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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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OUTSTANDING IN DEPENDABILITY N. A. T. AN ACHIEVEMENT IN SAFETY ! . N. A. T. Has Flown Over a Million Miles—Carried Over 5,000 Passengers, without Single Injury to Passengers or Personnel. A Safety Record Un surpassed in the History of Alaska Air Transport Operation. FA 1 R B A NK S_NOME_ A L A SKA N.A.T. Flying To Many Sections In Past Several Days Pilot Noel Wien returned from Ruby this morning in the Bellanca plane, stopping enroute at Golovin and bringing to Nome. Alfred J. Lo men of the Lomen Commercial Co., L. E. Rynning, Jack Anderson and Jack Ferguson. He took off again later this morning for Candle, Deer ig and Kotzebue with Manager Vic Ross of the Northern Air Transport, Mrs. George Hellerich, and Sigurd Wien, in addition to freight and mail. Mr and Mrs Ripley will be flown from Baldwin to Kotzebue, and Boris Magids from Candle to Kotze bue. From Kotzebue the plane is to fly to the Noatak country with Tom my and Peter Woods an one other passenger, with a load of freight. Pilot Chester Brown of the North ern Air Aransport made a flight to day to Teller. Taylor, Hot Springs, White’s Camp and Burke Creek, taking North a plane-load of sup plies and freight for the several dif ferent points to be contacted. Pilot John Lynn of the Northern Air Transport is scheduled to fly from Fairbanks tomorrow to Ruby to contact with another NAT plane from Nome with passengers, mail and express. Mrs. Galen In Nome Kathryn L. Galen, traveling repre sentative of the New York Life In BUILD YOUR OWN 66 CORK INSULATED BUILDING ’’ Buildings insulated with CORK withstand the rigors of this Northern Climate. During this season we are prepared to furnish CORK BOARD from our Nome stock, along with which we will draw your plans and supervise construction—At No Additional Cost. CORK INSULATION CO., INC. NOME ALASKA surance Company, for Alaska, with headquarters at Cordova, was an ar rival in Nome on the last trip of the mail boat Meteor, from St. Mikes. Mrs. Galen is one of the sourdough women of Alaska, and has been en gaged in traveling over Alaska for several years in the interest of the New York Life Insurance Company, and just completed a tour of the in terior and Yukon river points. She will remain here for some two mon ths before returning to her head quarters at Cordova, and will be pleased to have Nomeites visit her or call her on the phone at the Lin coln Hotel. Mirow Air Service Active In Flying Seward Peninsula Pilot Hans Mirow yesterday flew to Teller. Tin City and Budd Creek with capacity loads of freight. He returned from Tin City to Nome with Mrs. McKinnan, Geo Waldheim and Tommy Christensen. On anoth er flight he brought back Red Slack and W E Goss who had been pros pecting near Budd Creek. From Teller to Nome yesterday, Charley Thompson was a passenger. Pilot Mirow today flew to Teller with the first mate of the mail boat Meteor which left Nome last night enroute to Kotzebue and way points. I ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. ANNOUNCES S. S. ARTHUR J. BALDWIN SAILS FROM SEATTLE I AUG. 7, 1935. I CALLING AT ALL PORTS FROM I ST. MICHAEL TO KOTZEBUE i -0 I YOUR FREIGHT OFFERINGS I ARE SOLICITED I -O I ARCTIC TRANSPORT CO. Another flight today was made to | Bluff returning with Joe Sullivan ivho it is reported brought to Nome j very good cleanup of gold from iperations carried on by him at j Bluff. I , Pilot Mirow made another flight :his afternoon to Council with a | oad of freight. He is scheduled to- ! I norrow for a flight to Deering, Can | ile, Baldwin and Kotzebue, and up jn his return will fly to Tin City | ind Teller. Further Fads Are Desired Proposed New School I>ld<*. With the active impetus recently ;iven the Nome school house sub- 1 lect, City Clerk M. J. Walsh dis-1 latched another telegram this morn j ng to Commissioner of Education Karnes at Juneau, to secure addi- J ional information as to what type if foundation to begin this fall. The opinion of the Nome City j Council and the’ Nome School Board ivas also wired as being in favor of ihe foundation to the proposed new | >chool building this fall, trusting ■ that the remaining twenty-five thou ! sand dollars would be forthcoming | at the latest by spring of 1936. Following is a copy of the tele gram sent: Nome, Alaska, Aug. 7, 1935 . A E KARNES, Commissioner Education, Juneau, Alaska. Retel second stop we greatly ap preciate efforts of Governor and yourself our behalf stop Would foun 1 dation referred to be of same di mensions and according to plan No. One on file your office stop Does money now available include Terri torial appropriation twenty-five thousand stop Council and Board ap proves laying foundation this fall 1 but believe it should be according to j plan number one advise. WALSH ; — B. J. McConaghy Is j Awarded Contract Continued From Page One of the bids, they were taken by City Engineer Robert E. Lyle, who tabulated and investigated their var ious features. His report to Mayor Rex F. Swar tz, which was approved by Federal PWA Project Engineer Steere, re- i commended that the award of the contract be made to B. J. McCon aghy. The engineer’s report stated that B. J. McConaghy was the low est bidder complying with the re quirements of the specifications. The Mayor awarded the contract to B. J. McConaghy. The Nome Lumber Company’s bid was $696.59 under the successful bid, and the engineer’s report to the mayor stat ed that this bid could not be ac-. cepted as the successful one, due to the fact that certain materials could not be delivered at Nome within the specified time, as stipulated by the specifications prepared by the engin eers. I NOTICE Eastern Stars, their escorts, Mas ons and their families or lady friends also visiting Stars and Masons are cordially invited to attend a recep tion and • dance at Pioneer Hall, given in honor of the M. W. G. M., Saturday. August 10, at 9 Miss Phyllis Turner Beauty Parlor Operator Shampoo—Finger Wave & Manicure—All For $2.00 This Week Only Seiffert Flats Telephone For Appointments DR. REX F. SWARTZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours 1—3 P. M. Now Located In Office Indian Affs. Bldg. Nome, Alaska. Dream Theatre ONE SHOW FRIDAY 7;30 P M 44 SCARLET RIVER ” WITH TOM KEENE DOROTHY WILSON ROSCOE ATES A New Western With New Theme, Action And Thrills ALSO Mickey McGuire In MICKEY’S BUSY DAY AND Bears And Bees A Silly Symphony In Color ADULTS 55 Cenls-—CHILDREN 25 Cents LAST TIME “ESKIMO” AUG 17th LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. _• JOHN LICHTENRERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WE FEATURE LEADING LINES OF MERCHANDISE TOWN AND COUNTRY BRAND SUEDE JACKETS—LINED AND UNLINED Smart New Styles—Three Popular Shades j $9.95 $10.50 PHOENIX HOSIERY A BEAUTIFUL HOSE WITH FOUR PHOENIX FEATURES 1. Custom Fit Top 2. Service Heel 3. All Over Tip Toe 4. Lock Stitch Run Stop CERTIFIED SILK FOR GREATER BEAUTY Service Weight, . Per Pair $1.00 Semi-Service .... . Per Pair $1.50 Dull Sheer... Per Pair $1.75 A. POLET