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Early Alaska Justice Dealt Out In Old Style Pioneers Continued From Page One er in hand. All the satisfac tion they could obtain from the Governor was that he did not have time to attend to the matter. P L Shell, A R Ryan and Dr. J Ballou offered their services free of charge to hand over the murderer to the authorities, but could not get them interested in the case. The native Nicolai, being the son of a medicine man, was greatly elated by his dis tardly deed and was greatly feared by the rest of his tribe. He swaggered around the post I for some time following the murder, and several times threatened Mr. Shell, who sue, ceeded Mr. Holt as agent for the A. C. Company at Knik.; Mr. Shell tried to explain the enormity of the crime he had committed and that the offi cers of the law were liable to take hold of him at any time but he paid no attention to the warning and continued to make threats against the life; of Mr. Shell. Later, Nicolai returned to I his domain on the Matanuska but in the winter of 1891 he came into Knik with the av owed intention of killing Mr. Shell. He came to the station armed to the teeth, but Mr. Shell was prepared for him. He had a tower built 25 feet high, on the blockhouse style, THE BON MARCHE STORES BULK WINES Are you one of the many who are enjoying wdnes witli your meals? Take advantage of the saving by buying our Delirious Wines in Gallon Jugs. SHERRY MUSCAT CLARET PORT ANGELICA TOKAY WE PAY 25cts REFUND ON GAL. JUGS BON MARCHE STORES LIFE INSURANCE It’s not a load, or a rocky road, But a staff and easy shoes; It’s not a pack to bend your back. But something you OWN and USE. It's not a drag or a fretful hag, to burden and spoil your days; It’s not a fate or an irksome weight, but it helps o'er Rocky ways. It’s not a snare in which unaware, you tangle your Weary feet; It's not a band that ties your hand, But freedom that Makes life sweet. It's not a loan that makes you groan, But credit that Makes you free; It’s not a bill that makes you ill, It’s SAVINGS for you & me. It’s not a debt that makes you sweat, and toil for a Meagre wage; It’s not a note that gets your goat, But a calm and Serene old age. _E. B. Johnson. WHY WAIT UNTIL TOO LATE ? KATHRYN L. GALEN. Traveling representative throughout the Territory of Alaska for the New York Life Insurance Company, HANDLES THE FOLLOWING POLICIES Ordinary Life — Limited Payment Life — Educational Endowment — Family Income — Retirement Income Annuities, Immediate and Deferred Room 1, Lincoln Hotel, Nome, Alaska from which he took Nicolai by surprise, and justice was done the Indian in real west ern style, but not until the law had been given every op portunity to do justice. Following the killing of Nic olai, there ensued twenty eight days of the most vigi lant watching from the tow er while the mercury stood at freezing point or lower. The white men were compelled to take turns keeping watch on the natives to prevent them from surprising the whites and murdering everybody. Finally the tundra broke and the Matanuska Indians were forced to fall back into their own country. The Indian Afinaeie, was still at large and there has never been any attempt to apprehend him, although he is the one actually respons ible for the committing of the murder by Nicolai. It is only a few years ago, that a native murdered a girl (Indian) at a village on Susit na river, and burned the body. This crime has been ov erlooked by the authorities and has passed underneath. 10,217 Residents Second Division Says 1930 Census This Includes All Whites, In dians, Eskimos and Aleuts. First Division Has One Third of People. The total population of Al aska was figured at 59,278 in the census of 1930. Of the total, almost exactly half are whites, the other Indians or Eskimos. ‘ KOUGAROK SPECIAL " (Fix and Mullins) CARS FOR KOUGAROK 3 ROUND TRIPS A WEEK All Kinds of Freight And Passengers To Kougarok The First division, embrac ing the southeastern part of Alaska, has the largest popu lation of the four districts, with 19,304 people. The 3rd division has 1(5,309 residents, the Fourth division 13,538 and the Second division, in cluding Nome, has 10,217. The Ketchikan district, ac cording to the census, has the largest population with 64(58. followed by the Juneau dis trict with Cl 74. The third largest is the Fairbanks dis trict in the Fairbanks area with 3446. The largest town in Alaska is Juneau with 4043 perman ent residents. Ketchikan is, second with an official popu lation of 3796. Although the population doubtless declined some in the depression years follow ing 1930, the past two years have been better for Alaska and the population has increa sed. The Matanuska project alone is expected to swell the population by fully 1000 per sons. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Probate Court, Cape Nome Precinct, Second Divi sion, Territory of Alaska. In the Matter of the Estate of LEO LONERS, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap pointed administrator with the Will annexed of the Es tate of Leo Loners, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same duly verified as requir ed by law to the undersigned administrator with the will annexed,at the banking house of the Miners and Merchants Bank of Alaska, at Nome. Al aska, within six (6) months from the date of this notice. Dated this 16th day of Octo ber. 1935. J. S. STANGROOM, Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of Leo Loners, deceased Publish Oct 16,23,30,Nov.6th AURORA TAVERN & BATHS OPEN FOR BUSINESS SANDWICHES AND BEER Baths In Connection CURTIS JACOBS (Formerly of Lomen Bros.) KODAK DEVELOPING AND PRINTING COMMERCIAL AND NATURALIZATION PHOTOS Mail or leave your Films at the Bon Marche. LINCOLN HOTEL JACK DEVINE, PROP. “THE HOME OF THE SOURDOUGH’’ ROOMS BY THE DAY GR MONTH ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Prop. — T R A V EI_ THE SECURE WAY TWIN-MOTORED, RADIO EQUIP PED, ELECTRAS GIVE THE UT MOST IN SAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFORT, WITH CONSTANT RADIO PROTECTION. PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS INC. B. J McCONAGHY Air Dried Lumber; Tennessee Cedar for closet lining; Kit chen cabinets complete; cupboard doors; Corrugated Iron— Furniture—Four piece bedroom suites: overstuffed furniture; linished breakfast sets; studio couches.— Spark Oil Heaters—Lang Oil Ranges— II. C. Little Burners SQUIBB Sodium Bicarbonate _(Baking Soda)_ . A fane, bolted, clean. .. snow white powder, free ... from the unpleasant.... taste of inferior grades. NOME DRUG STORE THE SQUIBB STORE OF THE NORTH. "Cappy McDougal). Proprietor Telephone Main 9. FINN A I, I E V C A F E Albert Therry, Proprietor LUNCHES: DINNERS: BEER (OPPOSITE NOIIALICO) NOME MACHINE SHOP \V. L. SLACK AND SON, PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE. TRACTOR. ACETLVNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED : SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 NOME LIQUOR STORE TIIE ONLY EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE IN NOME BEST QUALITY, VARIETY, AND QUANTITY RANIER BEER 15 CENTS BOTTLE LARGE STOCK OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO (Next Door To Fire Station) ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY S S DELI WOOD SAILING FOR SEATTLE OCT 24 General Agents Pacific Steamship Lines. JAMES P. DALY, Agent, Nome.