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Oldest Newspaper in Alaska. _Member of The Associated Press DEVOTED TO THE BUILDING OF A BETTER NOME AND THE SECOND DIVISION. NOME IS THE STRATEGIC WORLD FLIGHT AIR BASE—ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY AVIATION THENOME DAILY NUGGET VOLUME 36. NO.. 68.. NOME, ALASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1935. Per Copy Ten Cents Hitler And British Statesmen Confer DROUGHT DAMAGE WESTERN PLAINS GREAT Huey Long Blasts Hoover, Roosevelt With Invectives Makes Report On Drought Effects Western Plains (Bv The Associated Press) KANSAS CITY. Marh 25—South western drought damage, embraced in abandoned homes, half starved herds, and dust covered crops, ran high in the millions of dollars, as the weather beaten farmers prayed for a general rain to check the rav ages of the sun and winds . Collins, statistician for the Depart ment of Agriculture said that thou sands of acres in Southeastern Colo-j rado would be useless in farming; and grazing for the next one hun dred years or more . Collins pre dicted: “the most complete crop failure in the history of the western plains regions,” referring to eastern Colorado, Wyoming, western Kan sas, Nebraska and Texas.. Oklahoma panhandle farmers be gan an exodus from several Colora do counties.. x Ethiopians And Italians Fighting One Man Killed (By The Associated Press) ROME, March 25—A government communique announced today that a new combat between Italian and Ethiopians took place Saturday, re sulting in the death of one man The skirmish was fought on the frontier of the Italian colony . Thos. W. Hunt’s - . Death Is Attrib uted To Suicide Thomas W Hunt, 30 years old, clerk in the Fairbanks postoffice, was found dead recently as the re sult of a bullet wound in his head. 1 His demise is attributed by the United States marshal’s office to suicide, he having been despondent over his health for several days Mr Hunt had lived in Fairbanks 1 since about 1926 . He was graduat- 1 ed from the Fairbanks high school 1 in 1927 and in the fall of that year I' entered the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines.. He 1 attended the institution about a 1 year.. In 1922, he became an em- ‘ ploye of the postoffice. He was ' registry, stamp and COD clerk ' The young man was the son of Mr and Mrs T M Hant of Fairbanks. The elder Mr. Hunt is in charge of ' the United States Land Office in this * city. ' _ s Subscribe For The Nugget s HITLER AND SIR SIMON HAVE J 1ST TALK ON EUROPEAN PROBLEMS (By The Associated Press) UNDATED. March 25—The long awaited conference between Great Britain and Germany started when Hitler at Berlin talked personally with Sir John Simon. British for eign secretary, and Captain Anthony Eden, British Lord of the Privy Seal in Chancellory.. Hitler told his guests of Germany’s armament program, but the conversation was not made public.. The conference was described in diplomatic circles as “likely to determine whether Europe turns back toward peace or continues on toward war..” Official Italian circles at Rome said that Italy was wil’ ing to participate in diplomatic negotiations with France and Great Britain and Germany, provided, that the latter was willing . Hungarian circles said that the sentiment in their coun try was growing stronger for a union with Germany.. Special Steamship Service Alaska For Coming Season 1935 The Alaska Steamship Company’s liner Aleutian, largest and finest Dassenger ship of the Seattle-North liand fleets, will make six round :rip cruises in the Skagway-Sitka ■oute during the 1935 tourist sea son, it was announced recently . In previous years the Aleutian has operated in the Southeastern and Southwestern Alaska route, going hrough to Seward, but this year >he will ply exclusively in the Seat le-Skagway-Sitka service during he pajik of the travel season. Another unusual departure noted n the 1935 schedule of the company s the operation of the steamship Victoria in the Southeastern Alaska ■oute after her first trip of the year o Nome. The vessel will return to he Bering Sea route in October to )ring out the late travelers and car 50 from the Seward Peninsula dis rict. Will Carry Mining Men The Victoria also will be sent to Jeward, sailing August 20, to take )art in the exodus of .mining men rom the Yukon River district and annery workers from Southwestern Uaska. While the Victoria is in other serv ce, following her return from her irst trip to Nome with the sailing et for about June 1, the steamships Jellwood ar.d Derblay will service lering Sea ports. Six Cruises Scheduled The steamships Alaska and Yukon /ill return to service in March, en ering the Southeastern and South western Alaska route. The Alaska tarted this feature of the new chedule, sailing at 9 am March 16 > and will alternate with the Yukon up to May 25. She will sail May 25 and June 8 for Seward, and upon her return from these trips, will enter' the Southeastern Alaska route. In this special cruise service, she will said June 25, July 8, July 29, August 9 and August 19. The Al aska will return to the Seward route sailing June 22 and alternate with the Yukon until the end of the sea son. Numerous Filings For City Positions Are Made Today Only 267 voters registered for the coming City Election, up to the clos ing of the poll books Saturday night at 10 o’clock. This is the smallest number to register for the past four or five years, but it is not any indica tion that the voting population of Nome has decreased. Several petitions have been filed to day with the City Clerk for elective offices. J S Stangroom filed for trea surer; Alvin Polet and Harry Hagen for councilmen; Leroy Sullivan for city attorney; Rex F Swartz for May or; M J Walsh for city clerk and Mrs Carrie McLain for member of the school board. Three councilmen are to be elected this year—the terms of councilmen Polet, Hagen and Balsiger, expiring. Only one member of the school board is elected each year. Conjecture is rife as to the extent of city politics and during the next few days several more petitions are expected to be filed. The time for fil ing petitions expires five days pre vious to the date of the election, which is to be held April 2nd. Mail the Nome Daily Nugget to your friends, and let them know about the re-building of Nome. Silver Advocates To Try And Force House Acceptance (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 25—'Thirty members of the silver bloc agreec to attempt to force the immediate House acceptance of all senate amendments to the four billion dol lars public works relief bill, includ ing the silver rider Representative Martin of Colora do. said: “We should realize tha this might be our last chance to de anything about silver this session,’ Henrv Setli maim * Passes Away Sun. Henry Sethmann, old time pio neer and a former U S Commission er at Haycock, passed away in the Maynard Columbus hospital yester day morning He had been ill foi some time and when brought te Nome by plane recently was in pool health As yet no funeral arrange ments have been made Vic Ross Of NAT Flies .“> To Nome Pilot Vic Ross of the Northern Air Transport arrived Nome Sun day early from Fairbanks, after hav ing spent Saturday night at Rub\ enroute to Nome, due to adverse weather conditions As passenger with the plane were Floyd Frazier Lawrence Mead, George McAllister Perry Moore and W Willet Pilot Ross hopped off again this morning on his return flight to Fairbanks where he will pick up another load of passengers for Nome and Seward Peninsula Clict Brown NAT dies Council Six Pilot Chester Brown of the North ern Air Transport flew from Fair banks to Council yesterday with Chas Kimball, Clyde Glass, wife and baby, Gus Rosen, and Thor Nelson From Council he flew here Pilot Brown took off this morning for Koyuk with a passen ger, and is to stop at Unalakleet on his return flight and pick up two witnesses to come to Nome, in the Gottschalk case He is then sched uled for a flight to Kotzebue and Point Hope. , Subscribe Now For Nome Daily Nugget By Carrier $2.00 per Month. HUEY LONG LAUGHS AT HOOVER’S CALL FOR REVIVAL OF 01 ) GOP (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 25—Huey Long gave the coun try an idea of how he might talk if political events now shaping toward the 1936 presidential election, would lead to a third party campaign, in which he would take a hand . Laughing over Herbert Hoover’s call for a militant re vival of the Republican Party, Long said “Hoover is a hoot owl and Roosevelt a screetch owl.” “The hoot-owl bangs into the roost and knocks the hen clean oil, and then catches her while she is falling, but the screetch-owl slips in and talks softly to the hen which falls in love with him and the next thing you know there ain’t no hen .” Some democratic leaders viewed Long’s sally as a series of utterances designed to lay the foundation for a third party presidential candidacy next year.. Stretching Of SIviiSI Arteries Brings Jitters NEUROLOGISTS AT ANNUAL MEETING DISCUSS CAUSE OF ALCOHOL HEADACHE NEW YORK, March—In discuss ing headaches a group of neurolo gists suggested the probable mechan ism of “hangovers.” An address by Dr Wilder G Pen field, professor of neurosurgery at the institute of neurology of McGill University, Montreal, at the annual meeting of the Association for Re search in Nervous and Mental Dis ease, on the causations of intercran ial pain, gave rise to comments by Dr Dean Clark of New York hospi-j tal on the nature of cerebral “jit ters ' Stimulation of the large surface veins that drain the brain, by ten sion or electricity under local anes thesia, according to Dr Penfield, causes headache on the side of the skull under treatment Other por tions of the brain, he said, not near the big blood vessels, were not sen sitive to operative treatment “Headache accompanies dilation or stretching of the arteries in the skull," Dr Clark explained “Ex perimentally such headaches have been produced by intravenous in jections of histamine ” These ex-, periments were carried on in collab oration with Dr Heloise Hough in the laboratory of Dr Harold Wolff “Alcohol has a similar action on arteries," Dr Clark continued, “and it may be that headaches following the use of alcohol are associated with the same mechanism, althou no experiments have been done to substantiate this..” Borah Of Belief Be No European War Near Future (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 25—Sena tor Borah predicted there would be no European war within the near future, and forecast that even if there was an European conflict, Am erica would keep out of it. In an interview With the Associat ed Press, Borah suggests that the re arming of Germany might instead of bringing war, lead to a more peaceful Europe . Mirow To And From Fairbanks Two Davs Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Service took off Sunday for Fairbanks with C W Cash and Mrs Parkins as passengers for that place. He returned to Nome this morning with Mrs Richard Lee and daughter and Henry Gumm as incoming pas sengers and a full load of express. Pilot Mirow took off again today [or Candle and Buckland and will bring back Lyman S Brewster from Buckland and Gus Bjornstead from Bandle He expects to take off for Fairbanks again tomorrow morning. Monson of PAA In Out Nome Mail Pilot Monson of the Pacific Alas ka Airways arrived Nome yesterday -norning and took off again immed ately on his return mail flight to Fairbanks.. Art Nelson was a pas senger from Fairbanks to Nome . Subscribe For The Nugget