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Newspaper Page Text
THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, lor $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will comer a favor if they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity u the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. TWO GOOD PARTIES. (Cincinnati Enquirer.) It would seem that what we need in America today is not more political parties, but better. Our democratic sys tem owes its success chiefly to the existence of two virile parties, although third-party movements have at times been important for the development of ideas and programs event ually taken over by the major parties. The political party in a country such as ours has three prime functions. One is to provide the mechanism for dis cussion of public issues and the formulation of platforms. Another is to select nominees for public office and try to elect them. A third is to provide the discipline necessary to in sure execution of policies and orderly performance of gov ernmental functions, especially in the legislative process. For our party system to carry on these functions, we need two vigorous groups. If both are reasonably strong, we always have a party in power strong enough to determ ine and enforce major policies, and another party in opposi tion virile enough to subject every move of Government to close scrutiny and courageous enough to make an issue of any policy that seems undesirable. This, of course, means that there should be important differences in the two parties. When either party fails to champion the interests of an important segment of the popu lation and becomes a mere shadow of the other party, as did the Liberal Party in England, it is destined to decay. With this in mind, it is clear that Republican strategy this year and next ought to involve a conservative orientation. Should the G.O.P. swing about to win the Middle Western farm population, as now seems unlikely, it certainly would fail to give adequate expression to the mounting of anti-New Deal sentiment in the business community. The main con tours of Democratic policy are already determined of course, by the character of Mr. Roosevelt’s policies. From this point of view, the coming Presidential cam paign seems to promise a more informing and beneficial alignment on great public questions than we have had lor many years. It remains to be seen, however, whether the G.O.P. will clarify its platform sufficiently. It cannot be blind to the fact that we have moved beyond the ideas and conditions of the 1920's, and that no effort could restore the individualism of that epoch. Yet it must offer a retreat from rash experimentation, or it will have no reason for existence. In any event, there is no place on the political stage for a nationwide third-party movement. The two major par ties are far enough apart on major issues so that there is no point where a new party can take hold. It is when the ma jor parties become too much alike that the chances of a third party become interesting. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK? By Edson R. Waite, Shawnee, Oklahoma In the heart of the average man this venture into higher taxes is a mystery. It brings on little ills and frets. The multitude of taxes upsets the mind and one is worried as to how to pay them and what they are used for. Many of the taxes seem to be caused by dreams of the New Dealers. HUMLING & DAVICK BUILDERS Have Built Several Government Buildings In cluding Kotzebue Hospital. See Us Before Decid ing On Your Work-By Day or Contract Call Main 55 For Appointment. ROUST AIRWAYS MEMBER OF THE ALASKA AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION When You Travel, Fly in our New And Comfortably Heated Cabin Planes_For Rates, Any Place, Any Time, Call The ROUST AIRWAYS BASES AT NOME AND CANDLE It is never well to dream except it be in bed—and even then it’s likely to end in a nightmare. Some business men have visions of greater things, but in carrying out their plans they forget the Golden Rule and go only far enough to miss their goal of achievement and their plans result only in a mirage. Classified advertising is considered the most effective means for securing direct results at the lowest cost. Almost every successful business man considers the good will which he has built up through years of continuous newspaper advertising and honest dealings as his one big asset. A whole lot of cities are long on good starters, hut short on good finishers. Too many men are so intent upon admiring their own methods, their own progress, their own wisdom, that they do not have time to observe their own faults. Subscribe for the Daily Nugget, $2.00 per month by carrier. % WHEN FLYING TRAVEL VIA MIROW AIR SERVICE NOME, ALASKA. NEW YORK LIFE LEADS KATHRYN L. GALEN AN ALASKA RESIDENT AND CITIZEN Traveling representative throughout the Territory of Alaska for the New York I.ife Insurance Company, arrived in Nome from Interior Alaska and is stopping at the Lincoln Hotel, where she will be glad to take care of the public interests. She wishes to advise Nome citizens that the New Y'ork Life Insurance Company holds the enviable rank of first plaee amongst all the different companies, consequently can give them the best returns for all money invested. NOW PREPARED TO RENDER CITY SERVICE IN Cleaning—Pressing—Repairing—And Alterations Of Men's and Women’s Clothing TEMPORARY LOCATION 3 DOORS EAST OF LINCOLN HOTEL J. P. GALVIN, Mgr. H E REIMER BUILDING CONTRACTOR E ST., NOME, ALASKA Cabinet Work A Specialty Estimates Gladly Furnished LET ME DRAW YOUR PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - Distributed By Bon Marche Stores Greenberg & Lewis J. Lepri Alaska Liquor Store l)i*. L. \V. Fromm Dentist )flice—West of Nome Liquor Store Front St., Nome. The Mode of The Moment In Women’s, Misses' and Child rens Apparrel at Sensible Prices—Always—At MILDRED’S SHOPPE Nome Laundry Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PIIONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. “ KOUGAROK SPECIAL (Fix and Mullins) CARS FOR KOUGAROK 3 ROUND TRIPS A WEEK All Kinds of Freight And Passengers To Kougarok MILK—FRESH—MILK DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH Dieticians contend that fresh milk contains more nourishment than any other known food, It has no sub stitute. Our cows are selected from the best dairy stock on the Pacific Coast —tubercular tested and approved be fore being shipped. We deliver at your home—office —or store: in quarts—pints—or half pints. Phone your orders. WALSH BROS. DAIRY Just Received S II 0 E S FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN JACK SEIDENVERG Cavey’s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A M. TO 1 A.M. GOOD CEP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals CITY LAUNDRY Hurry Suito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Phone MAin 119 PIONEER DRUG STORE (Nome’s New and Modern Drug Store) j AGENTS For McKesson-Stewart & Holmes, Rexall and Eastman Kodak Company 1 BRING US YOUR KODAK WORK Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Laux Blue Cable Wall Texture TIIE MOST PRACTICAL FINISH FOR ALL WALLBOARDS (Either Insulite or Plywood) Makes old walls new and new walls more durable and beautiful. One pound of Laux Blue Cable wall texture will cover from 8 to 12 square feet—easy to apply, dries in about 8 hours, and is economical. To see applied samples of diff erent colors on both Insulite and Plywood, also to receive descriptive literature, Call on The NOME LUMBER CO MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK j OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Has established temporary quarters in the former office of W. J. Rowe Transfer, and is carrying on its business as usual. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Northern Light & Power Co. O AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE