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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD, Manager. , Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, lor $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will comer a L»vor if they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity it the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and als6 the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. Change in Primary To Attention Public At the last session of the A1 aska legislature an amend ment to the primary laws of the Territory was passed which should be kept in mind by persons intending to file declarations of candidacy for office. Ihe change in the law con cerns qualifications of candi dates and no declaration can be received unless the candi date, if he voted in the 1932 and 1934 primaries, shows that he voted at the schedul ed primaries for the political party in which he is now fil ing his declaration. In other words, a candidate cannot file as a Democrat for the 1936 elections unless he voted as a Democrat in 1932 and 1934. Mail The Nome Daily Nug get to your friends Oustide. .. S. S. Victoria To Be Santa Claus Vessel for Alaska Winter travelers have an unusual treat awaiting them this December, the Alas ka Steamship Company is making preparations for its third annual Christmas cruise to Alaska. The steamship Victoria is to be the honored bearer of Santa Claus this year, sail ing from Seattle December 14th, to be gone 16 davs. At each of the 10 Alaska ports there will be hundreds of children cheering and wait ing with expectant eyes as Santa comes to the rail and invites them to board his ship to receive gifts. Musical and entertainment programs are planned and calls will be made at missions hospitals and at the Pioneer’s Home at Sitka. Subscribe For The Nugget LOCKHEED ^ VEGA STINSON RELIANT THE FASTEST, MOST FREQUENT, MOST CONVENIENT SERVICE IS VIA MIROW AIR SERVICE FAST, STURDY, LUXURIOUS PLANES THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Job Printing Department Is Equipped To Handle Your Job Printing Needs, Efficiently, Speedily Executed. AT REASONABLE PRICES THE NEVADA BAR BEER WINES CARDS AND POOL Ethiopia Seen As Fertile Garden For Agriculture By Charles Norman Associated Press Staff Writer The shadow of Italy’s Afri can legions lies across “the finest piece of unappropriat ed real estate on the interna tional horizon.” That is the destination giv en Abyssinia, the largest and most fertile portion of Eth iopia, by Wilfred H. Osgood, curator of zoology, Field Mus eum, Chicago. It is a country that abounds in livestock, estimated to num ber millions; cattle, sheep, goats and poultry are plenti ful. It is capable of being con verted into one vast granary said another observer. I he entire surface of Aby ssinia shows traces of past vol canic upheavals. Now most of the crater shells are filled with the water of the coun try’s extensive lake system. Much Gold and Silver Iron and coal are found ev erywhere. Gold is washed from the sand of mountain streams. Godjam is rich in silver, saltpeter, sulphur and copper deposts. Rock and cof fee are important crops. Med icinal springs abound. Abyssinia proper is a farm er’s paradise. Perpetual spring weather reigns in many localities, and in these crops are numerous and abundant. Every agricul tural product can be raised with ease with the assistance of a bountiful nature, and two and three crops of wheat barley and maize often are harvested in a year. Only one species of live stock is conspicuously among the missing. The Ethiopians, Cptic Christians since about 300 years after the death of Christ, do not eat pork. They like hot, peppery dish es and raw meat, which is considered a delicacy. Children's Ilelp-self Pajamas Flannel and Broadcloth Sanforized-Shrunk AT MILDRED’S SHOPPE H. BRORSON Certified Watch Maker Repairs Mailed Back Promptly Front Street, Nome, P O Box 278 Nome Laundry J Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PHONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. Terrain Rough Between Eritrea and Ital ian Somaliland and the Eth iopian highlands lie vast, wat erless plateaus covered with grass and scrub growths—an uninviting watseland through which invading armies have to pass. The mountainous terrain of the interior represents seem ingly insurmountable obstac les, and there are few cities which offer real targets for artillery or air raids. Addis Ababa, the capital; Harrar, center of Emperor Haile Sel assie’s own province, and Dire-Dawa are the only cit ies of any considerable size. The rough regions that make Abyssinia proper a turreted castle of a country offer slight opportunities for landing air planes, or for their take-off. Lindbergh Finds A Place Take A Rest (Bv The Associated Press) Rockland, Maine, Nov. 19, His first vain quest for priv acy shattered in the kidnap ing and murder of his first born in the hills of New Jer sey, Charles A. Lindbergh at last is enjoying the much de sired rest from the world. The retreat is at the Morr ow island estate in North Hav en, off the rockbound coast of Maine. FOR SALE—Flamo Range, Oil Heater, Vac. Cleaner,and double coil spring and mat tres. Inquire at the Nugget Office._ 3t. MILK—FRESH—MILK DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH Dieticians contend that fresh milk contains more nourishment than any other known food, It has no sub stitute. Our cows are selected from the best dairy stock on the Pacific Coast —tubercular tested and approved be fore being shipped. We deliver at your home—office —or store; in quarts—pints—or half pints. Phone your orders. WALSH BROS. DAIRY 1 Cavey*s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A M. TO 1 A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals — Town & Country S KII SUITS All Colors—Your Choice $12.50 Suit JACK SEIDENVERG CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Phone MAin 149 1 I —“—————————-—— ! EMPORIUM BAZAAR OPEN FROM 8 A. M. UNTIL 9 P. M. Come in and see our Large Display of Holiday Gifts. Do Your Shopping Early and avoid the Rush. Don't Rush Us. WE WILL SELL OUR GOODS CHEAPER. Main Saleslady,.Mrs. Spaghetti Dan _Opposite Telephone Office_ I Notices For Primary Elections Are Bein<* Given In Alaska Attorney General Calls Att ention to Revision In The Election Laws All declarations of candi dacy must he filed on or be fore the first Tuesday in Feb ruary, 1935, (Correct accord ing to Juneau Empire) for the primary election to be held on the last Tuesday in April, next year. This is being pointed out by Attorney General James S Truitt in letters to the clerks of court of the four judicial divisions, and calling atten tion to amendment to the el ection laws made at the 1935 session of the legislature. List of officials for which nominations may be made by each party at the coming Drimary follow: Territorial Officers Delegate to Congress Attorney General, Alaska. Auditor for Alaska. Highway Engineer, Alaska. Divisional Officers One Territorial Senator. Four Territorial Represen tatives. Two Divisional Road Com missioners. All divisional candidates will file their declarations with the clerk of the court and all territorial candidat es including the Delegate to Congress from Alaska, with the Territorial Auditor. Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget—$2.00 Per Month by carrier. $1.50 Per Month by Mail ANNOUNCEMENT BY NOHALICO OUR WINTER COAL PRICES WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE WITH THE BEGINNING OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 16th BUY NOW & SAVE NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE COMPANY PIONEER DRUG STORE j (Nome’s New and Modern Drug Store) '* AGENTS For McKesson-Stewart & Holmes, Rexall and Eastman Kodak Company J BRING US YOUR KODAK WORK Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention i _ 4 SPECIAL LUMBER SALE 120, 2 x 4s. which will make decking for 40 feet of sidewalk. Special Price while they last $14.50 or 60 for $7.50 20” and 22” x 1' -’ Spruce Drain Board Stock • VELLO (in 6 colors) the Ideal Washable Wall Finish—5 Lb. Box—$1.35. NOME LUMBER CO | MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. i Have Moved To Their New | Quarters At Barracks Square n - .j WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT | | Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE