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Newspaper Page Text
THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, for ?2.00 per month. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will comer a f«vor if they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity ii the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. BUSINESS CONDITIONS IN THE TWELFTH RESERVE DIST—MARCH 1935—RELEASE Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Twelfth District business expanded by less than the customary amount during March following an improvement in February of more than seasonal proportions. Aggregate employment in private industry increased only fractionally from February to March. Except for lumber and canning operations, the usual small gains in activity in those industries for which infor mation is available were recorded in March. Lumber pro duction increased less than is customary during March, and this bank’s adjusted index receded by approximately as much as it increased in the preceding month. Adverse weather con ditions delayed early vegetable canning. Petroleum produc tion remained substantially unchanged during the month, but flour milling expanded and, after seasonal adjustment, was more active than in any month since last August. The val ue of building permits issued for all types of private con struction continued to increase during March, but contracts awards for public works were the same as in February, when the total was smaller than in other recent months. Sales of new automobiles continued to increase sharp ly during March, but other measures of trade in the Twelf th District expanded less than seasonally. Car-loadings in both California and the Northwest increased less than is usual and, after allowance for seasonal influences and the late date of Easter this year, the index of Twelfth District department store sales declined slightly. More than the customary rain and snow in March and early April insured adequate water for irrigation purposes throughout the district this season. Low temperatures and frosts caused some damage to fruits and vegetables and re tarded soil preparation and seeding of many other crops. Growth of forage for livestock in the Pacific Northwest was delayed to some extent by cold weather, but district rang es generally are in fair to excellent condition except in Utah. Volume of crop marketings was somewhat greater in March than in February. Prices of farm products increased in ear ly April, regaining most of the decline which took place in the last half of March. Twelfth District banking reserves showed a net in crease from mid-March to mid-April. This increase did not come from United States government expenditures in excess ABBOTS HALIVEH OIL A NATURAL REFINED OIL FROM HALIBUT LIVERS —CAPSULES OR LIQUID— NOME DRUG STORE NORTHERN DISTRIBUTORS ‘"Cappy McDougall, Proprietor Telephone Main 95 Opposite Telephone Office ONE SIP AND YOU’LL KNOW CRAB ORCHARD is a genuine Kentucky Bourbon naturally aged in charred oak and bottled straight from the barrel. ALASKA LIQUOR STORE Opposite Telephone Office ROUST AIRWAYS MEMBER OF THE ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION When You Travel, Fly in our New And Comfortably Heated Cabin Planes_For Rates, Any Place, Any Time, Call Tlie ROUST AIRWAYS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE of local collections, as has usually been the case in recent years, but represented primarily a favorable balance of com mercial and financial payments with other districts. The Federal Government continued to withdraw funds from the district through its ordinary revenues and in addition re ceived large amounts from national banks which deposited cash to retire their liability for circulating notes, the aggre gate of these collections approximating the total of Treas ury disbursements. Reflecting the net gain of funds through transactions with other districts, member bank reserve de posits at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco rose to the highest levels on record. Total loans and investments of reporting member banks remained practically unchanged in the period under review, although demand deposits in creased substantially. WHY A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE? A Chamber of Commerce is the business of the com munity speaking and acting for the common good. Show me a live city and I will show you a live Chamber of Commerce. A dead Chamber of Commerce means that the city has gone to sleep. In other words, a city is known by the Chamber of Commerce it keeps. No individual, firm or corporation can organize a civic enterprise and carry it to a successful conclusion single hand ed. Such work requires cooperation of all interests, and such cooperation can be obtained only through a Chamber of Commerce, or a similar body. There is no exception. This does not mean that individual initiative is to be dis counted. It means, rather, that the Chamber of Commerce gives the widest scope for individual initiative to assert it self. The Chamber of Commerce renders ineffective that deadly jealousy which so often confronts individual initia tive for civic development. When individual initiative is exercised in a Chamber of Commerce, it does not stand out as such; and every member of the organziation has an op portunity to discuss the thing proposed and, if any good, to make it his own. As the human family has adopted marriage and home as the best plan so far devised for the comfort and conven ience of the race, so has the city adopted the Chamber of Commerce as the most dependable instrumnt so far invent ed for civic progress.—Tacoma Progress. Subscribe for the Daily Nugget, $2.00 per month by carrier. “Forbidden Trail” Is Thrill Packed Drama of West Forbidden Trail” is in reality a thrill-packed road of romance and adventure. The picture, due Friday at the Dream Theatre, is the latest Ruck Jones—Columbia contribution of split-second outdoor action stories and features such popular players as Barbara Weeks, Mary Carr,of “Over the Hill” fame, and Jack La Rue in important supporting roles in the cast. Buck steps a little out of his usual grim-visaged character in Forbidden Trail" and plays a happy-go-lucky, never-a-thought-to-morrow cowboy who, with the almost human assist ance of his magnificent white stall George Andc*rson EXPERT PIANO TUNER Will be in Nome again this summer. New and Rebuilt Pianos (or Sale and Rent. Wire us your wants EXPERT SERVICE GUARANTEED —THANK YOU— Anderson Music Shoppe JUNEAU, ALASKA ion, Silver, practically single-hand ed whips a band of land and cattle thieves into submission. Crooked politics, romance and guerilla warfare waged between homesteaders and the cattlemen of a typical western community present their share of screen thrills. We see Barbara Weeks, as the editor of the town’s small paper, who is compell ed to editorially take sides with a band of criminals because of a debt she is unable to pay off. Jones sen ses the situation, buys half interest in the publication and proceeds to go after the law-breakers with a vengeance. Buck Jones fans can be assured of an abundant supply of typical Jones fast riding and quick shooting in this altogether plausible and pleas ing story of the west when the law was on the side of the party with the fastest “draw.” HATS, COSTUME JEW ELRY, FOUNDATION GARMENTS, AND COT TON BLOUSES Arrived By Plane MILDRED’S SHOPPE NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE COMPANY Agents For HYDRAULIC SUPPLY MFG. COMPANY Designers, Fabricators, and Erectors of HYDRAULIC MINING EQUIPMENT Steel Slip Joint Pipe, Hydraulic Giants, Gravel Elevators, Gates and Valves, Penstocks And Syphons, Steel Tanks Flumes, Water Lifts, Well Casing, Flumes & Riffles WE WILL ORDER YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU FOR OUR SERVICES For General Information and Estimates Call At NOHALICO OFFICE Phone “NOHALICO” SPECIAL VALUE Regular Sire COTY FACE POWDER AND 75cts size -COTY PERFUME IN ATTRACTIVE GIFT BOX BOTH FOR $1.25 Send Us Your Mail Orders For Eastman Films, Printing and Developing PIONEER DRUG CO. NOME’S NEW AND MODERN DRUG STORE MIROW AIR SERVICE Nome, Alaska. Fast And Economical Passenger And Freight Service To All Parts Of Alaska MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Has established temporary quarters in the former office of W. J. Rowe Transfer, and is carrying on its business as usual. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenne and Lane's Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE NOW IN SEATTLE IT’S HOTEL MAYFLOWER 4th AT OLIVE CHAS. W. HUNLOCK, Manager Outstanding In Dependability SERVICE TO ALL PARTS ■ %U OF ALASKA, U Ivy WITH FAST AND DEPEND 1 ■ y ABLE AIR * * T TRANSPORTATION. Tk T A HP FLY IN WARM CABIN |\l A I PLANES ^ WITH EXPERIENCED _ PILOTS Consult Our Office For Rates FAIRBANKS “ALASKA— NOME