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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
SPECIAL — FLANNEL SHIRTS Reduced From $6.50 & .$6.00 TO—$4.00 From $5.00 TO—$3.00 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS From $3.50 & $3.00 TO—$1.50 BON MARCHE STORES LINCOLN HOTEL JACK DEVINE, PROP. “THE HOME OF THE SOURDOUGH” ROOMS BY THE DAY OR MONTH Your Town And Your Newspaper DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE $$ Spent In Nome Stay Here And Return To You $$ Spent In Support Of Your News paper, In Turn Supports And Boosts Nome. -o The Nome Daily NUGGET Communications Continued From Page One istent on them be eligible to receive loans? Answer: Yes. Regulations af ford an opportunity for the borrow er to re-finance an existing loan, to combine and re-finance two existing encumbrances, to refinance and in crease an existing loan or make a loan upon existing dwellings where i none has heretofore been made. Question: Will a clear lot upon which you wish to build be accept ed as the owner’s eqity in the pro perty when it is improved? Answer: Yes. The maximum 1 amount that may be borrowed is 30% of the combined appraised val ue of the lot and estimated value of the structure to be built. Accord ingly the borrower must have 20% of such value in an equity. If the estimated value of the proposed buildings is not over four times the appraised value of the lot his lot can then stand as sufficient equity and the maximum amount he might borrow will be the value of his building. As an example: If the borrower has a lot eppraised at $1,000 and wishes to build a struc ture of the value of $4,000, he may borrow not to exceed 80% of the to tal of $5,000 which will give him up to $4,000 to build his structure. Question: How will property be appraised? Answer: The Federal Housing Administration will appraise pro perty involved in any prospective loan for the purpose of determining whether it complies with regulations sufficiently to make it eligible for | mortgage insurance. The lending i institution which contemplates niak ing the loan will doubtless make its own appraisal in addition thereto. Question: Is the distress value of a piece of property considered a fair value? Answer: No. The distress value of a property will not be taken as a measure of a fair value, but an ap praisal will be made earfeully af ter consideration of factors other than the distress feature involved. Question: Are loans restricted to single family dwellings? Answer: No. Loans may be made on dwellings of not over four family units, thus including singles, duplexes and -triplcxe . as 1 a the latter classification. Question: May the owner build or mortgage mire than one home? Answer: Yes. There is no regul ation in effect preventing an appli cant from building on a-> many pro perties as desired provided that his credit standing and normal income will justify the monthly payments necessary upon the incumbrances in volved. Question: What is the rate of in terest on these loans? Answer: The Borrower will pay on construction or purchase money loans interest at the rate of 5C" per annum. On re-financing of present encumbrances or placing new loans on existing properties he will pay interest at the rate of 5'z'< per an num. Question: What additional eharg es are connected with the loan? Answer: In cases of new con struction, new loans on old proper ties, and also m cases where re-fin ancing and purchase money encum brances are made by lending insti tutions which do not hold the pro perty involved or the encumbranc es to be re-financed, a service charge of ‘a of '1% per year is authorized; this, in company with the interest to be computed and paid on diminish ing balances. In case of purchase money encumbrances and new con struction a mortgage insurance pre mium of 'a of 1'\ per year, and in cases of refinancing and creation of indebtedness on old construction a mortgage insurance of lri per year is authorized. The premium is com puted upon the original amount of the loan and is paid t hrough the lending institution to the Adminis trator. In addition, the usual es crow, title and other charges neces sarily incident to setting up a loan will be authorized. Question: How long does the mortgager have to repay the loan 1 Answer: Regulations provide that a loan shall in no event be made for a period longer than 21) year.- Tii length of time allowed for repay ment may depend upon a number different considerations and factui involving in each individual prob LADIES AFTERNOON DRESSES IN SILK AND WOOL-ALL SIZES SMOCKS AND SWEATER SETS ARRIVED BY PLANE MILDREDS SHOPPE [ Any Silk Or Wool Dresses $5.00 JACK SEIDENVERG Nome Laundry Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PHONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Clothing Pressed And Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices TUB BATHS DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. I - i Cavev"s Bakery OPEN FROM G A.M. TO 1 A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals FOB ALL KINPS OF CARPENTER WORK BUILDING or CONTRACTING SEE Hans Petersen Corner Finn Alley & 1st. Ave. Industrial Workers Of Alaska Meet Every First Thursday of each Month Nome, Alaska ■ .. SPEED COMFORT DEPENDABILITY FLY WITH THE MAIL PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC OPERATING TYVICE-WEEKLY MAIL TRIPS BETWEEN FAIRBANKS AND NOME—LEAVING NOME 8 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS RADIO EQUIPPED PLANES Office 1st Ave. and Stcdnian NOME, AEASk V. ___________________ NOME MACHINE SHOP W. I,. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, .MARINE, TRACTOR. ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE. BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 lem. Question: May a loan be paid off in advance of maturity? Answer: Provision will be made for repayment of any loan before it matures. Question: Are the taxes and in surance included in the monthly pay ments? Answer: Taxes, insurance, special assessments and other casualty in surance, if anti as imposed, will all be included in the monthly pay ments as specified. Subscribe For The Nome Daily Nugget—S2.00 Month By Carrier Placer And Lode Location Blanks For Sale at Nugget Office TITLE 2 Federal Housing Administration INSISTS ON APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Materials \rc Listed. Labor Quantities Computed And Orders Placed ECONOMICALLY FROM PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DO IT NOW—THE TIME IS GETTING SHORT SEE AIM’ BROWN BUILDER — CONTRACTOR — DESIGNER Seiffert Flats «WWnM|i|llfrwyi NOME LIQUOR STORE (Next Door To Fire Station) COMPLETE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS RANTER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF CIGARS & TOBACCOS ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY IDURING SUV SCHEDULE SAILING FROM SEATTLE S. S. DELLWOOD May 25th S. S. DERBLAY May 29th S S. VICTORIA June 1st S. S. DELLWOOD July 3rd S. S. DERBLAY Aug. 14th S. S. DELLWOOD SEPT. 11th S. S. VICTORIA Oct. 9th The Victoria and Dellwood on their voyages will call at Nome, St. Michael, Golovin and Bonanza. The Derblay will call on her voyages at Nome, St. Michael, Golovin, Bonanza, Unalakleet, Teller, Cape Prince of Wales, Shishmaref. Deering, Kee walik, Kotzebue, St. Lawrence Island, and other ports where business warrants. Jas. P. Daly, Agent.