In Support Of Your News paper, In Turn Supports And Boosts Nome. -u The Nome Daily NUGGET Relief Workers To Build Roads For Ketchikan Two substantial projects in the way of street and road improvements are to be started, and three other projects are to get under way at the same time with emergency relief workers, according to the Ketchikan Chronicle of recent date. West second street will be extended from its present terminus at Park Street to intersect Madison street which is beyond the city limits, and a road is to be built from Charcoal boulevard extending into a region I occupied by several homesteaders ! north of the city. A crew will also be put to work clearing and improving the city re creation grounds and another will lie started in Wacker to improve the public school grounds mid property there. One block of Young street, which is of plank construction, is to he replaced with a fill. Fifteen men will be employed in this project and a crew of 50 is to work on West Second Street. Twenty men residents of the Ward cove district, are to be employed in Wacker school improvement pro ject. This project includes clearing the school grounds, installing a wat er system for the school and laying a sewage system. Fifteen men will be occupied in building the road to the homestead properties with implements anc equipment needed in the work furn ished by the residents benefited b\ the improvement. This road has been sought by tin homesteaders for some time. Con struction is to continue for an inde finite period in order to complete a: much of tlie road as is possible, ac cording to Courtney Howard, engin eer in charge of the emergency re lief work. The recreation park improvement will share a crew of 135 men with other nearby projects. The lattei includes the Woodland avenue fil and the North Harris street fill Woodland avenue will be finished it a short time while the North Har ris street fill will require a month or so. Instructions left for the local en gineer in charge of relief projects specify a preference for civic im provement projects such as the building or rebuilding of the school ground sites and recreation grounds Following this Mr. Howard an nounced plans are to be completed for the construction of a swimming pool at the recreation pmk. This will follow other improvements A tributary to Ketchikan Creek Beer Creek, will be util'zed in mak ing the pool by constructing a duni across it. he explains. Nome Owes Its Name To A (Jerk’s Mistake Since the fire at Nome September 17th, 1934, the City of Nome has re ceived much widespread publicity. History of its rise, following the gold strike, and accounts of the fam ous people who came here seeking a fortune were dug out of the past and re-printed. Several stories have been printed in the Nome Nugget, clipped from other papers, as to how Nome got its name. Here is another story from the Valdez Miner, Valdez, Alaska. “Many persons have wondered how Nome came to get its name. An arti cle in the files of The Miner Feb ruary 12, 1911 gives the story." “A drafting clerk in the office of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, lias confessed that he quite unintention ally enriched geography with the musical monosyllable. ‘No one.’ he says, ‘was more surprisT-d than I when I saw the name on the map It happened this way:’ “When the rush to the north took place on the discovery of rich gold deposits on the Klondyke River, the Government found it necessary to make more complete maps of the country. Surveying parties were hurried to the Held and as fast as their notes and plats were sent to Washington they were turned in to us. There were many parties in toe field and the maps were being con tinually called for by gold seekers. Hence for some months our,.office was rushed night and day. 'It fell to my lot to draft a map of the Alaskan Coast that runs south east from Bering Strait. The map was to he made from the field note and plats sent by surveying parties in the district. Such notes and plats always contain the names of promin ent mountains, capes inlet and the like. “In making the tracing of the coast down from Bering Strait I came ar | ross a headland for which no notes or plates furnished a name Con sequently 1 made a pencil note at the point, puttmg the word Nana after it thinking that the chief when he edited the map would put in a name if it had one 01 would make up one if it did not. In the hurr of the work and due 1 presume to the fact that my letter a' ' look like ‘o’s', the math r was passed by the revisers and my map sent to the engravers in that shape. “Imagine my astonishment when I looked over a stack of maps just Any Silk Or Wool Dresses $5.00 JACK SEIDENVERG Nome Laundry Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PHONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Clothing Pressed And Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices TUB BATHS DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Caver's Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO X A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals FOR ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK BUILDING or CONTRACTING SEE Ilans Petersen Corner F'inn Alley & 1st. Ave. Industrial Workers Of Alaska Meet Every First Thursday of each Month Nome, Alaska ) SPEED COMFORT DEPENDABILITY Will I THE MAT OPERATIN'!; TWICE-WEEKLY MAIL TRIPS BETWEEN FAIRBANKS AND NOME—LFAVINO NO IE 8 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS RADIO EQUIPPED PLANES Ollire Is! Up. and Slcdtnan \OM!£, AL \SK NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON PROPRIETORS Oiii* Vim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE. TRACTOR. ACETEYNE AND ELECTRIC WEEDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, 1U SUING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 engraved from my original, to see Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood this particular headland designated organisations, Washington’s Birthday as 'Cape Nome’. When shortly after- Friday February 22nd, at the gym ward gold was di.-covered in the vie- nasium of the native school The inity and a camp established, the public is invited. Admission for camp took the same nano- as the adults will be 50 cents and child cape and is called Nome tins day"- ren ten cents. WASHINGTON'S IE I K T11II \Y i* S> 0 C 1> V V 1. Dancing in the Iiain 2. Old Style Circle Dance 3. Two thrive-; from Sihci ia 4. Telling Stni ie to Faeh Other f) Walru- U.iwv (i. First White Man Trading with Natives 7. Hunting Polar Bear 8. Witch Doctor Dunce with Drum !). Knee dance 10. Old Fashioned Dance with Drum 11. Tap Dance 12. Old Southron Sung with Guitar Accompaniment 13. Old Time Fire Making The above program will he given under the auspices of the Bering NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Probate Court for the Cape Nome Piveinct Territory of Alaska, Second Division. In the matt r of the Estate of LOUISA BLOMBERG, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Thorulf Lehmann, has been appointed by the above-entitl ed Court as Executor with Will an nexed of the Estate of Louisa Blom berg. D s eas' d. All persons ha\-irtg claims against the Estate of said deceased are here by required to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned Executor of said Estate, at Nome, Al i ka, within six months from the date of this notice Dated at Nome. Alaska, this 6th day of February. 1935 THORULF LEHMANN, Executor. Publish Feb 0, 13, 20, 37, 1935. NOMKLIQIOR STORE (Next Door To Fire Station) COMPLETE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS RANTER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF CIGARS & TOBACCOS ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY i').!.-, hekim; ska schedule SAILING FROM SEATTLE S. S. DELLWOOI) May 25th S. S. DERBLAY May 29th S.S. VICTORIA June 1st S. S. DELL WOOD July 3rd S. S. DERBLAY Aug. 14th S. S. DELLWOOI) SEPT. Uth S. S. VICTORIA Oct. 9th The Victoria and Dellwood on their voyages will call at Nome, St. Michael, Golovin and Bonanza. The Derblay will call on her voyages at Nome, St. Michael, Golovin, Bonanza, Unalakleet, Teller, Cape Prince of Wales, Shishmaref. Deerin T, KAe walik, Kotzebue, St. Lawrence Island, r.n i other ports where business warrants. Jas. P. Daly, Agent.