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AGENT FOR CASH REGISTERS, Ohmer's $85.00 & up ADDING MACHINES. Remington's, $75.00 & up SAND FINISH (For Walls) I. F. Laucks PAINTS. OILS. ETC., Paraffine Co's Inc. Save bv ordering direct GENERAL ELECTRIC OIL FURNACES BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN FIXTURES Standard Sanitary Mf’g Co's AS SALES REPRESENTATIVE SEATTLE PLUMBING CO NOME LI MBER CO ERNEST M. ATTEBERY BUILDING CONTRACTOR ESTIMATES, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED CARPENTRY 441 SECOND AYE. CHEVROLET Half-Ton anti 1^ Ton Trucks Mr. Business Man—Look over your delivery equipment and ask yourself if you’d be proud of your trucks if they were parked in front of your home. If the least in doubt, whether thev create a favorable impression, drop in at the NOME MOTOR CO. Main Street, and look over the complete line of Chevrolet Trucks and Commercial Cars—you'll find the type that suits your business perfectly. You'll find, too, that Chev rolet Trucks are as practical, inexpensive and economical, as they are good looking. NOME AGENCY FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS FOR DETAILS And SPECIFICATIONS PHONE LARRY GALVIN THIRD AVENUE, NOMF.. ALASKA 1 Aviator Mirow Off For North Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Service, took oif this morning for Candle with Frank Whaley, and: Arthur Wright as a passenger to Deering. Pilot Mirow is to pick up two passengers at Kotzebue and re turn to Nome this afternoon with Mr. Wright from Deering. — Returning Nomeites Are Stormbound According to reports today, J. J. Keenan and wife and party now en-l route to Nome via NAT plane, arei held at Copper Center on account of adverse weather conditions. They are flying from Valdez to Fairbanks, and thence into Nome. Mr. Keenan is the field superintendent for the Arctic Circle Exploration Co. Alfred J. Lomen, Nome Manager of the Lomen Commercial company is also reported aboard the plane, accompanying the party. Fire Department Responds Call The fire department made a run to the residence of B. J. McConaghy, located at Third Avenue and Sted man, this morning in answer to a fire alarm. Upon their arrival it was discov ered that an over-heated flue was the cause of the alarm. The danger was averted, without any damage being done. George Anderson EXPERT PIANO TUNER Will lie in Nome again this summer. New and Rebuilt Pianos for Sale and Rent. Wire us your wants EXPERT SERVICE GUARANTEED —THANK YOU— Anderson Music Shoppe JUNEAU, ALASKA ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. ANNOUNCES S. S. ARTHUR J. BALDWIN SAILS FROM SEATTLE MAY 23RD CALLING AT ALL PORTS FROM ST. MICHAEL TO KOTZEBUE -«— YOUR FREIGHT OFFERINGS ARE SOLICITED -0 ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. I Heart Disease Overtakes Man On Way North Twelve hours after he arrived in Ketchikan from Seattle, a passen ger on the steamer Victoria enroute to Haines, D. B. Scrimgeour, Seat tle insurance adjuster, died of heart disease in the Ketchikan General hospital according to a recent issue of the Ketchikan Chronicle. He became ill while the boat was in port and in spite of his determin ation to continue his journey north ward to complete business, was fores ed to seek medical aid here and en-j tered the hospital. His widow is known to survive1 him in Seattle. No relatives live in Ketchikan. Through business affiliation he was however, acquainted with Mrs. P. i G. Charles of the Charles insurance agency and arrangements are being made by her. The widow has been notified. Mr. Scrimgeour was about CO years old. — NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE — Ink contained in a reservoir in a new rubber stamp pad is fed to the face every time the pad is used, in suring bright impressions of stamps for a long period. A German engineer has broposed the erection of windmills 1400 feet high with wheels more than 500 ft. in diameter to obtain the power of winds at high levels. An insulaated too! that prevents users being shockd has been invent ed to extract blown fuses, test wall | outlets and several more kinds of work with electricity. The Soviet government has estab lished a school at Moscow for para chute jumpers, who are guided safe ly to the ground when they leap, from a tower by a wire cable. One pound of platinum from which fuses for delicate electrical instru ments is made can be drawn into 4750 miles of wire, which would cost more than $11,000,000. Equipped with a 500 horsepower engine and intended to carry five persons at a speed of 160 miles an hour the world’s largest autogiro is being built in England. _____ Automatic in operation an attach ment for the bottoms of bed room doors has been invented that closes the space against entrance of out side air when a door is closed. When light from a special lamp carried on Bavarian railway loco motives is reflected back by a mir ror on a danger signal a light sensi tive cell automatically stops a train. The side car of a motorcycle used for races of that type is equipped jvith a wheel with which an occu aant can tilt the side car to lessen the danger of upsetting on curves. The French inventor of a tri-cycle propelled in the usual way by a man reclining instead of sitting as tride a saddle claims that it lessens fatigue as well as wind resistance. A new screwdriver that enables automobile mechanics to test spark plugs has a neon light in its insulat id handle that flashes when current flows through the handle of the tool. Subscribe For The Nugget DR. REX F. SWARTZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours 1—3 P. M. Now Located In Office Indian Affs. Bldg. Nome, Alaska. C. C. TANNER ATTORNEY AT LAW FEDERAL BUILDING NOME, ALASKA __ Dream Theatre TONIGHT rWO SHOWS 7:15 AND 9 P.M. REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM WITH MARION NIXON & RALPH BELLAMY A Story Read And Loved By Millions ALSO “MICKEY’S COVERED WAGON” WITH MICKEY McGUIRE & HIS GANG AND MICKEY MOUSE IN “THE MAD DOC” TWO SHOWS 7:15 AND 9 P.M. YDULTS .55 Cents-CHILDREN .25 Cents LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents Dor Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ARRIVED BY PLANE SUNDAY SUPPER FROCKS These Gowns Are Very Appropriate For Hostess Wear, Ankle Length, Very Latest $2.95 to $3.75 Also SILK BLOUSES Plaid And Plain In The Tunic % Specially Ordered Also A Few Cotton Blouses A. Polet is now in Seattle and he will be glad to execute or place any order for you while he is there where it does not conflict with any local dealer. No charge will be made for this service. You may either write him directly, or leave your orders at the store. A. POLET