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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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-SAFETY § * * FIRST N. A. T. Largest and safest plane in Alaska—14 place tri motored Ford. Also 7 other planes in sizes to meet all require ments. We Carry Passenger Insurance Experienced, Dependable, Courteous Pilots N O M EFAIRBANKS A L A S K A Sunday School Xmas Services Continued From Page 1 mas as a leader for the next two or three days of wor ship of the birth of The Savior. Over eighty boys, girls and young people took part. A pageant “When Shepherds Watched” by a group of older boys and a companion pageant “Their Gifts and Ours” by the boys and girls of the Be ginners and Primary De partment; the Christmas carols; the Gift to the Babe were leading numbers. LOCAL NOTES Mr. Patterson, father of Mrs. Garnet Martin, wife of the foreman of the pow er house and machine shop for the Hammon Company, was found dead this morn ing in bed. Cause of death was attrib uted to a cerebral hemorr hage. Mr. Patterson came to Nome aboard the S. S. North Star in company with his daughter Mrs. Gar net Martin and her child ren. this fall. Mr. Patter son was approximately some seventy years of age. Due to the Community Xmas program this even ing, the regular meeting of EMPORIUM BAZAAR Open 8 A. M. — Close 9 P. M. WE JUST RECEIVED BY PLANE A NEW SHIPMENT OF HOLIDAY GIFTS. OUR LARGE DISPLAY IS GOING FAST. OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE. Don't Forget. Not the Best, but good as the Rest ! Opposite Telephone Office M I N K DEMAND IS INCREASING We Can Move Them— —NOW ! ! SHIP YOUR SKINS EARLY!! Alaska — Chicago Fur Exchange 368 Central Ave., Highland Park. 111. the Nome City Council has been postponed for this evening. A meeting will be called at a later date, it was reported. Today’s 1‘ ealures Of Community Xmas Attended (Continued from Page One) contests on snow shoes. This evening at 8 P. M. programs will start at the same two churches, com memorating the Christmas Spirit. This will be the windup of the Community Xmas celebration and San ta Claus will appear at both places to distribute gifts to the children of Nome, who, no doubt will be there, hundreds strong. The afternoon festivities went off with lots of enthus iasm and public spirit, mo tion pictures being taken of the various activities. Be sure and attend the pro grams this evening com mencing at 8 P.M. FREE PERMANENT To Be Given Away To The Holder of the Lucky No. Numbered Ticket Given Free With Each “Sham poo & Finger Wave.”— Drawing Xmas Eve Phyllis Turner Beauty Operator Seilfert Flats Telephone For Appointments COAL AND FUEL OIL _b_—A___ LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. Airport Tidbits Pilot Jones and Stewart of the Pacific Alaska Air ways in the Ford plane ar rived at Nome yesterday and left this morning on its | return flight to Fairbanks. Art M. Chamberlain and Fred Milligan were incom ing passengers and Wallace Porter and a native girl were outgoing bound for Koyuk. A sick native was | also a passenger to Nome, I for the hospital. Pilot Chet Brown of the Northern Air Transport made a flight with Jerry Galvin to Bluff this morn ing but couldn’t land so took Mr. Galvin back to Solomon and returned to Nome with Oscar Margraf. Later this morning he left for Kotzebue with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelsey and W A Oliver. Another flight to Deering Candle and Kot zebue is planned for tomor-1 row it was announced. Pilot Hans Mirovv of the | Mirow Air Service left j Fairbanks this morning in the Lockheed Vega with : Miss Roberta Middleton, Mrs. Guy Mish and daught er Marianne, Grover And re, B. J. McConaghy and Hugh O’Neill. The plane arrived at Nome early this j afternoon. Pilot Frank Whaley ac companied by Harry Nel son, both of the Nome Air ways took off for Nulato today to pick up passen gers for some points in the Yukon section. The plane is to return tomorrow and make the Xmas Flight to; Pilgrim Hot Springs. Pilot Maurice King of the Ferguson Airways re-! turned Sunday enroute to! Kotzebue with Dick Sund quist for Candle and War ren Ferguson as passengers. Pilot Robbins of the PAA in the Fleetster plane, with 600 pounds of first and sec ond class mail matter arriv ed at Nome at 1 P. M. today from Fairbanks and depart' ed again this afternoon on: his return flight. Pilot Herman Lehrdahl, flying with Xmas express for the Nome section, in connection with today’s flight of the Mirow Air Ser vice from Fairbanks, arriv jed Nome in a Stinson Jr., j loaded to capacity with Xmas packages for Nome ' residents, and others in this section. _ i Subscribe for The Nome Daily Nugget: $2 a month ±by carrier. MILK—FRESH—MILK — Drink Milk for Health ; Dieticians contend that fresh milk contains more nourishment than any oth er known food. It has no substitute. Our cows are selected l on the Pacific Coast—tuber cular tested and approved from the best dairy stock before being shipped. We deliver at your home —office—or store; in quarts pints or half pints. Phone your orders. ! WALSH BROS. DAIRY Dream Theatre ONE SHOW* *J ES D AY ][ P M. “BEAUTY FOR SALE” WITH MADGE EVANS UNA MERKLE FLORENCE McKINNON A Dramatic Romance ALSO SCREEN SNAP SHOTS AND “SANTA'S WORKSHOP’—A Cartoon ADM. ADULTS 75cts (Including Tax) Children 25cts one show XMAS NIGHT 8 p M CHARLES RUGGLES, MARY BOLAND, W. C. FIELDS, ALLISON SKIPWORTH, GRACIE BURNS, GEORGE ALLEN IN “SIX OF A KIND” Laughs, — Laughs, — And More Laughs ALSO ONE TRACK MINDS"—Zazu Pitts, Thelma Todd ALSO “TECHNO CRACKED —A Cartoon ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHRISTMAS GOODIES For The Stockings Mixed Nuts. fre>h shipment ..2 lbs. 55cts Mixed Candies. Xmas Mixture, 2 lbs. 55cts Assorted Bars, Fancy cream mixtures, chewing mixtures, jelly beans, Assorted Kisses per lb. .25 Figs, Dates, Raisins, Candied Figs ... 2 lbs. 55cts Roasted Peanuts.2 lbs. 45cts Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds, Brazils & Filberts Oranges, Apples and Pears For The Table Fresh Squash, per lb. lOcts Frozen Strawberries in syrup .3 for $1.00 Frozen Raspberries insyrup.3 for $1.00 Fresh Red Grapes and Malaga.3 lbs. $1.00 Fresh Cranberries, local, quart . 25cts Fresh Cranberries, outside, quart.3 lbs $1.00 Plum, Date and Fig puddings, 4 portions, .... 45cts Bulk Mince Meat, per lb..20cts Seedless Grapes and Gooseberries .... 3 cans $1.00 Fresh Cabbage-(We may have Head Lettuce if it is possible to make connections and weather is favorable.) Salted Nuts, Every Variety Potato Chips Artichokes, Green Asparagus, Spiced Fruits Stuffed Olives, Ripe Olives Meat Department Suckling Pigs, per lb...62cts Chickens, large roasters, per lb.42cts Turkeys per lb..45cts Special For Christmas Swift Premium Ham, boned, rolled, and tied Per Pound.:..60cts Not the Cooked Variety—Will make an Excellent Meat Entree Potato Curv Sausage, freshly made, per lb. 45cts Last But Not Least—Always Appropriate And Acceptable-Fancy Basket of Fancy Groceries POLET’S