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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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LOCAL NEWS The S. S. Arthur J. Baldwin of the Arctic Transport Co., said re ports this morning to the local office will probably arrive at Nome about 10 A.M. tomorrow and after only a stay of a few hours, sail during the afternoon enroute to Seattle. The firm of Potter and Steffen, doing business under the name of the Pioneer Drug Co., which was established last fall after the fire in Nome, has been dissolved, final papers being signed Saturday, by which Mrs. Charlotte Patter pur chased the interests of Mr. Ed. Steff en, in the Pioneer Drug Co. Mrs. Potter will continue to op erate the Pioneer Drug Co., under her own management, with F. D. Sheldon as pharmacist in charge of the prescription department, for the time being. Due to numerous members of the Nome Brass Band having previous business dealing requiring their at tention this evening, the weekly practice of the band has been post poned, and there will be no pract ice at the band hall tonight. A fine, healthy, baby boy was bom about three p. m. this after noon to Mr. and Mrs. Nels Swan berg Jr., of Nome, at the Maynard Columbus Hospital. The baby weigh ed seven and three-quarters pounds. The mother and baby are doing nicely, said the doctor’s report late txiay. An inquiry was held today in the NOW PREPARED TO RENDER CITY SERVICE IN Cleaning—Pressing—Repairing—And Alterations Of Men’s and Women’s Clothing TEMPORARY LOCATION 3 DOORS EAST OF LINCOLN HOTEL J. P. GALVIN, Mgr. BUILD YOUR OWN 66CORK INSULATED BUILDING” Buildings insulated with CORK withstand the rigors of this Northern Climate. During this season we are prepared to furnish CORK BOARD from our Nome stock, along with which we will draw your plans and supervise construction—At No Additional Cost CORK INSULATION CO., INC. NOME ALASKA CURTIS JACOBS (Formerly of Lomen Bros.) KODAK DEVELOPING AND PRINTING COMMERCIAL AND NATURALIZATION PHOTOS Mail or leave your Films at the Bon Marche. Maynard Clumbus Hospital by the U. S. Commissioner into the mental condition of Tom Nakkela, who has been suffering from ill health for some time past. A jury returned a verdict of in sanity this afternoon following the inquiry. Commitment has not yet been made, but it is understood it will be in the near future, and possibly to Morningside Sanitarium in Portland, Oregon. The coastwise schooner “Trader”, Ira M. Rank owner: Pete Pallson captain, Bill Bissner engineer, re turned to Nome at 1 A.M. Sunday from a trading voyage along the Alaska coast as far North as 35 miles northwest of Shishmaref. The vessel disposed of all of its trading cargo and returned with a capacity load of ivory, fawn skins, big seal and hair seal skins and cur ios. The Trader sailed from Nome about eight days ago. After the vessel is re-outfitted, which will be within a week, it is scheduled to sail for Nunivak Is land, and Yukon River points, call- j ing at Pitkas Point where “Doc” j Preston, well known Arctic trader j now has a station and at St. Law rence Island. On its northern trip the small ship reported no difficulties with ice j condition, even after getting into the Arctic Ocean. Airplane Activities A Roust Airways plane is sched uled to hop off as soon as weather permits for Deering and Candle, with passengers and freight. Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Service is scheduled for a flight j to Teller tomorrow with Mrs. Tom Peterson and Mrs. Marion Wald I helm as passengers. Another flight will be made with Larry Stephan sen and Arnold Thommen for Teller and M. D. Madden for Tin City as i i passengers. Another flight to Tin City with Geo. Waldheim, wife and family is scheduled for tomorrow also. On the return flight he is to stop at Nugget Gulch and bring to Nome, Clyde B. White. LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. -0 WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR S.S. NORTHWIND BROUGHT US A VERY LIBERAL CARGO OF DIESEL AND FUEL OILS WHICH WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SEE US AND CONTRACT FOR YOUR SUMMER NEEDS IN 34 GRAVITY 27 18 16 It Is A Pleasure To Be Able To Reduce The Price Of Such Important Commod ities As Diesel And Fuel Oils CALL ON US RELATIVE TO PRICES WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. jFHA Director Has Conference Local Bank on Situation Active Developments Expect ed Soon F. H. A. Program to Interested Nomeites John E. Pegues Territorial Direc tor of the Federal Housing Adminis tration for Alaska, who arrived Nome Saturday, conferred with the officials of the local Miners and Mer chants Bank, President G. R. Jack son and Vice-President Ira D Orton, Sunday, regarding the present setup for the active participation by Nome ites in the FHA better housing pro gram. Mr. Pegues said: “The Miners and Merchants Bank of Alaska, at Nome, is completely qualified under Title | One to participate and has on hand | the necessary applications by which j responsible persons may apply for, loans under regulations of this title, i “The bank has applied under Title ; Two to Washington, D. C., and i should receive the proper qualifica tion in the near future.” With respect to the $50,000 clause, or extension of Title One, Mr. Pe gues referred to a recent article re leased by the authorities in Wash ington and which appears in today’s issue in another column, regarding regulations and other specifications. The Director is now established in the U. S. Reindeer Office in the Al aska Road Commission building on First Avenue, and is available for the purpose of clearing up any mat ters pertaining to the applications for loans under Title One. He has ocered to help interested parties fill out their applications which are to be made to the local bank. “The bank will pass on the appli cations as being approved or reject ed, depending upon the credit risk involved,” said Mr. Pegues. The FHA Director for the Terri tory stated he would probably be in Nome for the balance of the week, in order to afford full opportunity to those who desired obtaining infor mation regarding modernization of homes, construction of buildings and improvements along housing lines. CARS FOR KOUGAROK All passengers for Iron Creek, Shelton, the Kougarok and way points are requested to bring their baggage and freight down to the Kougarok Depot next door to the Lincoln Hotel as cars are scheduled to leave the first of the week. Com municate with Isadore Fix or Joe Mullins. MILK—FRESH—MILK DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH Dieticians contend that fresh milk contains more nourishment than any other known food, It has no sub stitute. Our cows are selected from the best dairy stock on the Pacific Coast —tubercular tested and approved be fore being shipped. We deliver at your home—office —or store; in quarts—pints—or half pints. Phone your orders. WALSH BRO S. DAIRY DR. REX F. SWARTZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours 1—3 P. M. Now Located In Office Indian Affs. Bldg. Nome, Alaska. Miss Phyllis Turner Beauty Parlor Operator OPEN FOR BUSINESS Seiflert Flats Telephone For Appointments Dr. L. W. Fromm Dentist Office—West of Nome Liquor Store I Front St., Nome. I Dream Theatre jONESHOW TUESDAY 8P.M. CONSTANCE BENNETT JOEL McCRAE IN “A BED OF ROSES” THIS PICTURE WAS GIVEN FOUR STARS BY LIBERTY ALSO LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN AND “DINAH”— ASnappy Screen Song ALSO METROTONE NEWS ONE SHOW 8 P. M. ADULTS 75cts (Tax Included) CHILDREN 25cts LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL POLET’S MONEY SAVING SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY We Are Offering a Very Fine Quality Of Reindeer Meat at Reduced Prices. Front Quarters.12V2cts Per Lib. Pot Roasts.15cts Per Lb. Shoulder Steaks.15cts Per Lb. Stew.2 Lbs. for 25cts Fresh California Grapefruit . lOcts Each Otoe Pork and Beans. .... Per Can lOcts Otoe Spaghetti.Per Can lOcts JUST RECEIVED PHOENIX PURE SILK HOSIERY FOR LADIES IN THREE WEIGHTS DULL SHEER WALKING CHIFFON SERVICE WEIGHT In Five of the Latest Shades $1.00 - $1.50 - $1.75 NEW RAYON DANCETTES Lace Trimmed Tea Rose And Flesh $1.25 A.POLET