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LOCAL ITEMS A wire to the Marshal’s of fice from Deputy Marshal Henry Xavier of Kotzebue, informs that a man named A. E. Neilson was found dead near his cabin, apparently from gunshot wounds. No particulars of where he resid ed was given, but it is inferr ed that it must be some dis tance from Kotzebue, as the wire stated tthe Commission er and deputy would be gone three days in order to con duct an investigation. No further particulars were giv en. Pumping of water by the Nome Fire Department start ed late this afternoon, to fill the new space provided for a municipal ice skating rink. Water was poured into the restricted area by hose and nozzle connected to the hyd rant by the P. A. A. office on 1st Ave. and Stedman. It will be allowed to freeze and a smooth layer of water then placed over it for the skat ing surface, it was reported. Weather Today (By U. S. Weather Bureau.) Nome, Alaska, Nov. 21 With barometric pressure rising in western and north ern Alaska sky conditions were generally improving and temperatures lowering. The low barometric pressure area has moved eastward and unsettled conditions with snow flurries continue in in terior Alaska. Temperatures are higher in southeastern Alaska this mor ning and are mostly above zero in central Alaska and western Canada. Cordova re corded six inches and forty four hundredths of rainfall during the past twenty four hours. Temperatures along the airways were: Nome 5 above; Nulato ten -SAFETY § § § FIRST N. A. T. Largest and safest plane in Alaska—14 place tri motored Ford. Also 7 other planes in sizes to meet all require ments. \Ve Carry Passenger Insurance Experienced, Dependable, Courteous Pilots \ <) M I]_FAIRBANKS_A L A SKA above; Kaltag 12 above;Ruby 18 above: Flat 21 above; Fair banks 20 above; Nenana 20 above: Tanana 18 above; Hot Springs 20 above; and Kotze bue 3 below. The following places report ed snow on the ground to the following depths: Nulato 6 inches; Kaltag 10 Ruby 14; Fairbanks 19; Tana na 10; Hot Spings 15 inches. The upper air showed very strong northwest to west northwest winds during the two ascensions today. The lowest temperature at Nome last night was 4 above zero at 5 a.m. Below zero temperatures are indicated for Nome tonight. FOR SALE National Cash Register. Inquire Nome Drug Store. LOST—A pair of bi-focal glasses white metal rims, also a blue sloutch felt hat. Re turn to Nugget Office and re ceive reward FOR SALE—Flamo Range, Oil Heater, Vac. Cleaner,and double coil spring and mat tres. Inquire at the Nugget Office. ,‘Jt. You can save money by having the carrier deliver the Daily Nugget to your residence. Subscribe now • Airplanes Flying Into Or Out Of The City Of Nome Due to adverse weather conditions in other parts of lhe country, plane movements are still at a standstill. The Pacific Alaska Airways now has two flights schedul ed from Fairbanks to Nome with mail, a Monday and a Thursday plane. Pilot Hans Mirow of the Mirow Air Ser vice is held in Fairbanks by weather from returning to Nome. It was also report ed that planes on wheels couldn't get off the Fairbanks field due to drifting snow which continued today. Pilot Whaley of the Nome Airways is stormbound up North it was reported, and was waiting for an opportun ity to return to Nome. Pilot Ross of the Northern Air Transport who has been waiting for an opportunity to fly to Fairbanks, is still de layed in Nome by the adver se weather. And All this time the weath er at Nome has been fairly good for flying, with the ex ception of the day a blizzard was blowing._ MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING BY PURCHASING YOUR WINTER SUPPLY or COAL AND FUEL OIL NOW FOB CASH SUMMER PRICES WILL PREVAIL UNTIL CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 15th LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. Navy Planning Air Base For Alameda Operations Planes (By The Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 21, — Tentative plans for a naval air base in San Francisco Bay were disclosed today by the Navy Department. While negotiations are still! in a preliminary stage, the! naval authorities confirmed1 reports that they were seek ing to acquire Alameda air-! port on the eastern shore of I the bay as a base for the op-1 erations of their heavier-than -air craft, in the San Francis- ] co region. The navy’s only similar base on the West Coast is North Island, in San Diego harbor. China and Japan At Odds Creating Reform N. China Continued From Page One tinent, that officers conniving with the Chinese separatist movement were exceeding their authority. Japanese military leaders in China were reported to have told Chinese national leaders to undertake their own reforms in North China, introducing that area to a re gime and public attitude more acceptable to the Japan 1 ese. Certain Chinese officials pointed out that the Japanese army on the continent often exercises independent action, | and expressed fear that the same independence might be demonstrated again. Big bundle for a quarter at The Nome Daily Nugget NOME HOTEL (Corner Main St. anti Hunter Way) Single and Double Steam heated Rooms with Bath Reasonable Rates By Day, Week Or Month Phone MAIN 108 Miss Phyllis Turner j Beauty Parlor Operator Seiffert Flats Telephone For Appointments DR. REX F. SWARTZ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours I—3 P. M. Now Located In Office Indian Alls. Bldg. Nome, Alaska. Dream Theatre FRIDAY ONE SHOW 7:30 P. M. A TREAT FOR OLD & YOUNG THE 4 MARX BROS. IN “DUCK SOUP” Conte And Have Good Laugh ALSO Miekey Mouse in “The Klondike Kid" AND “The Radio Murder” ADULTS 55 Cents—CHILDREN 25 Cents ONE SHOW 7:30 P.M. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. __ JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THANKSGIVING -O Nome has very good reasons to observe Thanks giving Day. From ashes to a newly built prosper ous city in one year. Let all of us take time and offer Thanks. Let us conttemplate on what has transpired during this past year. Let us continue this good work and with the help of God, in an other year we should witness greater progress. Our Assortment of GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND TO ADORN YOUR THANKSGIVING TABLE is j Complete. Let us furnish you with what you need for your Thanksgiving Dinner. TURKEYS We have a very fine lot. We will be glad to dress your Turkey free of charge: We will give 5% dis count on all Turkey orders placed before Tues day Noon, and on all orders take home to prepare. 1 We Are Offering THANKSGIVING SPECIALS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Come and find out for yourself. It will pay you For your Trouble. SPECIAL DRAWING FROM THE CHRISTMAS GIFT BARREL On Thanksgiving Eve Wed. Nov. 27th, 7:30 P. M. a special drawing will be made from the Christmas Gift Barrel; 3 numbers will be drawn. The first winner will be awarded a 12 pound tur- j key; The second winner a fine roaster; The third winner, one dozen decorated water glasses. The winning tickets will be returnd into the barrel to participate in the CHRISTMAS DRAWINGS. POLET’S —The Store That Is Pleased To Serve You—