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S K ( O Ml \ \ \ L \ L Mid-Summer Opportunity Sale u j—u I j <, H OfJ. If I K * KCUAMt KM IK KOOK 7 ATOM A Keg 3>.-U KALI 2>A* *KI *7T AZ KlJWtn KKEKAKK.D «E f'KlS'T Kef K',-t *to,?u I IKK) S m m Kl OOIM, Keg »el» SALE 35eW 3 lwr *)•»* Kl IJ AM I HOMELIKE ASS1 KLLISB E.»g 1>1» * AXE X )ur 25eu, TIsH BALL* IN BOMLLON l-*r. 2» «M> SALE X lur 35ct* LI LIAN' I ' K AK MEAT *eg 3>n* SALE 2>0» NON 't i H MIN'> Ml AT Keg 20«; SALE 15vU 4 lur 50<1* OI L TOT ATOES 3* Kvuttflg Iw H M Oil' K AKE.OM SOAK H AKES Large KEr Keg 25cU SALE. 34»e*a KELT AM I HOI NLHOLM ' LE ANI K Kef !fw!ifU SALE •>«* El IJ A Nf | El AO) MIX IOK. SOI E Keg 15eU SALE 10«1*. SHEET>OEI> M HI AT Ker 2lets * M l X f«r 25et* Kl I I IO Kl'1 Ker, Xlx-.f SALE ! Iw Sixlt EAT. MOLD I. SOAK K»-g 4 !vr 2>1g SALE 05cU I J ^ I O If -- -VIIOISH KIN'H EI1THS Keg *3.0* SALE LX.** A0» AWT Keg *3.23 SALE *2.25 HUM H VT.KMOI.TH Keg *3.0* SALE *2.0* ITALIAN VEKMOITH Keg *3.0* SALE *2AMI MATTEX OKAK1. BKAN01 Keg »1.5* SALE *1-** MINN f s s > 3 s T A K KE A N IT) Keg *3 .0* S ALE *4.0* Kl N | l ' K > A' I O* AKTS Keg *5.0* SAEt *1.75 KI NTT' K* All. KIWIS Keg *1.5* SALE Meta HAMTMOKWE O' AKTS Keg *3.5* SALE *2.»Ml HAViTHOKM LINTS Keg *175 SALE *10* 01.0 MK BOSTON SLOE LIN ITITHS Kef *2.25 SALE *1.75 OLO MK BO-TOW SMTl, OIW TINTS Keg *1.35 SALE SI O* H AI T s AI T1ENI ITITHS Keg..*1.75 SAJ.E *1.25 ' HATEAI >01 EM KIWIS Keg *1.0* SAEE 05cU LMKOKTEO ' H1AWTI O' AKTS Keg *2 0* SALE *1.35 1MLOKTEO HU ANTI TINTS Keg *10* SALE *5ct» TILO TINTS Keg 85et% SALE Wiei SLAKKI.JNO MOSELLE 0* AKTS K»g *3.25 SALE *2.5* SKAKKLINf, MOSELLE TINTS Keg *175 SALt *1.25 I, A 1)1 I V UMVV KKL / A HIE*. *11 K ORESSES 33 woe third ", Of I REG PRICE I thll VMIOI. OKE.SSES 23 <ii.* tJi./d ", Of I REO PRICE I AOH S f IX/TH MEATS He* *23 & *30 Value* SAI.E *15.00 I Villi S MATS Re* *2.30 & *2 00 Value* SAI.E *1.511 l.AOIES SERVICE HEIGHT HOSE P.** *J.25 SAEE 05eU 1 .TIRE STOCK l. AOIES SHOES 25", 01 1 RE.O. PRICE Ml. N ■> VIM' VIM, I, «RAVENETTE RAINCOATS 23 on* third ", OH REO PRICE ENTIRE STOCK OE MEN S SI ITS 33 >ii*^ thud ", OH REO PRICE ENTIRE STOIK OE MENS HATS 25", OLE REO PRICE 111 ON EOKESTER CI.OTH SETTS Re*. *30.00 SAEE *25.00 I II SON 1 OREST EK CI.OTH SHIRTS Re* *0 00 SALE SS.OO III ON HATER KEPEI.I.ANT SLITS Re* *13.00 SALE S1100 PI Mil l TON HIOINC P.KEECHES Re*. *11.50 SALE *0.50 •II . i HI.I E CHAMBRAV SHIRTS K<*. 0<P1* SALE T5et* MI S S P.l l I CHAMBRAV SHIRTS Re*. *1.25 SALE *1**0 WK HANDLE SWIFT & CARSTE.VS SMOKED MEATS-FRESH MEATS-POULTRY Bon Marche Stores ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. —<i— ANNOUNCES S. S. ARTHUR J. BALDWIN SAILS I ROM SEATTLE I AKi. 3, 1935. CALLING AT ALL PORTS FROM ST. MICHAEL TO KOTZEBUE -II-. Y01JH FREIGHT OFFERINGS ARE SOLICITED -O ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. Airplane .Activities FIiit* Ciitsner Brovr. ’.if the NAT w. i«ft Nome yesterday it ached ui«f V. take the P.-iad Comma* party f—.m Snettor tr Candle instead •jf Batik ti Name The party eos ■ v i>v Ster -L- e L . fee.. .'aue Ferguso: arid Jack Ci» it It- addition U Caadi* they V. r..«; at Kama. V.*tu« T:t C r.* j_.,u 7>- brfoie returning to Nome ¥..■■■’ Hens M'.rvw of the Mirov A - S*” v« returned last tight freer* 7> i -,t; Tit C.ty Mrs. Peterson a -fund trip passenger from 7f .fr t: Tit. C;ty and return. Harry K» • £ was s passe- ger from Tell P' .. Jv .’’Tit An- ■- er flight us planned for Fri day .. Council, Nugget Gulch and 7*. • \n \ppreciation Mt r.ager Chas. Code of tie Dream Tr.% t r •• wishes to e xpress hit ap ples »*- - to the peopIt attending the s»v. w last evening for their for e bfci'i-ce and com.deration during the wrr .rig out of a resistor in the a-.; fier causing a delay of thirty f..: -- -lutes in starting the show. T’•: trouhie has been remedied arid r>- f.r-t-ier delay* will be occasioned. Hospital Notes A member of the crew of the U. S C. O. Northland, who underwent i mayor operation Monday, will not be aboard the cutter when it mak e its annual cruise to Point Bar • w. the northern-most tip of Uncle Si", s domain At present he is re • .erong from the operation in the Maynard Columbus Hospital at Nome. His name is Fernando Jackson, and he will probably remain in the h p.tal for some time convalescing. M. S. Meteor Returns The M. S Meteor, mail boat, re turned to Nome this morning early from a voyage to northern points with mail and freight* The vessel ii due to pull out this evening with mail for Norton Bay ports as far Kast as St. Michael. Northland T» Sail The U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Northland which arrived yesterday morning, it is reported will sail to morrow some-time for northern points, enroute to Point Barrow. There are several persons who will make the trip. The young daugh ter of Jim Allen of Wainwright will be aboarl to visit her father before returning to enter college in the states. Dr. Levine will be a pass enger to Pt. Barrow and return to investigate the results of the flu epidemic there last winter. BOB JACKSON Formerly of the Ingersoll Hotel, Ketchikan: Has opened a Barber Shop at The Neveda, And is Now Open For Business. New and Mod ern Equipment Will Arrive on the Next Boat From Seattle. FOR SAFE—Four room house with hath. Inquire at Nugget OITicc. Subscribe For The Nome Daily Nugget—$2.00 Month By Carrier Miss Phyllis Turner Beauty Parlor Operator SeilTert Flats Telephone For Appointments DR. REX F. SWARTZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours 1—3 P. M. Now Located In Office Indian Affs. Bldg. Nome, Alaska. Dream Thea're FRIDAY ONE SHOW "-»« P. M. Kl> WYNN “THE PERFECT FOOL" IN HIS MOST PERFECT TALKIE “THE CHIEF” DOROTHY MACK AIL AND CHIC SALES HAVE PROMINENT ROLES ALSO LAUREL & HARDY IN -ME AND MY PAl and Mickey Mouse In -TRADER MICKEY ADULTS 55 Cents—CHILDREN 25 Cents ONE SHOW7:30 I*. M. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA - * Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL POLET EXPANSION SALE ADDED ATTRACTION! W itli every purchase of a SI.00 or over of sales items, you are entitl ed to a JIG SAW PUZZLE FREE! —ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER GET YOURS WHILE THEY LAST • ft_ V SUNDAY, AUG. 4th IS FRIENDSHIP DAY There is no nicer tribute to those you care for Than A Friendship Card You Will Find a Complete Assortment of Orig inal and Distinctive Hallmark Friendship Cards A T A.POLET