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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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LOCAL ITEAIS The Nome Fire Depart ment changed its fire fight ing equipment from the wagon vehicle to the sled appa: ' . ' : - tinuing on wheels for sev eral weeks past the former record time for a change over from summer equip ment. A card received by Leroy M .Sul livan. Xome att orney. from former Judge E. Coke Hill, conveyed the inform ation that Mr. Hill has op ened law offices at Suite 1507-8-9. Hobart Building. 582 Market St.. San Fran cisco The card was receiv ed on the last mail, and it was believed that the for mer district attonev at No me. had opened offices late in November or early De cember. E. Coke Hill is re membered by the many old timers and Pioneers of this section. He resigned from hi.- position as judge of the District Court for the Four in Division at Fairosnks. being succeeded by Harry K. Pratt, democrat, last summer. Police records today show nly two cases of drunk enness over the Xmas Hoi: day. George Washington, a native,was arrested.plead ed guilty to being drunk. a.nd was fined S20.and elect EMPORIUM BAZAAR Open 8 A. M. — Close 9 P. M. WE JUST RECErVED BY PLANE A NEW SHIPMENT OF HOLIDAY GIFTS. Olft LARGE DISPLAY IS GOING FAST. OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE. Don't Forget. Not the Best, but good as the Rest ! Opposite Telephone Office 1 T j -v r ^ .si 1 K DEMAND IS INCREASING We Can 'lose Them — — NOW ! ! SHIP YOUR SKINS EARLY!! Alaska — Chicago Fur Exchange 368 Central Ave . Highland Park. 111. ed to serve out his fine of 10 days. Fred Orava. a white man. was also arrested for being drunk, pleaded guilty, was fined S20.00 and also elect ed to serve out his fine, in the local city jail. Miss Ruth Johansen was the holder of the lucky num ber in the Phyllis Turner Beauty Shoppe drawing, held Chri-tmas Eve. She received as a prize, a free permanent wave. Weather l'odav by U.S. Weather Bureau) Generally fair weather continues over central and northern Alaska this morn ing.with temperatures near the seasonal average. Rain was falling over the Aleut ian Islands and Gulf dis tricts while snow was re ported at Juneau. Low barometric pressure con tinues over the Pacific oc ean and southwestern Al aska with the lowest read ings charted south of Dutch Harbor and Kodiak Island. Airway conditions at 7 A.M. were as follow: Xome, ptiy cldy, 22 above. Solomon clear. 20 Golovin clear. 25 Nulato clear. 10 PERMANENT W A YIN G Phyllis Turner Beauty Operator Seiffert Flats Telephone For Appointments COAL AND FUEL OIL -o LOMEN COMMERCIAL CO. Kaltag clear, 15 Unalakleet clear, 20 Fiat, clear, 13 Fairbanks clear, 10 Tanana clear, 7 Hot Springs clear, 12 Kotzebue clear, 15 Deering clear, 8 Christmas Carols Were Sung Xmas Eve Native Choir Depite the severe bliz zard Christmas Carolers, lead by Miss Dorothy Rus sell. Deaconess, director, proceeded with their plan of driving around Nome singing Xmas Carols. Many people at places at which they stopped at say they heard them distinctly when their voices carried down wind, but in some places nothing could be heard but the howling of the wind. It was unfortunate that the storm came up Christ mas Eve as everyone in the city was anxious to hear the Xmas Carols again. There were 23 members in the mixed chorus and sing ing was done in both Eski mo and English. Albin Poison kindly drove the team for them as they called at the East End of Nome. North, and West, stopping frequently in the residential districts for their songs. They started out about 10 P.M. and con tinued until about 1:30 AM Xmas morning. After sing ing for some time they en joyed a hot lunch at the North Pole Bakery and then went out into the storm again. Much credit is due each and every one for their pluck and courage in braving the storm and fulfilling the hopes of many of the Nomeites that they might hear the Christmas Carols sung on Christmas Eve. FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral Services for the late Alexander Patterson, will be held at 2 P.M. Fri day, (tomorrow), at the Federated church. Any flower offerings may be left at McConaghy’s Of fice between the hours of 10 A.M.and noon tomorrow Soldiers Killed (By The Associated Press) Addis Ababa, Dec. 26, — The Ethiopian government reported today that some of its soldiers had been shot down by an Italian air plane at Daggah Bur. MILK—FRESH—MILK Drink Milk for Health Dieticians contend that fresh milk contains more nourishment than any oth er known food. It has no substitute. Our cows are selected on the Pacific Coast—tuber cular tested and approved from the best dairy stock before being shipped. We deliver at your home —office—or store; in quarts pints or half pints. Phone your orders. WALSH BROS. DAIRY Dream Theatre ONE SHOW FRIDAY 7:30 P. M. “ ABOVE THE CLOUDS ” WITH ROBERT ARMSTRONG, DOROTHY WILSON, RICHARD CROMWELL A Fast Thrill Film of Newhawks ALSO CLYDE COOK IN— TORCHY S BUSY DAY” AND “THE MAD KING ’—A Cartoon EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION IMPERSONATION OF MOVIE STARS ADULTS 55 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS ONE SHOW 7:30 P. M. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE ON SEWARD PENINSULA Mining and Dredging Supplies Agents For Lang Stoves and Ranges Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Etc. JOHN LICHTENBERG HARDWARE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1936 CALENDARS are now being distributed, please call or phone for yours. A. POLET. POLET’S