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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
SPECIAL OFFER ON READ HEAD GIN 5THS $1.15 PINTS .65 BON MARCHE STORES LINCOLN HOTEL JACK DEVINE, PROP. “THE HOME OF THE SOURDOUGH” ROOMS BY THE DAY OR MONTH Your Town And Your Newspaper DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE $$ Spent In Nome Stay Here And Return To You $$ Spent In Support Of Your News paper, In Turn Supports And Boosts Nome. -u The Nome Daily NUGGET Flare For Something Is Evident In Leg islature Proposed Territorial Police Force, Hofman-L.vng Measure in Legisla ture Would Make Canadian Mount ies Pikers. Alaska’s legislature must at least be credited with an eye for flash— or maybe it's just a flare for color and the desire to create something different. The instance of the bill that would have provided for a territorial pol ice force stands in proof of the con tention. Juneau’s Alaska Press ex presses the matter tersely in saying that Canada’s “Mounties” would be drab after the appearance of the territorial force. Representative J S. Hof man of Seward introduced a bill providing for the territorial police and How ard Lyng, representative from Nome, introduced an amendment to the bill. The purpose of the amend ment in this instance is beside the point. If the bill had passed with the amendment before the legislature adjourned. Alaska would have had a police force in which every man would be required to “dress in a jack et of pea green—breeches of salmon pink—and the footwear shall vary according to the divisions. “In the Second division they shall wear mukluks. “In the Fourth division, snow shoes. 1 In the Third Division, gum-boots. “And in the First Division, sneakers. “For headgear they shall wear a hat with a band of fish skin, with the emblem in front of a salmon head crossed with a herring head.” A British Columbia legislator re cently proposed* Canada’s acquir ing of the Alaskan panhandle, but ' was careful to ask for only that part that extended as far as Juneau. The legislature was in session there. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget—$2.00 Per Month by carrier. $1.50 Per Month by Mail Ala.skaii I Mans u i I c \r rriMK)! lor .Nome Harold Foss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl I Foss nf this city, has com pleted plans for a new school build ing at Nome, it was recently announ ced by the offices of A. E. Karnes, territorial commissioner of educa tion. The local man is affiliated with the commission as architect. The new building, which is design ed to replace the one destroyed by fire last September, will cost approx imatel.v $100,000. Foss' plans call for a two-story building containing nine rooms, including a combination gymnasium and auditorium.—Ketch ikan Chronicle. WASHINGTON CURRENT COW NT Continued From Page One short frontier to the south, an ocean to the east and an ocean to the west, (lie United States even in seasons of war maintains a sense of security That being true, peace-time sugges tions along the line of providing a vast military and naval machine for offense and defense ore scrutinized calmly and weighed and considered, like any other piece of proposed legislation. Germany has no simil ar geographical protection against invasion. She is an exposed target into which arrows may be shot from every side. It should cause no won der that Mr Hitler’s proposal to arm the Fatherland produced a great German shout of acclaim. Not all Germans look upon Jews and fra ternal orders as a menace and the Chancellor has offended in all di rections respecting religious mat ters. By invoking the oldtime Watch on the Rhine spirit, however, he has united Germany at his back Whether he acted as a pure patriot or merely as a politician masking his errors cannot be determined at present. One thing is certain. He selected a hymn that the entire con gregation could sing. An investigation of a state con vict camp brifigs out the tact that prisoners were chained up until Any Silk Or Wool Dresses $5.00 JACK SEIDENVERG .Nome Laundry Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PHONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Clothing Pressed And Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices TUB BATHS DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.IVI. Cavey's Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals FOR ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK BUILDING or CONTRACTING SEE Hans Petersen Corner Finn Alley & 1st. Ave. Industrial Workers Of Alaska Meet Every First Thursday of each Month Nome, Alaska PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC ANNOUNCING NEW SCHEDULE BEGINNING APRIL 1 NOME TO JIjNEAU VIA FAIRBANKS <> HOURS - §213.00 NOME TO FAIRBANKS §108.00 WEEKLY SCHEDULE LEAVING NOME EVERY THURSDAY RADIO EQUIPPED PLANES they died or had to under?; > surgical operations. Aside fr >m such horri fying details, the inciuiry developed nothing new. The guards, it ap pears, in some instances were of low mentality, inclined to ungoverned anger and proud of their small au thority. Many of the convicts, up on the other hand, were hard nuts, capable of being handled only by a cracking hammer blow. Prison re form, broadly speaking, involves putting better and more gentleman ly persons in jails, and finding chain gang bosses who arc qualified to ex ercise the prerogatives of a firm, wise, humane and just judge. Any one wliu has a perfect solution fur the problem should not hesitate to speak. George Anderson EXPERT PIANO TUNER Will be in Nome again this summer. New and Rebuilt Pianos for Sale and Rent. Wire us your wants EXPERT SERVICE GUARANTEED —THANK YOU— Anderson Music Shoppe JUNEAU, ALASKA NOME MACHINE SHOP VV. I.. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 I I sij: 2 Federal Housing Administration P INSISTS ON APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Materials Are Listed, Labor Quantities Computed And Orders Placed ECONOMICALLY FROM PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DO IT NOW—THE TIME IS GETTING SHORT SEE ART BROWN BUILDER — CONTRACTOR — DESIGNER Seifl'ert Flats NOME LIQUOR STORE (Next Door To Fire Station) COMPLETE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS RANIER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF CIGARS & TOBACCOS ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY ]<).«:> BERING SEA SCHEDULE SAILING FROM SEATTLE S. S. DELLWOOD May 25th S. S. DERBLAY May 29th S. S. VICTORIA June 1st S. S. DELLWOOD July 3rd S. S. DERBLAY.Aug. 14th S. S. DELLWOOD SEPT. 11th S. S. VICTORIA .Oct. 9th The Victoria and Dellwood on their voyages will call at Nome, St. Michael, Golovin and Bonanza. The Derblay will call on her voyages at Nome, St. Michael, Golovin, Bonanza, Unalakleet, Teller, Cape Prince of Wales, Shishmaref. Deering, Kee walik, Kotzebue, St. Lawrence Island, and other ports where business warrants. Round Trip Passenger Fare Nome-Seattle and Return Season 1935 — $125.00