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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD. Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will comer a favor If they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity ir the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. TIME FOR BONDING ELECTION A special bond election by the City of Nome has been called for Tuesday. July 16th, at which'time registered pro perty owners whose names appear on the last previous as sessment role will vote on the bonding of the city, in con nection with the Public Works Administration loan and grant to the city of Nome. Todate less than one-half dozen qualified property own ers have registered at the City Clerk’s office, and this does not show the proper reaction to a civic matter of this im portance. It is the desire of city officials to put over the bonding issue as wholehearted and overwhelmingly as possible so as to present the support given the project by the property owners of Nome, for the PWA loan and grant project. The election will be a week from tomorrow and it be hooves all those who are qualified to step in and register. Public opinion and support are urgently requested by the city authorities, so as to preclude any possible delays and red tape in connection with our improvement to city func tions, including streets, sidewalks, sewers, fire mains and city hall. The element of publicity and public attention is vital to the people of Nome at this time and in order to put over the PWA project the public should be appraised of the de velopments in connection with the securing of the necessary funds and arranging for the bonding of the city. The city council meets this evening and undoubtedly some generalized summary may be obtained of the status of the negotiations. Surgery Is Able To Stop Much Of Pain In Humans (By The Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, June — Hope of reducing human suffering is held out by the application of surgery to nerves of pain. Possible opera tions of such character were review ed recently at a meeting in Phila delphia of the American College of Physicians. Carry Sensation of Pain Some fibres, which come in bun dles, are nerves carrying the sen sation of pain. Other fibres, which are nerves, give the movement or ders that the mind conceives. By cutting the pain fibres in the spinal cord, pain can be stopped in the legs as far up as into the pelvis, while touch and position nerve fib I res remain unimpaired and move-.: jments of the legs are not interfered with. j Movement Interfered With By another operation the roots of some nerves can be severed, but such an operation is seldom resorted to because, while it relieves pain, it also interferes with movement. Subscribe far The Nome Daily Nugget—$2.M Per Month by carrier. $1.50 Per Month by Mail TITLE 2 Federal Housing Administration INSISTS ON APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Materials Are Listed, Labor Quantities Computed And Orders Placed ECONOMICALLY FROM PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DO IT NOW—THE TIME IS GETTING SHORT SEE ART BROWN BUILDER — CONTRACTOR — DESIGNER Seiffert Flats ROUST AIRWAYS MEMBER OF THE ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION When You Travel, Fly in our New And Comfortably Heated Cabin Planes_For Rates, Any Place, Any Time, Call The ROUST AIRW4YS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE Six Explorers Risk Their Lives in Wilds of Yukon Territory Six Young Men Exploring In Yukon Territory For Na tional Geographic Soc. (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July — Six Am erican explorers are risking their lives to fill the blank spaces of the geography books in “the last utterly unexplored region in North Amer ica.” The National Geographic Society expedition under the leadership of young Branford Washburn of Cam bridge, Mass., now is established in the angle of mountains in the south western corner of Yukon Territory, Canada. This region holds the high est unsealed peaks on the North American continent and the party may climb some of these before it returns. Airplane Flights Before leaving the outposts of civi lization for the unknown mountain region, Washburn and several other members of the party made several flights over the region by airplane. They found three unrecorded gla ciers and discovered that Hubbard glacier was double its previously recorded length. "The number of unknown glaciers and peaks which we have seen and photographed on our first two flights is almost inconceivable,” Washburn wrote. "These mountains represent the last stronghold of the Great Ice Age on the North American contin ent; and I believe that we are suc cessfully obtaining a photographic record of peaks and glaciers whose immense size and number have nev er been dreamed of by the early ex plorers of the Yukon.” Expedition Personnel Beside Washburn, the expedition consists of Robert H. Bates, Phila delphia; Adams Carter, Boston, Har vard University undergraduate stu dent; Harkness Beardsley, Dart mouth; Ome Daiber, Seattle, exper ienced skier and mountain climber, and Andy Taylor, native Alaskan guide and snow expert who has trav eled many of the Yukon Territory’s little known trails. After the ground mapping work is completed and the days have be come longer they will climb the higher altitudes. An airplane, which was invaluable in doing the initial exploration work, also was used to ferry a dog team and camp supplies to the glacier base camp. John Rockefeller Sr. Is In Good Health (By The Associated Press) LAKEWOOD, N J„ July 8 —John S Rockefeller Sr., 96 years old is en I joying better health than in recent years as dentisit Dr. Max Golstein i reported his annual examination showed 19 natural teeth were still sound and in no need of the fillings. ; drilling and extracting routine, i which remained unchanged, with tan observation of his birthday bar red. Subscribe For The Nugget Distributed By Bon Marche Stores Greenberg & Lewis J. Lepri ____ -_! H E REIMER BUILDING CONTRACTOR E ST., NOME, ALASKA Cabinet Work A Specialty Estimates Gladly Furnished LET ME DRAW YOUR PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HUMLINC & DA VICK BUILDERS Have Built Several Government Buildings In cluding Kotzebue Hospital. See Us Before Decid ing On Your Work-By Day or Contract Call Main 55 For Appointment. NEW COAL PRICES IN YARD LADYSMITH LUMP.$ 23.00 Per Ton LADYSMITH NUT.23.00 Per Ton UTAH LUMP..24.00 Per Ton UTAH NUT.24.00 Per Ton ANTHRACITE.32.00 Per Ton INDIAN STOKER COAL.18.75 Per Ton BRIQUETS.27.50 Per Ton BLACKSMITH COAL.2.50 Per Sack ORDER FROM POLET’S STORE Nome Harbor Lighterage Co. Phone “NOHALICO” NOW ON DISPLAY! A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE NEW PARKER VACUUMATIC PENS Priced : £5.00 — £7.50 - £10.00 Sold At Outside Prices SPECIAL FEATURES OF THIS NEW PEN ARE 1. —VISABLE INK SUPPLY 2. —WRITES TWO WAYS WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT 3. —HOLDS 102% MORE INK NOME'S NEW AND MODERN DRUG STORE PIONEER DRUG CO. Agents for Eastman Kodaks and Films DEMAND THE VERY BEST AND MOST MODERN PLANE WHEN TRAVELLING BY AIR. WE HAVE IT FASTER CRUISING, SLOWER LANDING LAST WORD IN EQUIPMENT FOR RATES SEE OR WIRE MIROW AIR SERVICE NOME, ALASKA. CHECK BACK THAT MONEY YOU HAVE CHECKED OUT— IN AN OHMER CASH REGISTER Read the Ohmer literature and see the new model now on display. Ohmer has a register to suit your business, which Means at Your Price NOME LUMBER CO MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Has established temporary quarters in the former office of W. J. Rowe Transfer, and is carrying on its business as usual. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane's Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE Outstanding In Dependability AN ACHIEVEMENT ITT11 IN SAFETY! JL JI Jr N. A. T. Has Flown Over a Million •r Miles, Carried Over 5,000 Passen _ gers, without a Single Injury to T 4 Passengers or Personnel. A Safety |%l I Record Unsurpassed in The History ^ of Alaska Air Transportation Opera Consult Our Office For Rates FAIRBANKS —ALASKA— NOME