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AGENT FOR CASH REGISTERS, Ohmer’s $85.00 & up ADDING MACHINES, Remington's, $75.00 & up SAND FINISH (For Walls) I. F. Laueks PAINTS, OILS, ETC., Paraffine Co s Inc. Save bv ordering direct GENERAL ELECTRIC OIL FURNACES BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN FIXTURES Standard Sanitary Mf'g Co's AS SALES REPRESENTATIVE SEATTLE PLUMBING CO NOME LUMBER CO ERNEST M. ATTEBERY BUILDING CONTRACTOR ESTIMATES, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED CARPENTRY 441 SECOND AYE. CHEVROLET Half-Ton and l-a Ton Trucks Mr. Business Man—Look over your delivery equipment and ask yourself if you'd be proud of your trucks if they were parked in front of your home. If the least in doubt, whether they create a favorable impression, drop in at the NOME MOTOR CO. Main Street, and look over the complete line of Chevrolet Trucks and Commercial Cars—you'll find the type that suits your business perfectly. You'll find, too, that Chev rolet Trucks are as practical, inexpensive and economical, as they are good looking. THE AMERICAN STOVE CO. (The Largest Gas Range Mfg. in the World) PRESENTS “THE MAGIC CHEF” The Ideal **FIanio“ Gas Range LARRY GALVIN PHONE—RED 44 THIRD AVENUE, NOME, ALASKA LOCAL NEWS Pilot Chester Brown of the NAT, made a round trip flight to Teller this morning bringing back as pas sengers, B. W. Vallat and H.W. Par malee. Pilot Brown is scheduled to contact another Northern Air Trans port plane at Ruby from Fairbanks, tomorrow, weather permitting. Tickets for the Nome Brass Band big Benefit Dance to take place Sat urday,May 18th. at the Nevada Hall, were placed on sale this afternoon. Consisting of about fourteen pieces the band has prepared a program of dance music that ought to tickle the toes of everyone. The band will furnish the dance music and a large crowd is expected to attend. Ad mission is seventy-five cents each for adults and children 25 cents. All funds derived from the dance will be used toward the purchase of ad ditional band instruments and mu sic, that the Nome Brass Band will once again become a live, up-to-the minute organization of which the City of Nome can be proud. The members are conscientious about their work and are endeavoring to form an organization which will be a civic unit in the future progress of Nome. Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Service returned to Nome today with Joe Walsh and Harry Larson as passengers from Ruby. The plane was forced to remain overnight at Kovukuk on account of weather. Pil ot Mirow reports rainy weather up and down the Yukon River. Fresh stuff was also brought over. Pilot Ben Easley took off about noon today from Nome for Candle with a load of express in a Roust Airways plane, and on account of water on the river at Candle he will have to land on a lake nearby. Pilot Whaley of the Roust Air ways is scheduled to take off from Nome for Dime Creek via Candle, tomorrow morning weather permit ting. As a passenger will be Eba Swanson for Dime. At Candle the plane will pick up Billy Porter and take him to Dime. ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. ANNOUNCES S. S. ARTHUR J. BALDWIN SAILS FROM SEATTLE MAY 23RD CALLING AT ALL PORTS FROM ST. MICHAEL TO KOTZEBUE -0 YOUR FREIGHT OFFERINGS ARE SOLICITED -0 ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. I Returning from Teller today were H. W. Parmelle and 8. W. Vallat, ! representatives of the organization planning on carrying on dredging operations this year in the Teller and Gold Run section. They reported that although the breakup had come to Nome by all appearances, it was still winter in Teller. Preparatory work 'of drilling and laying foundations for the dredge to be built this spring were reported to be progressing ra pidly, and it is believed that every thing will be in readiness when the first boats arrive. WEATHER AT NENANA TODAY The Nome Weather Bureau reports the weather at Nenana as overcast, light rain, temperature 48 above, and a west wind blowing of ten miles per hour velocity, at noon today. Fairbanks weather was overcast, temperature 42 above, light rain this morning, with the signs as change able. It was also reported in other quarters that despite the soft wea ther and rain at Nenana, the ice ap pears to be holding tight. WASHINGTON CURRENT COMMENT Continued From Page Onp is that there are interests which welcome war because it fills their pockets. The bill has a long way to travel before it becomes positive law, but if it reaches that status two things will be accomplished. Private profit in time of conflict will end, and the men who have to do the fighting at least can feel assured that they are not serving as targets for the purpose of stuffing the pocket books of non-combatants behind roll top desks at home. Add to the profit-stripping feature the fact that the House struck out a provision for the conscription of all men between the ages of 21 and 45, and it becomes evident that one branch of congress thinks that the person to be considered first is the man behind the musket. The presi dent’s signature to legilation provid ing for a forty percent increase in the standing army should set at rest interference with private affairs in the minds of those who feel that season of war tends in the direction of a defenceless nation. According to the Declaration of Independence, the King of England, for several specified reasons, was de-' nounced as a tyrant unfit to be the ruler of a free people. One reason assigned was that he had obstructed the laws for the naturalization of foreigners and had refused to pass others to encourage migrations hith er. In New York City, an official of the port is under indictment for being somewhat too liberal in slip ping aliens into the land of the free and the home of the brave. The poet was right when he said that time makes ancient good uncouth. No body should feel embarrassed if, with good cause, he has to go back on what he said yesterday. Who’s Driving This Car? Timid Wife (to husband who has fallen asleep at the wheel)—“I don’t mean to dictate George, but isn’t that bill-board coming at us awful ly fast?” George Black, former governor general and now member of parlia ment from Yukon Territory, is ser iously ill in Ottawa from tumor on the brain, necessitating a dangerous operation. I Dream Theatre one show FRIDAY 7:30 p M “FORBIDDEN TRAIL” WITH BUCK JONES AND BARBARA WEEKS A WESTERN THAT IS DIFFERENT ALSO LAUREL AND HARDY IN “Towed In A Hole” AND BETTY BOOP FOR PRESIDENT A Cartoon ONE SHOW 7:30 P. M. 4DULTS .55 Cents—CHILDREN .25 Cents LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents Dor Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE REASON WHY WHY IS IT THAT THERE WERE MORE ROY AL TYPEWRITERS SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1934 THAN IN ANY OTHER PRE VIOUS YEAR? THE ANSWER— THE MACHINE ITSELF THE NEW AND GREATER ROYAL Offers More Value, More Features,'And Longer Service. THAN ANY OTHER MACHINE ON THE MAR KET. A VICTORY MODEL ROYAL AND A ROYAL PORTABLE CAN BE SEEN AND TRIED AT POLET’S STORES BEFORE PURCHASING A TYPEWRITER COME IN AND TRY A ROYAL AND SEE THE REASON WHY MORE ROYALS ARE SOLD THE PRICE LANDED IN NOME IS THE SAME AS WHAT YOU WOULD PAY FOR A NEW MACHINE IN SEATTLE A.POLET