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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will corner a favor if they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity ii the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. ON OUR WAY. (From the Cincinnati Enquirer.) To use the President’s own phrase, we are “on our way to a scheme of social security—the somewhat nebulous end which has taken the place of that even less coherent concept of “social justice’’ in so many minds. Mr. Roosevelt s mes sage to Congress on the subject is perhaps the most import ant document he will address to the Legislature at this ses sion. It should not be approved or condemned in its entir ety, but should be studied, analyzed, dissected, and then measured against the practical limitations that hamper the program. The program involves old age pensions, unemployment insurance, care of crippled children, aid to dependent child ren, aid to child welfare services, provision for maternal and child health, and a more general buttress to State public health programs. The detailed recommendations of the Chief Executive concerning each of these broad objectives can be scrutinized later. At present it is worth while to see the President's program in fair perspective. There are many who sincere ly believe that all these matters are outside the proper sphere of central government. There are. strangely enough others who believe with the notorious Mr. Townsend, that the Federal Government should pay a pension of $200 a month to every citizen over 65. In that opium Utopia the needy aged would spend enough money to keep all the rest of us busy and prosperous. The President stands on middle ground. He has had competent advice on this problem. His own outlook is that of a practical humanitarian—not a Tory, not an idealist, not a proletarian. He has not proposed a dole, nor has he over looked the vital importance of a decentralized administra tion through the 48 States. It is probable that his program is far too ambitious, in the light of the strain which would be imposed on industry in a period of recovery. The social security program has not been submitted to Congress with the injunction to take it or leave it. Rather, it reaches the Congress as the reason judgment of a group of experts as to how the broad objective may be attained. It is for the Congress to assume complete responsibility, to go over the entire project with a fine-tooth comb, to estimate the practicality of every feature, and. if it passes any of the program, to enact into law only those things which seem safely within our reach at present. SNOW GLASSES Just Received >ia Plane 50cts. Tacts. SI. 50 NOME DRUG STORE ‘‘Cappy McDougall, Proprietor Telephone Main 95 New Location Opposite The Nevada ONE SIP AND YOU’LL KNOW CRAB ORCHARD is a genuine Kentucky Bourbon naturally aged in charred oak and bottled straight from the barrel. ALASKA LIQUOR STORE Opposite Telephone Office ROUST AIRWAYS MEMBER OF THE ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION When You Travel, Fly in our New t And Comfortably Heated Cabin Planes_For Rates, Any Place, Any Time, Call The ROUST AIRWAYS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE The Washington News-Letter (Continued From Page One) Issue bonds in any sum not ex ceeding $40,000. H. It. 6723—To authorize the town of Valdez to construct a public school building and for such pur pose to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $50,000; and to auth orize the town to accept grants of money to aid it in financing any public works. Tuesday, the House passed the bill for the relief of John E. Click, to relieve him from re-imbursing the United States the sum of $261.82 that was paid for certain freight charg es incurred when Mr. Click was transferred to his present station with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The appointment of Mrs. Agnes Colwell for the position of post master at Cripple, has been recom mended to the Department by Dele gate Dimond. This office has been recently reestablished. A bill granting leave of absence to settlers on homestead lands dur ing the present year, has been fav orably recommended by the Secre tary of the Interior, and Tuesday the bill was favorably reported by the Senate Committee on Public Lands. The bill is of particular in terest and value to many homestead ers in Alaska, as it provides that any homestead settler who. during the year 1935, should find it neces sary. because of economic conditions ■ leave his homestead to seek em pl \vment :n order to obtain the nec essities of life for himself or family or to provide for the education of h - children may upon filing with the register of the district, his affi da\ it. supported by corroborating affidavits of two dis.rvterested persons showing the necessity of such ab sence, be excused from compliance with the requirements of the home stead laws as to residence, cultiva tion. improvements, expenditure, or payment of purchase money, as the case may be, during all or any part of the calendar year 1935, and said entries shall not be open to contest or protest because of failure to com ply with such requirements during such absence: except that the time of such absence shall not be deduct ed from the actual residence re quired by law. but a period equal to such absence shall be added to the statutory life of the entry. As a member of the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commit tee, the Delegate has been much interested in securing passage of a bill that or iginated in the House and is now before the senate, that when enact ed will make small boats eligible to j (Continued From Page Three) FORFEITURE NOTICE To Dr. Gus J McIntosh, Donalda Mc Intosh, Mrs Isabella Simpson, Mrs. A. Kyle, Mrs. Albert J. McLaurin, and Mrs. J. H. Browning; and to your Executors, Administrators, Heirs, Successors, Grantees and As signs ; , YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, that the undersigned, co-owner in each of the placer mining claims hereinafter described, expended two hundred dollars in labor and im provements upon each of said claims for each of the years ending July 1st, as follows : On No. 3 Below Discovery on Beach Line on Right Limit of Kee walik River, (40 acres) for the year 1932. On No. 2 Below Discovery on Beach Line on Right Limit of Kee walik River, (40 acres) for the year 1932. On No. 1 Below Discovery Claim on Beach Line on Right Limit of Keewalik River "(40 acres) for the year 1932. On Ten and Nine Bench in the 2nd and 3rd tiers of Benches on the Left Limit of Candle Creek (40 acres) for the year 1932. On No. 11 Bench in the 2nd and 3rd Tiers of Benches on the Left Limit of Candle Creek opposite No. 11 Creek Claim Above Discovery (40 acres) for the year 1932. On Discovery Claim on Beach Line on Right Limit of Keewalik River (40 acres) for the year 1932. On Surprise Bench in the 1st Tier of Benches adjoining Nos. 2 and 1 Below' Discovery on Candle Creek (40 acres) for the year 1932. All of said placer mining claims are located in the Fairhaven Record ing District, Territory of Alaska, Second Division. Such expenditures w'ere all made in order to hold said claims under the provisions of Sec tion 28. Title 30, Code of Laws of the United States (U. S. C. A.) as amended August 24, 1921. and other laws of the United States. And if within 90 days from the personal service of this notice, or within 90 days after the publication thereof, you fail or refuse to contri bute your proportion of such expen ditures as co-owner, which amounts to one-half of the amounts above stated, your interest in the said claims will become the property of ' the subscriber, your co-owner, who has made the required expenditures by the terms of said Section 28, Title 30, U.S.C.A. D. L. Macdonald. Publish—April 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25, and July 2, 9, 1935. B. J. McCONAGHY Our Lumber and Building Supplies ill Arrive on The First Boats NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE COMPANY Agents For HYDRAULIC SUPPLY MFC. COMPANY Designers, Fabricators, and Erectors of HYDRAULIC MINING EQUIPMENT Steel Slip Joint Pipe, Hydraulic Giants, Gravel Elevators, Gates and Valves, Penstocks And Syphons, Steel Tanks Flumes, Water Lifts, Well Casing, Flumes & Riffles WE WILL ORDER YOUR REQUIREMENTS AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU FOR OUR SERVICES For General Information and Estimates Call At NOHALICO OFFICE Phone “NOHALICO” ! LIQUOR SALE ! SPRING CLEARANCE IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUR SHELVES FOR OUR NEW INCOMING SPRJING ORDERS WE ARE OFFERING FOR A LIMITED. TIME UNUSUAL LOW PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING CRAB ORCHARD PINTS—$1.00 QUARTS—$2.00 OLD 73 BRAND PINTS—$1.00 QUARTS—$2.00 THREE DEUCES PINTS—75cts QUARTS—$1.50 SEND US VOUR ORDERS FOR PLANE SHIPMENT NOME’S NEW AND MODERN DRUG STORE PIONEER DRUG CO. Agents for Eastman Kodaks and Films M1R0W AIR SERVICE Nome, Alaska. Fast And Economical Passenger And Freight Service To All Parts Of Alaska MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Has established temporary quarters in the former office of W. J. Rowe Transfer, and is carrying on its business as usual. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Northern Light & Power Co. AND • Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE " NOW IN SEATTLE IT S HOTEL MAYFLOWER 4th AT OLIVE CHAS. W. HUNLOCK, Manager Outstanding In Dependability - SERVICE TO ALL PARTS OF ALASKA, WITH FAST AND DEPEND ABLE AIR TRANSPORTATION. FLY IN WARM CABIN PLANES WITH EXPERIENCED _ PILOTS Consult Our Office For Rates FAIRBANKS -ALASKA- NOME