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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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! Distributed By Bon Marche Stores Greenberg & Lewis J. Lepri Jury Is Selected To Try Margaret Waley Kidnaping TACOMA, July 5—A jury of ten men and two women, with a man alternate, were chosen today to try Margaret Waley, charged with kid naping of the Weyerhaeuser boy. The defendant appeared in court without facial make-up and present ed a stolid,, expressionless face to the curious spectators. She chewed gum most of the time, while the jury was being selected. LOCAL NEWS Max Kapelowitz formerly with the U. S. Signal Corps, Anchorage NOW PREPARED TO RENDER CITY SERVICE IN Cleaning—Pressing—Repairing—And Alterations Of Men's and VVomen’s Clothing TEMPORARY LOCATION 3 DOORS EAST OF LINCOLN HOTEL J. P. GALVIN, Mgr. BUILD YOUR OWN 66CORK INSULATED BUILDING” Buildings insulated with CORK withstand the rigors of this Northern Climate. During this season we are prepared to furnish CORK BOARD from our Nome stock, along with which we will draw your plans and supervise construction—At No Additional Cost. CORK INSULATION CO., INC. NOME ALASKA - - - - - _ - CURTIS JACOBS (Formerly of Lomen Bros.) KODAK DEVELOPING AND PRINTING COMMERCIAL AND NATURALIZATION PHOTOS Mail or leave your Films at the Bon Marche. radio station, who arrived recently on the M. S. Meteor from St. Mich ael, will occupy the position to be left vacant by the transfer of Joe Durand, wireless operator, who has been at Nome for some time past. Mr. Kapelowitz who has been in the Signal Corps for a number of years started his work immediate ly upon arrival here. It is under stood his wife and family will be incoming passengers to Nome on the September sailing of the boat from Seattle. It is understood Mr. Durand has been transferred to the Seattle of fice and will leave for there soon, accompanied by Mrs. Durand. Airplane Activities Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Service made a flight to Kotze bue yesterday with the Misses Eba Swanson and Bahnke, and brought back Charles Fagerstrom. Miss Betty Calkins was a round tripper. The plane made a flight to Nugget Gulch, returning with Harold Bayne who was in Nome for dental atten tion. Mrs. Marion Walhelm, Mrs. Tom Peterson were passengers to Nome, from Teller. George Waldheim was a round trip passenger. CARS FOR KOUGAROK All passengers for Iron Creek, Shelton, the Kougarok and way points are requested to bring their baggage and freight down to the Kougarok Depot next door to the Lincoln Hotel as cars are scheduled to leave the first of the week. Com municate with Isadore Fix or Joe Mullins. Just Received SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN JACK SEIDENVERG LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. -0 WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR S.S. NORTHWIND BROUGHT US A VERY LIBERAL CARGO OF DIESEL AND FUEL OILS W HICH WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SEE US AND CONTRACT FOR YOUR SUMMER NEEDS IN 34 GRAVITY 27 18 16 It Is A Pleasure To Be Able To Reduce The Price Of Such. Important Commod ities As Diesel And Fuel Oils CALL ON US RELATIVE TO PRICES WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. Pilot John Lynn of the Northern j Air Transport took off from Fair banks for Nome at 2 PM today with j Sam Godfrey, Woodbury Abbey, and Charles Holkey as passengers. Information received by Agent James P. Daly, stated that the S. S. Derblay of the Alaska Line arrived at Keewalik, Wednesday, at 5 PM and immediately commenced dis charging a huge cargo of mining machinery and other freight, to be used by the Arctic Circle Explora tion Inc., in its development opera tions in the Candle section. The vessel will be occupied for some time at Keewalik in its unloading operations. J More On Fourth Ml (Continued From Page One) T Sophie, manager; Cooper, cap- 1 tain; Paine; Scheiding; Van Inwag-1 en; Davis; Durschlac; Natland; Su-j fencyski; Busbe; Kalenowski; Ilos i tetter. Nome players were: Henry Bervgston catcher; .1 Wig gine pitcher; Gene Marks 1st; Ken : Rude 2nd; Art Harris 3rd: Alex Mogg shortstop; Jack Humling R. Field; Sam Mogg center field; Gone Elms left Field. Subs: Harold Sweet captain; Charles O’Leary manager; Jim Davidson; Andy Roberts; Hank Miller. Passenger List Of The S. S. Dell wood Continued From Page One Anne Marie Rambo Margaret Douglas Vera Thompson W H Vanderhoff Dean T VanderhoefT Mrs Laura Mullins Mister Stephen Hassard E M Stephen Hassard F Barron Freeman Miss Florence Its Miss Duthrie Mildrel Baer Miss E K Weston Miss D McLimons Buela Diltsey Joseph Clokey A F Clokey St. Michael's List Mrs Ora Rood Doctor Harry G. Meyer Mrs. H. G. Meyer Doctor A H Meyer and wife Nome Steerage List Edward J. Fux Jack Russell John Horn Edward Horn A Johnson MILK—FRESH—MILK DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH Dieticians contend that fresh milk contains more nourishment than any other known food, It has no sub stitute. Our cows are selected from the best dairy stock on the Pacific Coast —tubercular tested and approved be fore being shipped. We deliver at your home—office —or store; in quarts—pints—or half pints. Phone your orders. WALSH BROS. DAIRY DR. REX F. SWARTZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours 1—3 P. M. Now Located In Office Indian Affs. Bldg. Nome, Alaska. Miss Phyllis Turner Beauty Parlor Operator OPEN FOR BUSINESS Seiffert Flats Telephone For Appointments Dr. L. W. Fromm Dentist Office—West of Nome Liquor Store Front St., Nome. Dream Theatre TONIGHT ONE SHOW 7:30 P. M. “HORSE PLAY” WITH SLIM SUMMERVILLE ANDY DEVINE A DOUBLE BARRELED COMEDY WITH OODLES OF LAUGHS ALSO “A QUIET NIGHT” AND “THE CROWD ROARS” ONE SHOW _ 7:30 P.M. ADULTS .55 Cents—CHILDREN .25 Cents LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PARISIAN CLEANER SPECIALLY PREPARED TO CLEAN RUGS, AUTO UPHOLSTERY, OVERSTUFFED FURNITURE AND TAPESTRY CLEANS DISINFECTS DEMOTHS DEODORIZES ALL IN ONE OPERATION GUARANTEED NOT TO INJURE THE FABRIC MORE THAN USING PLAIN WATER —NON-INFLAMMABLE— Per Doz. $4.50 Per Can 45cts SPECIALS LADIES’ WHITE LEATHER HANDBAGS SPECIALLY PRICED *1.50 White String Gloves $1.00 A.POLET