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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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It Costs You Nothing For Ms To Estimate Your Building Materials SHELLAC DRY WHILE IT LASTS—$1.45 Per Lb. NOME LUMBER CO ERNEST M. ATTEBERY BUILDING CONTRACTOR ESTIMATES. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED CARPENTRY 441 SECOND AYE. A W AY TO PROMOTE BETTER STREETS WITHOUT COST! HAVE YOUR COAL, LUMBER, FREIGHT AND ETC. MOVED WITH THE NOME MOTOR CO. CATERPILLAR AND IN THAT WAY THE STREETS WILL BE KEPT FLATTENED OUT WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CITY, OTHER THAN THE USUAL DRAYAGE CHARGE. Telephone Main 108 NOME MOTOR CO. OPENING ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Prop. I Miss Fredrickson Elected Succeed Miss L M. Caffy At a regular meeting of the Nome School Board held at the Public School on Monday, April 15th, Miss Helen Fredrickson of Stanfield, Ore gon, was elected to fill the position left vacant by the resignation of Miss Lottie M. GafTy. Miss Fredrickson will fill the fifth and sixth grade position, a position for which she has received special training and considerable exper ience. She is a graduate of the Washington State Normal School at Bellingham and is now teaching in the state of Oregon. She is especial ly qualified as a leader of girl's clubs and is a talented musician. Miss Gaffy came to Nome on a years' leave of absence from the school system at Skagway and is re turning to her former position. SPECIAL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL CARE The business men of Nome and Seward Peninsula will do well to look over their job printing needs for the coming summer. The Nome Daily Nugget will be glad of the opportunity to figure on your needs and it will help us in knowing what the demand for printing stock will be necessary, so stock may be order-: ed on the first boats. Mining and dredge operators who will need special forms are request ed to get in touch with the Nugget office so that we may handle your printing orders with out delay and with satisfaction to all concerned. This month is the time to check up on materials needed, not only by the mining men and merchants, but also the job printing needs of this section of Alaska. Plan ahead in plenty time before the season be gins; you will find it will pay to have your printing orders filled now while business is slack instead of rushing matters when the boats ar rive. The Nugget is equipped to handle your business. Give us a cidl on the telephone. ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. ANNOUNCES S. S. ARTHUR J. BALDWIN SAILS FROM SEATTLE MAY 23RD CALLING AT ALL PORTS FROM ST. MICHAEL TO KOTZEBUE -0 YOUR FREIGHT OFFERINGS ARE SOLICITED -0 ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. Writes Of News Former Nomeites In a letter to Mrs. Chas Code from Mrs. Harry Lomen, in Seattle, the sad news of the death of Mrs. Prud ence Palmer was received. Before! her marriage, Mrs. Palmer was a nurse in the Maynard Columbus; Hospital here. , In speaking of her own activities in Seattle this winter, Mrs. Lomen mentioned that her daughter, Vir ginia, had become a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority at the U. of W. Miss Margaret Howe and Howard Gawn had called on Mrs. Lomen,! who later mentioned having seen B. J. McConaghy. She said that James Frawley and wife were living near) their home. Mrs Lomen expressed the wish to hear more of the doings of Nomeites and sent her regards to all her old friends in Nome. “Eskimo” To Be On Screen Tonite at Dream Theatre Mala, the mighty hunter, lives in happiness with his wife. Aba, and their children. His skill keeps the village supplied with food, he is the respected leader of his tribe, and benefactor of the unfortunate. A stranger arrives in the village bearing a gun, which he relates was given to him for furs by the captain of a whaling ship that the natives call “The House That Swims”. Mala resolves to visit the ship. He and his family trek over the icelands, bearing rich furs, and meet the white captain. The latter cheats Mala frightful ly. In addition he gets Aba drunk and attacks her. Mala is angered, but others tell him the white cap tain can do no wrong. So he accepts the job of harpooning whales for the captain, on the latter’s promise to molest Aba no more. While Mala is away with the whal ers, the white captain again gets Aba drunk. Staggering in the snow, she falls. One of the sailors, out hunting seal, mistakes her fur-clad form for a seal and shoots her. Mala, returning, learns of his wife's death. Blaming the white captain, he kills the man with a harpoon, and returns to his village. Later he finds happiness with two new wives, one of them, Eva, loves him deeply, as he loves her. Meanwhile Sergeant Hunt of the Mounted Police learns of the mur der, and with a companion, Balk, starts across the ice to capture Mala. They are lost in a blizzard and al most frozen. Mala saves them and reluctantly they take him to head quarters, not telling him what is in store for him. He hunts for them on the trip. They respect him deeply. At headquarters, from the grulf inspector, Mala learns his fate. He may be hanged. A tribesman brings news that there is no food in his village, his family is starving. That night he escapes from his manacles, crushing the bones in his hand to do it, and starts for home. Unable to hunt, he finally kills his sled dogs, and staggers on. A wolf attacks him He kills the ani mal with his bare hands for food. Finally he reaches his village, to find that his stepson is the standby of the family and has become a hunt er. The Mounted Police are on his trail. Commending his family to the care of the stepson, he starts toward the North, with his faithful Eva. They travel on, making a spectacu lar getaway across the great ice bar rier and escaping the fate planned for them by the white men, enemies of their race. C. C. TANNER ATTORNEY AT LAW FEDERAL BUILDING NOME, ALASKA ONE SHOW 8 P. M. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Dream Theatre X ESKIMO AND “STUFF ON THE BALL”—Sport Review COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH ADMISSION ADLLTS 75cts CHILDREN 25cts TAX INCLUDED ONE SHOW 8 P. M. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SFAVARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents Dor Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AN 01 J FRIEND A NEW WAY “SWIFT’S PREMIUM HAM’’ —Boned And Rolled— Here you have your favorite Ham—Swift’s Premium—in a more convenient form. The bgne has been removed and the ham has been rolled in to a handier and a more cookable size. It will fit most any oven or pan—Just right for boiling or baking. There's an idea! Have a Boned and Rolled Ham today! Bake it or boil it Southern style— Something different and so delicious. BY THE HALF-HAM 1 ner 1 h BY THE WHOLE-HAM PCI WHOLE NEW IRISH POTATOES READY TO SERVE These potatoes are thoroughly cooked. Simply heat and serve with butter, cream sauce or in«MQk. way fresh potatoes are served. EXCELLENT FOR POTATOE SALADS FOR ONLY ONE WEEK 2 CANS. . 35cts A. POLET