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Oldest Newspaper in Alaska._____Member of Tbc Assoeialed Press DEVOTED TO THE BUILDING OF A BETTER NOME AND THE SECOND DIVISION. NOME IS THE STRATEGIC WORLD FLIGHT AIR BASE—ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY AVIATION THE NOME DAILY NUGGET VOL 36 Number 250. NOME, ALASKA, THURSDAY, Oct. 24, 1935 Per Copy Ten Cent? BRITAIN MAY NOT REMOVE ANY WARSHIPS Mussolini Concentrating Forces For Big Drive Ethiopia NO DEFINITE REPORT WHETHER GR BRITAIN WILL REMOVE SHIPS Rumors Say Great Britain Will Relieve Tension By Withdrawal Warships Britain May Not Withdraw Any Of Ships From Med. (By Tne Associated Press) Undated Oct. 24, —Wheth er Great Britain will actual ly withdraw any warships from the Mediterranean in return for Italy’s removal of soldiers from Libya, is consid erable of a mystery. One authority said that the naval concentration remains and that no orders have gone forth for any reduction. A bargain was also denied in the report. Widespread reports would call the cruisers Hood and Re nown, home. Italy’s peaceful penetra tion of Tigre province, be yond the lines now occupied was also reported. Mussolini was pressed by Paris and London for action on peace terms. League del egates believed that the date for the launching of a general economic boycott would be re legated far into the future if peace parleys materialize. The lessening of the tension between Italy and Great Bri tain is expected to be follow ed by a renewed drive by La val to start peace talks. Civil Engineer In Killed By Auto Surveying Site (By The Associated Press) Seattle, Oct. 24, —Charles W. Bronson, Seattle civil en gineer was killed by an auto mobile, while surveying the location of a new school bus garage. Ed Fish, the driver of the car said he did not see Bron son until it was too late. Subscribe For The Nugget Hugh Brewster Appointed To Position Left Vacant By Transfer Murray Hall Murray Hall De finitely Ordered To Another Post (By The Associated Press) Anchorage, Oct. 23—Mur ray Hall, department of Com merce Aeronautics Inspector, said he has received orders to report to Seattle for transfer to another location and that Hugh Brewster of Fresno, is to become inspector for Alas ka, Murray said. Recalling his disappoint ment after the Arthur Hines search, he recommended that every plane carrying passen gers be required to register its departure and destination so as afford information to secure aid of parties in case a plane is lost. Wanted—A gravity feed oil burning heater. Inquire at Nugget Office. Liberal Party Is Now In Power In Dominion Canada _ i (By The Associated Press) Ottawa, Oct. 24 —Canada’s new Liberal Party govern ment formally took over the administration Wednesday, with William Lyon McKenzie King becoming Prime Mini ster for the third time in his long public career. He succeeds R. B. Bennett, conservative, whose party was defeated at the recent el ection. — Improvement (By The Associated Press) San Francisco, Oct. 24, — A slight improvement was re ported in the condition of General Hunter Liggett, crit ically ill in the Letterman Hospital._ Forest Fires Rage In Sou them Calif. Doing Big Damage (By The Associated Press) Los Angeles, Oct. 23—Rag ing forest fires, high winds and a freak dust storm struck Southern California causing thousands of dollars property damage and the possible loss of one person. Hundreds of people battled through the night against a roaring blaze sweeping over Echo Mountain northeast of here, bordering the exclusive Altadena section, destroying several residences a sanitar ium, and a scenic railway to nearby Mount Lowe. A man identified as Conland Boden it is feared burned to death, when flames destroyed the Lavina Sanitarium, from which sixty other patients were removed safely._ MASSING STRENGTH BY ITALY FORECAST BATTLE IS PENDING Italian Army Combining Power Prepara To Major Drive City Of Makale Italians Prepare For Major Fight Central Ethiopia (By The Associated Press) Undated, Oct. 24, —A new Italian advance on the north ern front seemed approaching when General Emilio de Bono commander in chief of the fascist forces, reported pre parations had advanced. Bad Storm Hits Coronation Island Section Three Trolling Boats Reported Sunk 3 Trolling Boats Foundered Near Coronation Island (By The Associated Press) Ketchikan, Oct. 24, —Three trollers foundered and two are missing after a storm off Coronation Island, the light house Under Hemlock wire lessed the lighthouse service last night. The Hemlock reported that she was enroute from Cape Decision to search for the missing crafts. The meagre message said that the crews cf the trollers Nelson and Iv is had been saved but the fate of the men of the wrecked boat Premier had not been de termined. The names of two missing crafts were not learn cd. The storm also struck Ket chikan causing a slide, block ing the highway toward the north and severing telephone lines south of here Heavy rains were accompanied by high winds. Invites Nations (By The Associated Press) London, Oct. 24, —Invita tions to a naval conference to be held here December 2nd, were sent to the United Stat es, Japan, France and Italy by the British government. To Be Confronted Problems Return From His Vacation (By The Associated Press) Washington Oct 24 —Press ing problems await the re turn of President Roosevelt to the capital, including the put ting of three million five hun dred thousand unemployed, on work relief. Another issue is the League’s request of the United States for a comment on sanctions. Troops In Control (By The Associated Press) Hermosiallo. Sonora, Mexi co, Oct. 23rd—Federal troops are now in control of the state of Sonora, rebel groups having been disbanded and government authorities are tracking down leaders of the uprising. Governor Ramos has returned from Mexico City. Hunters Rescued (By The Associated Press) Anchorage, Oct. 23rd—Ed ward Meir and Walter Swan son who were marooned on the shore of Cook Inlet when the motor boat failed while on a Moose hunting expedi tion, were rescued by plane and returned home. The air force flew far over the river surveying the Dana kil zone and the Amba Alagi sector, south of the next ob jective—Makale. Hoares speech in the House of Commons spread the talk of peace over Europe. In Rome officials felt that the statement of the British position, banished from Italy the dread of a European war. In Paris, Premier Laval sought Mussolini’s minimum terms for ending the African invasion. Emperor Selassie was high ly pleased with the British statement, and in reaction, he ordered moved, twenty thousand troops to the north ern front. Dead In Floods (By The Associated Press) Sofia, Oct. 24, — An un determined number of per sons were reported dead due to disastrous floods in Mace donia Great Battle Is Waged Ethiopia (By The Associated Press) Addis Ababa, Oct. 24, — Reports of a great battle rag ing in the Webbe Shibeli riv er sector, spread today along with news of the mountain concentration of Ethiopian troops, drawn up to resist the Italian invasion. On the southern front war riors are ridden with scurvy. The concentrating is taking place in mountain ravines and passes as the Ethiopians pre pared to defy General Rudol fo Graziani’s troops. British Tars And Police Quell Riot 3 Negroes killed (By The Associated Press) Kingston, Oct. 24, —Brit ish bluejackets and police re stored peace to the riot-torn city on the Isle of St. Vincent. Martial law was declared after three negro strikers had been killed. Looting of stores and homes caused the Brit ish tars to step in. The high way was torn up by the riot ers, forty-two of whom have oeen arrested. _ Comparison Made Of Navy And Army of Great Britain. Italy: Air Corps Secret Comparison Made Army And Navy llalv And Britain _ ( (By The Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 24, Brit- I annia apparently still rules the waves but her land forc es are outnumbered five to one by Italy’s fighting mach- ] ine. I The British government 1 proposed Wednesday to stren ; gthen her defensive forces in i “the interest of world peace.” On June 30th 1934 Italy’s to tal land force was given at 0,484,000 as compared to the 1,282,00 0 for Great Britain. Since then Italy’s army has been increased. 1 On the sea Great Britain is i superior to Italy in every 1 category except submarines, i on the basis of figures compil ed September 23rd. Britain outranks Italy’s 154 capital £ ;hips nearly two to one but n submarines, Italy has 69 to Britain's 57, while the air ;trength of both nations is cept secret. It is believed dalv and England are about >qual in this respect. Elections Nov. 14th (By The Associated Press) London, Oct. 23rd—Prime Minister Baldwin announced hat the National elections or the House of Commons ire scheduled for November ourteenth. War Ace Dead (By The Associated Press) Vienna, Oct. 24, —Captain tudolph Stranger, ace Aust ian world war pilot, died lere today, a victim of pneu nonia. Mail The Nome Daily Nug ;et to your friends Oustide. .. Big Hallow’een Dance, Saturday Oct. 26th, Pioneer Hall (FOR WHITES ONLY)-ADMISSION GENTLEMEN $1.00 — LADIES FREE