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Oiliest Newspaper in Alaska.M. ml.i r of Tlie Awsii. i;ili <1 !V<--» DEVOTED TO THE BUILDING OF A BETTER NOME AND THE SECOND DIVISION. NOME IS THE STRATEGIC WORLD FLIGHT AIR BASE—ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMMERCIAL ANI) MILITARY AVIATION THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Volume 36. Number 131. NOME, ALASKA, TUESDAY, JUNE 4th, 1935 Per Copy Ten Cents Another Kidnaper Added Federal Toll S S DELLWOOD CARRIES 72 NOME PASSENGERS FEDERALS HOPING TO j END WEYERHAEUSER CASE WITHIN A WEEK More Department Of Justice Men Arrive Tacoma As Activity Increases In Search Kidnapers Of George Weyerhaeuser (By The Associated Press) TACOMA, June 4—Increasing the Tacoma field force to about thirty, by the arrival of a dozen new men, Depart ment of Justice men were unusually active today and are hoping to clear up the Weyerhaeuser kidnap case within a week. There seemed to be a feeling in informed circles that one or two of the gang were still hiding in this section. If they can be picked up the whereabouts of the remainder of the gang will become known, and their arrest will follow quickly, it is felt. An atmosphere of secrecy still prevails and it is impos sible for newsmen to obtain any information from the fed eral officers. The circulars listing the serial numbers of the ransom bills were issued by the agents, who also refused to state whether any of the ransom money had yet been reported, passed. The kidnapers are still believed to be of a northwest gang, and there is plenty of searching going on around Issa quah. The manhunters hope to complete the case this week, otherwise they face a long wait until the proper time for a “showdown” appears. There are thirty more “G Men” working out of Seattle in an effort to determine who committed the kidnaping and where they can be found. Pres. Preparing Announce Plans For A New NRA President Calls Conferences On Saving Features of NRA: Statement Today (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, June 4, — Call ing New Dealers into two extraor dinary conferences, President Roose velt is apparently ready to disclose for the first time, some attempt to preserve some features of the NRA. It is believed that he contemplat ed seeking quick legislative action to create some new setup on the ruins struck down by the Supreme Court. Cabinet members will be in one meeting and legislative leaders in another. It was reported that news men will be received in a special press conference late today. FOUND—A key ring with keys on it. Owner may have same by iden tifying and paying for this adver tisement. , Dep’t. Of Interior Drops Proposal About Engineers Department Drops Proposal Employ Engineers to Map United States, Alaska (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, June 4, — The Department of the Interior today dropped the proposal in the work relief machine that idle engineers, and architectural draftsmen be put to work mapping the United States and its possessions, in which the Geological Survey applied for more than seven and one-half million dol ars to map each square mile in the United States, Alaska and other possession. Details were lacking. Dead After Illness (By The Associated Press) CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. June 2 — John Chaloner died here foll owing a long ilLness. Passenger List Of S. S. Dellwood Left Seattle Sat. 5 P. M. I — (Seattle, June 4, Special AP) The following list is of the pass engers aboard the Alaska Line S S Dellwood which sailed from Seattle for Nome Saturday afternoon at five p.m. The vessel carried 77 pass engers, 72 of whom were for Nome. Due to an oversight the list was not sent from the Seattle office of the Associated Press, Monday. Due to the many inquiries for the steerage passenger list of the steam er Victoria, The Nugget has again wired thait this list be wired immed iately. It is unknown why it has not been sent before, as several wires requesting the same, were sent out. Lyman Culver and wife Mrs C' Aldrich Mildred Overbaugh Mrs Jake Overbaugh R D Rumsel Mrs Emma Rey and child Irene Jepson Virginia Eide Mrs Arthur Eide N Quimby Mrs Ethel Devie Mrs L Christ Mrs G Pennycock Robert Stewart, wife and child Henry Chadors N C Cheaney Tom Lane Marlyn Feere Mrs B E Feere Charles Grant E. Farrare and wife Charles Jim Connors F J Dellinger Fred and C Z Schallit Orville Culver and wife Mister Hendrickson H Osterholm John Hackett W J Stipen R V Christ Hugh Ford A E Olson Gus Lopsensky N McClellas George Albia Tom Swobodia Allan Pearson O Aldrich Ben Simpson B B Jones W Stephen John C. Johnson Charles Fannycock James Tarner George Simeon M R Sorrenson O L Breakenkoff Wiliam Sinhold Fred Sevon Thomas Nakela Mister Dobb Nate Combs Jr R Seman J Doales (Continued on Page Three) i PLEADS GUILTY BEING MIXED UP IN BREMMER KIDNAPING CASE 1934 Volney Davis Says He Glad Get Admission Off His Chest. Savs Can’t Beat The “G Men" May Be Senteneed Life (By The Associated Press') ST. PAUL, June 4—Glad to “get it off his chest,” Volney Davis, known to the Department of Justice Agents as the toughest member of the Barker and Karpis mob, today pleaded guilty to a conspiracy to kidnap Edward G. Bremer. “It’s no use trying to beat these ‘G guys’,” said Davis, [after pleading before Federal Judge M. M. Joyce. He will probably be sentenced Friday, with life impri sonment as a possible penalty. Davis said be believed he had been betrayed by his sweetheart Edna Murray, called the “kidding bandit.” He declared that he had made arrangements to meet her in a Chicago suburb. Authorities were informed of the propos ed meeting. The gangster, in his guilty plea, said “the minute they read that indictment, I could see they knew as much about this kidnaping as I did. It’s no use trying to beat these ‘G guys,’ (meaning government agents.) Edward G. Bremer, well-to-do St. Paul banker was kid naped last year while enroute to his business after taking his small daughter to school. The manner in which the kid naping occurred caused marvel among the detective agenc ies of the country. Bremer was driving down a side street, enroute to the bank, when the kidnapers car forced him around a corner and to a stop. They forced Bremer to get in their car almost immediately and then one of the gang drove off in the bankers car. It was some weeks before Bremmer was returned, and after ransom money had been paid. The majority of the kidnaping gang was caught and sent to prison. Case Murder And Suicide Is Being Investigated Now Detectives Investigating Mur der and Suicide Trying to Find Girl's Name (By The Associated Press) LOS ANGELES, June 4, — Link ing two deaths as a murder and a suicide, detectives who were search ing for the butcher knife slayer of the attractive girl identified as Dolo res Dufae aged 2b,found a boy nam ed George Booth, 25, hanging from a tree near his home. A note at the Booths home said he “was going to meet his maker, me her right name.” Police are I just killed Dolorest after she told The slaying occurred last night, and are now searching for her right name, the boy evidently proceeded to his home and then committed suicide. Flood Destroys Church and Burys j The Worshippers Hundreds Killed By Flood In Mexico Which Caves In Church Burys People (By The Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, June 4, — More than three hundred and fifty per sons, it was officially estimated per ished in floods which swept down the fertile Valley of Mexico, trap sing a throng of worshippers at heir prayers in a church at San Pe iro. The waters burst the walls of the church and poured in on the wor ihippers before they were aware of he threat to their lives. Later the juilding collapsed burying the dead ind dying beneath its debris. Subscribe For The Nugget Possibility Of A Compromise Seen In Bonus Issue Bonus Compromise May Be Taken Up So As Remove Issue Before 1936 (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, June 4, — Leg islators who led the Patman bonus bill fight will be called to a confer ence to consider a new compromise proposal today, it was announced. One of the leaders asserted he had reason to believe that the ad ministration wants to dispose of the bonus question prior to the 1936 el ections. An authoritative source said that under the compromise proposal, the date of issue of the certificates would be changed to November 11, 1918, and this would make them have a higher actual value for the present, and at the time they mat ure in 1938. The veterans are to be prompted to cash the certificates on actual value and time. Outlook Not As Promising Quick Settlement Strike Outlook Gloomy For Speedy Settlement Of Strike (By The Associated Press! SEATTLE, June 4, - The outlook for a quick settlement of the lum ber strike in all districts, was less promising today than a week ago. An air of uncertainty hung over the industry as some mills is diff erent regions prepared to operate under police protection if necessary'. Italy Has Another Grievance Against The Ethiopians Ethiopians Attack Italian Na tive Troops Government Seeks Satisfaction Now (Bv The Associated Press) ROME, June 4, — Italy today held a new grievance against Ethiopio. Officials charge that Ethiopians attacked Italian native troops on the Eritrean border, killing thirty. The incident did not necessarily mean that Italy would send her war machine into action, which she had just assembled. The government will probably first demand satisfac tion through diplomatic channels. Industrial Workers Of Alaska Meet At Nevada Hall THURSDAY—JUNE 6—7:30 P. M. ALL MEMBERS URGED ATTEND. ELECTION OF OFFICERS.