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GOLD LEAF FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE LETTERING NOME LUMBER CO ERNEST M. ATTEBERY BU1LI )ING CONTR At TOR ESTIMATES, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED Alterations and Repairs 411 Second Avenue CHEVROLET Half-Toil and 1*2 Ton Trucks Mr. Business Man—Look over your delivery equipment and ask yourself if you'd be proud of your trucks if they ' were parked in front of your home. If the least in doubt, ; whether thev create a favorable impression, drop in at the NOME MOTOR CO. .Main Street, and look over the complete line of Chevrolet Trucks and Commercial Cars----you'll find the type that suits your business perfectly. You'll find. too. that Chev rolet Trucks are as practical, inexpensive and economical, as they are good looking. P H ON E LARRY GALVIN FOR PLUMBING, HEATING. AND ELECTRICAL WORK THIRD AVENUE. NOME. ALASKA NRA Structure Toppled Ruling Of Supreme Court Continued From Page One try anti labor relations during the interim of adjustment. Meanwhile Senator Black of Ala bama held out his thirty-hour week bill to the administration leaders as a way out of the dilemna. He con tended that the NRA had been de stroyed beyond all hopes of resus citation, but that his proposal had not been touched by the decision of the Supreme Court, and was now the only method for regulating hours of work. The cost of the NRA to the gov ernment and industry per year has been fifty-five million dollars. Sen ator Frazier, co-author of the Farm Mortgage Moratorium Law, which was wiped out by the court’s deci sion. expressed little hope that new legislation meeting the court's ob jections, could be passed. Gloomily, lie predicted that the mortgage hold ers who had been influenced by the law to reduce their claims, would now "go back to foreclosing.” He said that it was the duty of the debt-burdened farmers to or ganize to save their homes. Some leaders among the administration forces indicated that proposed am endments would be re-written in an attempt to save them from the same Supreme Court scythe, that mowed down the NRA. Lumber Orders Are Released For The following telegram was re ceived by Dr. Rex F. Swartz, from G R. Jackson, President of the M. & M Bank, who is at present in Seattle: Seattle, May 27, 1935 Mayor Swartz, Nome, Alaska Have secured release for shipment of all lumber orders stop Only lum ber that is ready-milled and on hand, will be shipped. No mills running yet stop Dellwood leaves Saturday morning stop Signed: G. R. Jackson. Subscribe For The Nome Daily N„gget—S2.00 Month By Carrier ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. ANNOUNCES S. S. ARTHUR J. BALDWIN SAILS FROM SEATTLE JUNE 1ST CALLING AT ALL PORTS FROM ST. MICHAEL TO KOTZEBUE -n YOUR FREIGHT OFFERINGS ARE SOLICITED -0 ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. ICity Council Had Meeting Monday On City Affairs The Nome City Council met last i night in regular session and trans | acted several affairs of business coming up at that time All councilmen were present. Councilmen Seidenverg and Polet 'were appointed on a committee to draw up a program for Cleanup Week in Nome. They are prepar ing such a project and the period during which irt will be irt effect will probably be announced tomorrow. The new fire engine and pump has been installed and the equip ment borrowed from the Hammon Company returned, according to the report of the fire committee. The street committee reported several places where the streets were in bad shape, but the council decided it was too soon to start spreading gravel in frozen spots, and gravel pits were still frozen. The matter was postponed. City Attorney Sullivan made a re port on certain proposals communi cated to the council by E. B. O’Con nor regarding the possibilities of a municipal power plant. The matter of the franchise issued to the Alaska Light and Power Co., the predeces sor of the present Northern Light and Power Co., and various other legal phases of jurisdiction by a city council were reported by the city attorney. The council took no ac tion on his report and laid Mr. O' Connor's communication to one side. Mr. O'Connor spoke at some len gth on his communication, at anoth er time during the meeting, point ing several times to other Alaskan cities which had installed in var ious ways, municipally owned pow er projects. The proposal of the appointment of a night policeman or patrolman was brought before the council and various remarks made by members, who concurred in the opinion that such a move was not necessary at this time. The proposal was post poned until the arrival^ of the first boats and dependent upon any sub sequent change in conditions. The applications of Leo Seiden verg, Herbert Greenberg and Sol Lewis, John Lepri, Albert Therry, Pioneer Drug Co., Jack Devine, and Jack Solomon, for liquor licenses, were all approved by the council. Several lots were sold to private individuals, all of them outside of the burned area. Other applica tions for lots in some instances were referred to committees. The Chief of the Fire Department sent in a written requisition for numerous articles required and the fire committee was instructed in most instances to see that they were obtained. The suggestions made by R. T. Gridley, PWA Administrator in Al aska, were taken up by the council, which authorized the Mayor to ob tain as soon as possible the services of a competent civil engineer, for the laying out of the public works to be done in Nome Jthis summer, if the president signs the bill, authoriz ing the city of Nome to bond itself in any sum not to exceed $70,000. Suggestions for the improving of traffic and parking conditions in Nome were brought up and the mat ters suggested were referred to the law, ordinance and printing com rmttee. The matter of beach mining being, carried on on the shores of Bering! Sea in the near proximity of the j Main street of Nome was mentioned by City Attorney Sullivan and a committee was appointed to observe what danger might develop if too much of the sand and soil was re moved from in front of the street, in the event of a coming storm. Fred Yenney, representing the Industrial Workers of Alaska ap peared before the council and re quested a copy of the list of names of those persons who signed a labor census in Nome some weeks ago, which had been taken for the pur pose of obtaining a figure with which the need for labor would be in Nome this summer. After discussion of the purpose of the census and the i purpose to which it was reported it was to be used, the council refused Mr. Yenney’s request. No further business coming before the meeting, the council adjourned to meet in regular session, June 10th Dream Theatre TONIGHT ONE SHOW 8 P. M. I MARIE DRESSLER WALLACE BEERY IN m “TUG BOAT ANNIE” BETTER THAN MIN AND BILL ALSO LET’S DANCE—A Comedy Ac t AIN’T SHE SWEET—A Screen Song ADULTS 75cts (Tax Included) CHILDREN 25cts ONE SHOW8 P. M. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents Ftor Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPECIALS FROM MAY 24 TO TUNE 1 OTOE PEA SOUP.1 6 oz. can 15cts OTOE BEAN SOUP.1 6oz. can 15cts ALEC ANTE GRAPES.25 lb. box $3.00 ROSED ALE SWEET PICKLES 6 oz. jar 20cts HOL WHEAT WAFERS ... 8 oz. pkg. 2 for 55cts * FOR YOUR GARDEN OR HOT BEDS Onion Sets.35cts per Lb. JUST A FEW PACKAGES OF FIGS LEFT Eat Figs For Health, Fine at this time of the year Black Figs cellophaned 1 pkg.15cts White Figs cellophaned 10 oz pkg.2 for 25cts White Figs cellophaned .... 4 oz pkg.4 for 25cts SECOND HAND FURNITURE NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SOUTH WAREHOUSE VERY REASONABLY PRICED BEDS. CHAIRS. COMMODES. DISHES. ETC. A.POLET