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THE NOME DAILY NUGGET GEO. S. MAYNARD, Editor RUSSELL G. MAYNARD, Manager. Published every evening except Sunday by the NOME PUBLISHING COMPANY, Nome. Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek, and Sunset Creek, lor $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid outside of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 month. Subscribers will comei a favor if they will promptly notify the Of fice of any failure or irregularity h the delivery of their papers. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as Second Class matter. PAYING THE PIPER Billions of dollars have been paid out to veterans of the world war in the United Sta tes and Europe. More bill ions will be paid until the process of age removes the vast army of ex-soldiers now drawing pensions. And hardly has the world staggered from beneath the blight of the World War when another war lord steps to the front to review the rivers of blood and send bro ken wrecks of what were men into the army of veter ans for which all nations must provide. Democracies will be hard est hit by the Second World War, now underway to a good start, for, unlike one of the Charles, they cannot escape pension by “allowing the ex soldiers to beg on the streets without arrest !’’ In the old days when abso lute monarchy ruled Europe, soldiers were as much a chat tie possession as the horses they rode. The spoils of war were parceled out, first to the nobles with large estates wrested from the vanquished iand the bestowal of high sounding titles. The rank and file of soldiers who “fought for glory” got just that—the glory of having a preference for a job as servitor to “Me lud” or tilling his fields for a tithe of what was produced. But the Glory thing does not appeal to the uncultured senses of the cannon fodder as it used to do. He is de manding some of the material substance emanating from war. For the past century or more this idea has been the result of many changes in the personnel of government, but in Europe it matters little who sits on the throne, the divvy is about the same.—Ex. The Nome Daily Nugget is for Sale at the following places of business: Pioneer Drug Store The Board of Trade The Nome Drug Store The Nevada. LOCKHEED VEGA STINSON RELIANT THE FASTEST, MOST FREQUENT, MOST CONVENIENT SERVICE IS VIA MIROW AIR SERVICE FAST, STURDY, LUXURIOUS PLANES THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION •>*!' (Opposite The Dream Theatre) THE NOME DAILY NUGGET Job Printing Department j Is Equipped To Handle Your Job Printing Needs, Efficiently, t - Speedily Exeeuted. AT REASONABLE PRICES THE NEVADA BAR BEER WINES CARDS AND POOL Eskimo Legend Tells Of Samson Of The Northland (Continued From Page One) This exasperated the people and they again determined to kill him. They attacked him in force, in many kayaks. He was warned by his God of their coming and taking off his parka he smeared his body with salmon roe, having first collected a huge pile of sharp rocks near the seashore. As the expedition approach ed he went down to the sea shore and called to his ene mies saying: “See the sores on my body: I am ill and can not resist you. I am at your mercy." And all the people looked with astonishment at his festering body; they laid down their spears and before they realized their danger he hurled the sharp stones at them with such force that the boats were pierced and sunk and all the invaders were drowned. The narrative of his ad ventures covers many snows. At one time he was beset by thousands of his enemies and defeated them with the bone of a whale, which he used as a battle axe. He had frequent encounters with those who sought his life and was final ly killed by the treachery of his wives, whom he had fore ed to his igloo from a neigh boring tribe. The women bound him with their hair, which they had allowed to grow very long and thick. He was unab le to get loose and the women poured boiling whale oil in to his eyes and ears until he died.—Valdez Miner. CHANGES REGULAR ADVERTISING NUGGET Changes of regular advertisements will be accepted up to 4 PM of the day preceding insertion. New ad vertisements will be accepted for insertion in the paper up to 1:30 PM of the day of insertion—The Nome Daily Nugget. Children’s Help-self Pajamas Flannel and Broadcloth Sanforized-Shrunk AT MILDRED’S SHOPPE H. BRORSON Certified Watch Maker Repairs Mailed Back Promptly Front Street, Nome, P O Box 278 Nome Laundry Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PHONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. Interesting Items About Alaskans Culled From Exchanges Fairbanks is plowing the heavy snows and rolling them off the main streets of the city. Auto owners are asked to try and follow an establish ed track along the street, thus packing the snow and making a hard surface. Albert Corey, a member of the Anchorage Commercial Company and Miss Hilda Sny der of Tacoma, were married recently in Seward. Mr. and Mrs Corey will make their permanent home in Anchor age. The motorship Andrew Foss, Capt. Wm. Stark, arriv ed at Juneau towing a 320. 000 gallon barge. The vessel will remain in Juneau until the barge discharges oil into the Union tanks. George Henry Roberts and Miss Clara Patricia Lubbe were married recently at Cor dova, in the lobby of the Al aska hotel. The ceremony was performed at 10 o’clock before some forty guests and a buffet lunch was then serv ed‘ l John Swanson, 65, known in Alaska in the early nine ties as “Old Itchfoot”, died in Los Angeles last week. He once hit it rich on the Moth er Lode which netted him ov er $15,000 daily in gold. He MILK—FRESH—MILK DRINK MILK FOR HEALTH Dieticians contend that fresh milk contains more nourishment than any other known food, It has no sub stitute. Our cows are selected from the best dairy stock on the Pacific Coast —tubercular tested and approved be fore being shipped. We deliver at your home—office —or store; in quarts—pints—or half pints. Phone your orders. WALSH BRO’S. DAIRY Cavey's Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A M. TO 1 A M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals Town & Country SKII SUITS All Colors—Your Choice $12.50 Suit JACK SEIDENVERG CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Phone MAin 149 EMPORIUM BAZAAR OPEN FROM 8 A. M. UNTIL 9 P. M. Come in and see our Large Display of Holiday Gifts. Do Your Shopping Early and avoid the Rush. Don’t Rush Us. WE WILL SELL OUR GOODS CHEAPER. Main Saleslady,.Mrs. Spaghetti Dan _Opposite Telephone Office_ poured thousands of dollars onto the gambling tables of Dawson and Nome, and then died a pauper. Dewey LaBreche, ARC mechanic, was taken to the hospital in Fairbanks recent ly suffering from a fractured skull and lacerated eye, result ing from an auto crash on the Steese highway. The car that hit him did not stop. Every Territorial school should own and display an A1 aska flag, says the Alaska School Bulletin. Several of the schools already have flags which were purchased by the pupils and presented to the school. This is an excellent idea. Money for the purpose is raised by entertainments. Cordova will be compelled to wait until next year be fore it is given a University of Alaska extension course in mining. It was explained that appropriation was made for a course in each of the four div isions, Juneau of course be ing given the first course. President Bunnell said that Cordova would be the next point at which the course would be established. Gust Lundeen, a resident of Cordova, grew impatient when he awoke with a jag on and no policeman to take him to jail. After thinking it over he went to the U. S. Commis sioner and charged himself with being drunk and asked that he be given one night in jail. The commissioner thot Gust might be biased and en titled to more time in the jug. So he gave him a fine of $10 and two days in the jug. Mail The Nome Daily Nug get to your friends Oustide. .. ANNOUNCEMENT BY NOHALICO OUR WINTER COAL PRICES WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE WITH THE BEGINNING OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 16th BUY NOW & SAVE NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE COMPANY SPECIAL LUMBER SALE I 120, 2 x 4s. which will make decking for 40 feet of sidewalk. Special Price while they last $14.50 or 60 for $7.50 20” and 22” x 1' - Spruce Drain Board Stock VELLO (in 6 colors) the Ideal Washable Wall Finish—5 Lb. Box—$1.35. NOME LUMBER CO MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Have Moved To Their New ; Quarters At Barracks Square WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT ■ Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane’s Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE