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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF OI.D MR BOSTON GIN SLOE GIN CORDIALS STRAIGHT WHISKEY 9& 7 STAR BLENDED WHISKEY AT POPULAR PRICES (See Our Window Display) STORES BON MARCHE LINCOLN HOTEL JACK DEVINE, PROP. “THE HOME OF THE SOURDOUGH” ROOMS BY THE DAY OR MONTH | ALASKA EMPORIUM Opposite Telephone Office Better Shoes For Less Money EDICOTT JOHNSON MAKE COMPLETE WITH OUTSIDE PRICES. ALSO DRY GOODS. SEE OUR PLACE AND SATISFY YOURSELF ERNEST M. ATTEBERY BUILDING CONTRACTOR ESTIMATES, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED Alterations and Repairs 411 Second Avenue ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Prop. GRAVEL HAULED INQUIRE AT OUR OFFICE FOR REAS ONABLE PRICES ON HAULING OF GOOD, CLEAN, GRAVEL—ESPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR YARDS, FOUNDATIONS AND ETC. NOME MOTOR CO. PHONE 108 ————————■ Former Kin<* Spain Slightly Injured In Auto Wreck In Italy Former King Alfonso Suffers Slight Injuries When His Car Overturns Italy (By The Associated Press> FOLLONICA. Italy July 5, Form er King Alfonso of Spain was slight ly injured when the auto which he was driving turned over while en route to his villa. His injuries were confined to bruises on the forehead, and were dressed on the spot by some motorists who came along. Pokes and Pans An elderly Alaska negro woman called regularly at her bank to draw her weekly pay. As she could neither read nor write she used to make an X on the receipt! Then one day she made a circle. Two Hundred Of Invited Delegates In Informal Meet. “Can Third Party Movement Be I/.lunched in 1936 " Is Question Asked Today (By The Associated Press) CHICAGO, July 5, —Dissatisfied with both major political parties some two hundred delegates invited to a conference, met informally in hotel rooms, asking themselves “Can a Third Party Movement by Launch ed in 193(1?" Subscribe For The Nugget “What’s the matter Liza? Why 1 don't you make an X as usual?”, asked the cashier. “Well, sar" replied Liza, “Ah done got married yesterday and changed , I my name . ■ (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report Of The Financial < Condition OF THE Miners and Merchants Hank of Alaska, Located at Nome, Territory of Alaska, at the close of business on the 29th day of June, 1935. RESOURCES_ Loans and discounts . $ 247,397.83 Loans on real estate 8.300.00 Overdrafts . 4,055.13 United States bonds owned 220,352.51 Other bonds and warrants owned 321,251.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 1,041.84 Other real estate owned 150.00 Checks on other banks and other cash items 1,503.57 Exchanges for clearing house . Cash on hand and due from banks 130,081 01 Other resources, judgments, claims, etc. i Expenses in excess of earnings Gold Bullion on hand 39,497.81 Bank Building Construction Account 11,447.78 ""total s 901,078.48 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .S 100,000.00 Surplus fund . 25,000.00 Undivided profits less expenses paid 150,110.24 Dividends declared but unpaid 1 Due to other banks—deposits Due to other banks—overdrafts i Individual and savings deposits . . 409,239.15 Demand and time certificates of deposit 307,329.09 Cashier's and certified checks. Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable (including certificates of deposit) for money borrowed. TOTAL S 991,678.48 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Territory of Alaska, : ss: Second Division. ) 1 I, J. S. STANOROOM, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. S STANGROOM, Cashier. ( NOTORIAL SEAL ) (CORRECT ATTEST Subscribed and sworn tu before me CJ R. JACKSON, this 6th day of July, 1935. IRA D. ORTON RUTH WALSH Notary Public in and for the Territory of Alaska. My commission expires July 5, 1936. SALES Every Month In The Year Auction Sales Dates J 9 3 5 w July 10 August 14 September 11 October 9 November 13 December 11 SPECIAL SALES HELD ON REQUEST OF SHIPPERS Advances will be made as usual when requested. Transferred by telegraph if desired. The Seattle Fur Exchange 1008 Western Avenue Seattle, Wash. Cavey's Bakery j j OPEN FROM G A.M. TO I A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Gootl Meals Nome Laundry Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PIIONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. _ CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Clothing Pressed And Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices TUB BATHS DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC OPERATING WEEKLY SCHEDULED SERVICE BETWEEN NOME AND JUNEAU VIA FAIRBANKS I Arriving And Departing Every Saturday NOME TO FAIRBANKS $108.00 Semi-Weekly Service Between Fairbanks And Juneau Leaving Fairbanks Sun. and Wed. FAIRBANKS TO JUNEAU .$105.00 Commodious Lockheed FJectras It. .1 M cC ONAGHY Air Dried Lumber; Tennessee Cedar for eloset lining; Kit chen cabinets complete; cupboard doors; Corrugated Iron— Furniture—Four piece bedroom suites; overstuffed furniture: finished breakfast sets; studio couches.— Spark Oil Heaters—Lang Oil Ranges— II. C. Little Burners CHOCOLATE VITAVOSE A Delicious Food Drink Rich in Vitamins B, G And Iron THE NEW LOW PRICE—50cts. NOME DRUG STORE Cappy McDougal!, Prop. j The Squibb Store of the North ! j FINN ALLEY CAFE Albert Therry, Proprietor LUNCHES: DINNERS: BEER (OPPOSITE NOIIALICO) NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL. BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NOME LIQUOR STORE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE IN NOME . BEST QUALITY, VARIETY, AND QUANTITY RANTER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE LARGE STOCK OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO (Next Door To Fire Station) ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY S S DELLWOOD SAILS FROM SEATTLE For Nome, Golovin and St. Michael JULY 4"> Round Trip Passenger Fare Nome-Seattle and Return Season 1935 — $125.00 General Agents Pacific Steamship Lines. JAMES P. DALY, Agent, Nome.