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Oldest Newspaper in Alaska.____Member of Tbc Associated 1 resa DEVOTED TO THE BUILDING OF A BETTER NOME AND THE SECOND DIVISION. NOME IS THE STRATEGIC WORLD FLIGHT AIR BASE—ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY AVIATION THE NOME DAILY NUGGET VOL 36 No. 264. NOME, ALASKA, Saturday, November 9, 1935. Per Copy Ten Cents FORMATION OF THIRD PARTY 1936 ELECTION Frantic Search Being Made For Pilot Kingsford Smith FRANTIC SEARCH FOR FAMOUS FLIERS WILL BE PRESSED AT ONCE Airplanes Searching For Sir Charles Kings ford Smith And Co-Pilot Who Missing League Approves Hull Suggestion American Policy (By The Associated Press) Geneva, Nov. 8, — League circles gave hearty approval to the proposal by Secretary Hull, that the United States enact a more elastic neutral ity. It was stated in internation al quarters that they believe the real hope of permanent peace, rests if the world wins cooperation in removing the cause of war. The British suggest an in ternational conference, on a more equal distribution of raw materials, which is meet ing with new favor. The League is awaiting further information whether the United States will join in the embargo on key products especially coal, oil, iron and steel,| Frantic Search Is Continued For Sir Kingsford Smith (By The Associated Press) Singapore, Nov. 9, — Des perate aerial searchers of Sir Charles Kingsford Smith and his co-pilot, refused to aban don hope of rescuing the flier. Contrary to an earlier be lief, it was learned that the plane could remain afloat in definitely. Royal Air Force planes soared to the north, nearing the Siamese frontier in the start of a systematic search of the stormy waters above the Malay and Federated Straits. Two planes returned from a dawn flight over bay and coastal jungle islands, with out finding any signs of the missing plane. A squadron of bombing planes is held in readiness to join the hunt. U. S. NAVY PLANES WILL MAKE PACIFIC FLIGHTS ON PRACTICE Navy Seaplanes To Make Flights Points On Pacific (By The Associated Press) Honolulu, Nov. 8, —Her alding a series of naval flights throughout the Pacific, forty five Navy seaplanes will leave the Pearl Harbor fleet base at dawn tomorrow for French Frigate Shoals, and other westerly islands on an nual maneuvers of ten days naval exercises. This was characterized as the first of several flights to stretch the U. S. defenses westward and northward. Admiral Frederick Horne said that navy flying boats would eventually journey to Wake Island, the Pan Ameri can Airways mid-Pacific air base, and thence to Guam, and during favorable seasons to Unalaska. Education Week Starts November 11 Articles Be Run * — Superintendent W. H. Bloom To Furnish A Series Of Articles On Occasion Throughout our nation Edu cation Week is being observ ed from November 11 to Nov. 18. The plan of setting aside one week out of each year to; familiarize the public with1 the development of education began fourteen years ago and has grown steadily in import ] ance since its instigation. In keeping with this pro gram the Nome Daily Nug get will publish a brief arti cle each day dealing with some general phase of educa- j tion. These articles will be sponsored by our local super intendent of public schools, j W. H. Bloom. Call For Bids On New School Bldg. May Come Soon The latter part of Septem ber, after working over pro posed suggestions, the Nome school board suggested minor changes in the new school building plans, regarding the enlargement of class rooms, etc. A telegram was sent to Commissioner of Education Anthony E. Karnes at Juneau suggesting the changes. He replied stating that he had accepted them and Territorial Architect Foss had approved of them, according to the fol lowing wire: Juneau, Nov. 6, 1935. M. J. Walsh, Nome. Necessary complete plans and specification, call for bids I award contract on school building there before Decern ber 15th. Architect under stands your telegram Sept. 27 and will make changes accord ingly. Advise of any other (Continued on Page Two) FORMATION OF THIRD PARTY FOR 1936 HAS FARMFRS BEHIND IT President Farmer’s Holiday Association Announces Formation Of Third Parly Lawyers Studying Basis On Which To Support The MJA (By The Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 8, —The possibility of using the feder al government’s treaty-mak ing power as a basis for fut ure regulation of industry, is being studied by a group of NRA lawyers. They were directed to ex plore every possibility for con stitutional authority on which NRA legislation might be bas ed, if the government again wishes to experiment with something of the kind._ PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IS NOW IN DISCUSSION ON AGREEMENT Trade Agreement With Canada Now Under Discussion (By The Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 9, — A speedy conclusion to the re ciprocal trade agreement ne gotiations with Canada is be ing sought by President Roose velt, who had Canadian Prem ier King as an over-night guest at the White House. Observers generally, noted an air of optimism over the prospects of a successful con elusion to the negotiations which were first started last January and resumed again this week with the arrival of Premier King. Economic advisors to the president said he would like to see a proposed pact which would cover as many com modities as possible and in crease the commercial ex change between the countries. Commodities are still in the discussion stage. Have The Nome Daily Nug get sent to your Outside ad dress this winter and get the News and stories of develop ment of Seward Peninsula. Garner and Party Received Manila Willi Enthusiasm (By Tlie Associated Press) Baguio, Philippine Islands, Nov. 9, —Vice President Gar ner came to this mountain re sort city to rest after shak ing two thousand hands for more than an hour last night. Garner, Byrns and Robin son stood on the receiving line while Manila residents hurried to welcome them per sonally. A varied entertain ment was offered the con gressional party. Gov. Martin Visits 2 Condemned Vlen Walla Walla, Nov. 9, —Gov ernor Martin visited two con demned slayers in the Peni tentiary here today, unexpect edly. The purpose and result of his talks are unknown. The condemned slayers are Merritt Hunter of Olympia and Carl Patterson of Walato, both facing the gallows Nov ember 22nd. _ Third Party Will l>e In National (By The Associated Press) New York Nov. 9, — A third party ticket will be plac ed in the field by eight or nine states in 1936. John Bosch of Minneapolis, vice-president of the Farmer’s Holiday As sociation, said today. Bosch said that this farm political revolt from both of the old parties, is rapidly tak ing form in Wisconsin, Min nesota, parts of Iowa, North and South Dakota, Colorado, Montana, Washington and to some extent, California. He stated: “There definite ly will be a third party form ed in 1936 with a national program. Whether to have a national ticket is still an open question. It’s still a question of strategy whether the third party will enter the presiden tial campaign, or whether it would concentrate on congres sional candidates. A national ticket, Bosch said, would serve as the chief purpose of registering oppo sition to the major parties, but whether such a ticket could command candidates sufficiently strong to draw a vote, is still considered pro blematical. China (dipper At Acapulco After A 1503 Mile Flight (By The Associated Press) Miami, Nov. 9. —The China Clipper floated in the harbor at Acapulco, Mexico, on its first overnight halt, enroute to its trans-Pacific base at San Francisco. The plane arrived at Aca pulco at 2:15 P. M. yesterday Pacific Standard Time, mak ing the flight of 1503 miles from Miami in 11 hours and 3 minutes. The huge sea plane will continue its flight up the Pacific Coast by easy stages. Herds of Protected Antelopes Harass Farmers in Alberta (By The Associated Press) Lethbridge, Alberta, Nov. 9, — Harassed by herds of antelopes in southern Alber ta, ranchers are wondering what is to be done to save the pastures for their cattle and sheep. Under rigid protection, the herds have increased to such an extent they are invading the lowlands, eating every thing in sight. Hunters are now allowed to bag two after payment of a special five dollar license, but the season runs only from November 1st to the 11th. In addition the animals can be shot only on occupied, fenced lands, with the consent of the land owner. Under such re strictions there have been no applications for licenses, hen ce there is no relief in sight for the farmers, in that dir ection ASSASSINATION PLOT FOILED BY ACTION SECRET SERVICE Assassination Plot Against U. S. Am bassador Is Foi led fBv The Associated Press) Havana, Nov. 9, — Unim peachable sources disclosed a plot to assassinate Jefferson Caffery, U. S. Ambassador to Cuba which was thwarted by an intelligence operative of the Cuban Army, on the eve of the execution, which was scheduled for Friday. Army officials expressed the belief that the plot was inspired by radicals to pro voke American intervention in Cuba, in the hope of thus starting a revolution. (By The Associated Press) Fortworth, Texas. Nov. 9— Cliff Maus airways mail pilot, was killed when his plane crashed in the street of suburban Riverside. He was Hying along the Dallas Fortworth route but carried no mail, Big Time and Dance, Armistice Day, Monday, Nov. 11 th COME AND JOIN THE FUN— PIONEER HALL— WHITES ONLY-GENTS. $1.00 LADIES FREE ... »r —