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Newspaper Page Text
Till; NOME DAILY NUGGET C.EO. S MAYNAHD, Editor RUSSELL G MAYNARD, Manager. Pub!: 1 ed every evening except, Sunday by The Nome Publishing Company, Nome, Alaska. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier in Nome, Little Creek and Sunset Creek, for $2.00 per month. By mail postage paid out side of Nome and vicinity, $1.50 pe month. Entered in the Post Office in Nome as 2nd Class Matter MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS A REQUEST As part of the Commun ity celebration of theChrist mas season one of the San ta Claus trees has been plac ed and decorated in the door yard of the Federated church parsonage. As the lights have been tampered with and lamps stolen, this statement is a request and appeal to everyone in No me to join the Committee in permitting this beautiful symbol to be undisturbed nereaiter. Editorial Comment—The above item draws from us nothing but disgust for the type of person who will de liberately tamper with or steal things connected with a beautiful display of Chris tmas decoration. In past years electrically decorat ed Xmas Trees have never been tampered with and have gone unmolested. Attention is called to the public to please desist from any practice such as this. It is both degrading and highly insulting to the peo ple of Nome that such an occurrence should take place. Three Officers In CCC Camp Dead (By The Associated Press' Waterbury, Vt., Dec. 26, —Three army officers at tached to the CCC camp here were burned to death and three others were crit ically burned by a fire which destroyed the officers quarters last night. The dead are Captain Rol and Potter, Captain E. W. Boothby and Lieut. Leon ard C. Bassey. Cook is fashed Overboard hi \ i leavy Sea: Sale Continued From Page 1 stern rose. The ship swung sideways with the lurch. The entire procedure oc curred more rapidly than it takes time to tell, but he was sprawled in the top of a wave just away from the ship’s stern lee quarter and the Eskimo’s rail passed un der him for an instant, just long enough to allow him to catch it and hang on. He Clings to Stern He hung on desperately, weathering the rush of the water leaving the deck as the stern rose in the next swell, and then pulled him self to safety. By that time men from the pilot house had reached his side and the ship’s engine had been stopped. Olson was helped to the galley to recover from the mishap. Except for a blow on the face that he encoun tered somewhere in it all, he suffered no more than a thorough ducking. LOCKHEED ^ VEGA STINSON RELIANT THE FASTEST, MOST FREQUENT, MOST CONVENIENT SERVICE IS VIA MIROW AIR SERVICE FAST, STURDY, LUXURIOUS PLANES _ L_ , ■ T11 THE BOARD OF TRADE NEW LOCATION (Opposite The Dream Theatre) I | ARCTIC BEER PARLOR AND CARD ROOM Between Pioneer Drug Store And Dream Theatre Jack Solomon, Prop. Lucky W inners Gift Barrel At The Polet Store 1. R. W. Roell, ticket num ber 8565,—Set of Dishes. 2. Paul Stafford, 8342, wins a turkey. 3. E. K. Johansen, 20126— Silex Coffee Maker. 4. North Pole Bakery, 6840, —Rug. 5. David Norman, 6645,— Wash Boiler. 6. Mrs. G W Laiblin, 5793, —Box Apples. 7. Fred Hamilton, No. 3465, —Suit Case. 8. Jack Devine, No. 14586, —Doll. 9. K. Graiton, No. 10962, —Electric Lamp. 10. Mrs. Kite, No. 18830, —Pocket knife. 11. W. O Tate, No. 18630, —31b. jar Reliance coffee 12. Hmry Saito, No. 5856, —2ib box chocolates. 13. Mrs. Bogan, No. 5984, —Box of stationary. 14. Mrs. Bob Jackson, No. 15425—1 box 50 cigars 15. Ed. O’Connor Jr., No. 17829, box writing paper 16. Chas. Code, Number 19392, Military Brushes. 17. Fred Hamilton, No. 3366—1 Casserole. 18. Mrs. J. H. S. Morison, No 2706—1 Zipper Bag. 19. C Fagerstrom, No.1362 —Vogue Kettle. 20. Fred Hamilton, No. 3268—Roasting chicken. 21. Carl Bale, No. 11069, a Glass Tea Set. 22. Mrs Art Peterson, No. 15204,—Lunch Bucket. 23. Fred Hamilton, No.3162 —Bill Fold. 24. O. Meisinzahl, No.18582 —Box (25) Optimos. 25. North Pole Bakery, No. 6829—Water Pitcher. 26. Garnet Martin, No. 18970, Box fancy cookies 27. Chas. Fagerstrom, No. 12390,—1 Comforter. REINDEER TOY RIDES!! Price for 3 to 4 persons taking reindeer rides and taking pictures, $ 10.00 A helper will be engaged as a precautionary measure to insue safety to passen gers. Beginning tomorrow rides or trips from the Landing Field to Bessie Roadhouse and return will be made. Transportation of Freight And Passengers to Outly ing Creeks or Villages. SEE James Brandon For Rates and Dates Have your Picture Taken With The Reindeer Jitney ! 28. Jack Devine, No.1503!, —Tie. 29. Jack Devine, No. 14804, —Ice Bowl and Tongs. 30. North Pole Bakery, No. 7237,—Pipe and case. 31. Paul Stafford, No. 8152, —Gillette Razor. 32. 0. M. Powell, No. 7943, —Towel Set. 33. Shamrock Cafe,No.4917 —1-lb. Box Chocolates. 34. Nome Motor Co., No. Continued on Page 3 36 Dead Xmas Holiday Season Several Causes Continued From Page One in jured when he bit a tor pedo thinking it candy. A Norphlet, Arkansas miner was hurt in the same kind of an accident shortly afterwards. Near Sutherland, Nebas ka. Dorothy Metcalfe gave her life trying to save her mother. She pushed her mother to safety, but she herself was struck by a speeding automobile. In Philadelphia, a man shot and killed his stepmoth er over a Christmas, tree trimming argument. Are you taking advantage of six months paid in ad vance subscription ? Nome Laundry Joe Amarok, Prop. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS PHONE MAIN 29 East of Catholic Church Nome, Alaska. Cavey’s Bakery OPEN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 A.M. GOOD CUP OF COFFEE BEST PASTRY IN NOME Good Meals Town & Country S K II SUITS All Colors—Your Choice $12.50 Suit JACK SEIDENVERC CITY LAUNDRY Harry Saito, Prop. Opposite The Bank Suits And Hats Cleaned Laundry Work At Reasonable Prices Baths For Men and Women Phone MAin 149 --- ANNOUNCEMENT THE INTEREST OF C. M. ALLYN IN THE j NOME MOTOR COMPANY, HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY H. F. HARPER (All Indebtedness Incurred By This Partnership Will Be Assumed By The Nome Motor Company) NOME MOTOR CO HAGEN’S Jeweler & Optician “FOR GIFTS THAT LAST” Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Hand Painted China, Candle Stieks, Water Pitchers, Cocktail Sets, Vegetable Dishes, Bon Bon Dishes. Second Avenue, NOME, ALASKA HAVE YOU I KIED CO MAX COAL ? COMAX COAL is produced by the Vancouv er Island Coals Limited, producers also of the fam ous Ladysmith Coal. We brought in a sample sup ply of COMAX COAL on the recommendation of Mr. II. R. Plommer, General Manager, who visit ed Nome last summer. After investigating local conditions Mr. Plom mer advised the introduction of COMAX COAL on the ground of Economy and Efficiency. He pro duced facts showing considerable saving compar ed with oil burning. COMAX COAL is extremely high in heating value, and because of its strong coke qualities, is long-lasting. It is not recommend ed that this coal should be used except in those places where a healthy draft is available, and in this regard it should not be inferred because the draft is on the fire, that the fire is burning to waste. Of course, if the heat is not required there is no purpose in exciting a fierce fire, but if requir ed the more of the oxygen from the atmosphere that can be consumed with the coal, the better the results. NOME HARBOR LIGHTERAGE COMPANY SAVE YOUR TICKETS FOR OUR SPECIAL GIFT ATTRACTION EIGHT M.M. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTOR AND CASE TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE One Ticket for each $1.00 cash purchase or paid On Account—Drawing Jan. 10th. 7:30 P. M., 1936. PIONEER DRUG bTORE NOME MACHINE SHOP W. L. SLACK AND SON. PROPRIETORS Our Aim—Satisfied Customers BOILER, MARINE, TRACTOR, ACETLYNE AND ELECTRIC WELDING MATERIAL STOCKED: SHAFTING, STEEL, BRONZE, BUSHING, BABBITT, ACCESSORIES. Prompt Attention to Local and Out of Town Work Telephone Black 110 MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF ALASKA NOME, ALASKA. Have Moved To Their New Quarters At Barracks Square WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT Northern Light & Power Co. AND Alaska Telephone & Telegraph Co. Second Avenue and Lane's Way LIGHT, POWER AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE